Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I stated SHE, not he. What is wrong with you? If you continue to bully her, I personally will report you. I have been following this thread, be an adult. block her or just walk away. You seemed obsessed with all her replies, reply to other people.

How do you know this person is 16, unless your the same person?

It’s not your business. If you want to make this an issue, lets do it. Because now you are starting to harass me.

This is very bizarre.


Blizzard gives players rewards that are tailored for the content they do. That is all.

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I abhor group content so rarely to never do it, and I don’t care what the people who are doing it get as rewards. What does that have to do with me? I play my own game.


I just have 1 more thing to say & I’ll be done. You’re the person who started harassing me 1st.
I can repost your responses to me.

Good Night

Simple. Gear.

Solo gearing is truncated compared to group play.

Consider Torghast. The iLevel recommended for high end Jailers Gauntlet (Layer 4+) is 285.

But there’s no way to get 285 as a solo player. Even if you include “anonymous” content like World Bosses.

Torghast is mostly solo content, especially at higher gear levels. If Torghast rewarded “Torghast” gear, that is gear that makes Torghast easier, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. It offered up some buffs and powers (i.e. Tower Knowledge), but not enough to actually conquer the content as a solo player.

But it doesn’t. So as a solo player, you’re limited how far you can go vs a group player trying to solo Torghast.

Out in the world, I was working the 20 WQ weekly this week, because I wanted the anima. Part of it was the elite quest in Ardenweald (because of the anima). The better geared you are, the faster you can kill those elite mobs (or any mobs for that matter), and the more you can kill at a time. Who doesn’t like rounding up an entire glade of mobs and AOEing them down. It’s fun. It’s fun to blow stuff up, and to do it quickly.

Is it “necessary”? No. But it’s fun.

That’s why folks want gear. It makes even the drudgery of farming world trash more fun. Take less time. Easier to do. Only a select few would tell you that running WQs don’t take enough time.


Correct. It would be great to be able to do difficult content without the gear level requirements. Plus i would love an optional pvp system with templates. Skill should be the most important factor, not time spent.


Mage tower could be done on greens item, no real gear requirement. You had the option to get better gear for it, if you were not good at the game, but anyone that was decent just did it with the gear they had as it was all scale down anyway.

Then go and do the contend for the gear, you can do +2 and end with a full set of 300 ilv gear, it doesnt get easier than that.

Can I ask, why don’t you try to get into those activites?

The game is built to have players group up. Thats what happens at max level.

The intent of the developers is that you start grouping up, forming relationships, and doing the content together.

Not talking to you now, but why is this so difficult for solo players to comprehend? Why do you insist on playing in an MMO, in a way that the developers never intended except for the leveling game? Even then, in the original game, and retail, there are quests that require you to group up to complete.

This is what baffles me.

You think only 1 person is asking for solo stuff or a few million even those who stopped playing because of this, because even if you spend one sec on each feedback just to arrange it in category not even read it , you will spend the entire expansion doing so .

If a 18 years mmo experienced AAA company like Blizzard is struggling to do stuff like this while trying to maintain a middle ground with thier invertors and players , no way you can :rofl:

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lol, i completed all of torghast’s highest levels at like 260 ilvl.

Its completely doable solo without having to have high level gear. You just need to be competent.

The devs picked a wrong time in history to try to force people to group up that’s for sure. As divisive as things are now especially online i can’t be bothered listening to so drivel in discord just to kill some pixel bosses in a game, that is the issue I have with group content right now. It’s no longer new and different like it was 20 years ago before Facebook, Twitter etc etc.

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Honestly at this point you can literally buy carries for TSM, AOTC, CE and even get loot traded to you. Why does anyone care if some solo players can farm up some good quality loot every so often at all?

Kind of a dumb hill to die on if you ask me.


Solo players dont want amazing gear for doing daily or world quests, they want an engaging progression path that doesnt require them to join a group. If they had done something with torghast that provided gear as it increased in difficulty similar to how mythics do I bet they would have loved it. There are always going to be lazy players even in group content but the true players who want solo progresssion arent asking for handouts


That kind of happened in SL beta. Torghast originally had a timer, and dropped gear. Then players complained about the timer, to the point where blizzard removed both the timer and the gear.

I’d bet money the timer is what set people off, the timer is what turns a lot of people off from mythics as well.


Yet if you look at all PvE content that rewards end game gear, there is some form of timer. M+ dungeon timer, raid bosses enrage timer are the obvious examples, but the horrific vision sanity meter also acted as a timer.

I cant argue against that at all lol I just know that a lot of casuals dont like the timers cuz they dont want to be rushed.