Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Yeah, it’s awkward. I had thought they’d respond to the complaints by making the first lift-off a bit smaller and take only half a mote of Vigor, or by allowing us to use Surge Forward after a small jump, just for ease of frequent stops. Maybe refunding more Vigor on Aerial Halt. Or even just generalizing the Vigor regen from kills/gather and expanding it to quest interactions. Something of that sort.

Not… a long cast to toggle it.


The toggle is designed to be a pain point so people that like both are punished.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Just admit it …TBC normal flying is better for mining and herbing plain and simple…a Tauren Druid with TBC normal flying flight mode can out do anybody using Dragon Flying hands down.


eh… it about how you use it, It took bit before I master it, Now I Enjoy it, I do like choice of switching but here thing

Skyriding/Dragonriding is faster but it more like faster glideing mount that fall to ground, while TBC flying is “Swiming” glideing is faster while the “Swiming” is slower and take while… you can match up the speed…

would you be fast… or floating in the air?

skyriding is a mini game for fast travel, real flying is the best way to actually play the game…

nice false hypothesis by the way…

People dislike the new flying for many reasons.

A few of those are:

  • Accessibility (Obviously)… Some players just don’t have the hand eye coordination to fly a mount this fast, and this not a skill issue. Some players have nephropathy struggles, or visual impairment, or get motion sick very easily

  • This will become an outdated justification, but thew new flying system was limited to a small number a mounts and invalidated hundreds of others introduced, and invalidated the achievement of earning mounts. Like Ashes of Alar. (Like I said, outdated, every mount is getting dynamic flight)

  • Dynamic flight makes questing a pain in the a**. Dynamic flight is like a high speed drag car. It’s very fast in a straight line, but thats about it. Turning sucks, you cant hover, you cant scope out an area, and you ALWAYS have to keep moving.

  • Trying to reach certain POI’s and high points on a map can objectively take longer because of the vigor (stamina system)… If someone wants to fly up to the top and land on “what sword”, good luck doing it on a dynamic flight mount, it’s really, really… REALLY hard to get that kind of altitude.

  • Another point on vigor. Its a limitation. Straight up. It has the potential to cause the player to forcibly land so their mount can “rest” when all they’re trying to do it just fly to the capital city thats nestled onto of a mountain they cant reach because “their mount is to tired”

  • No option to toggle back to standard TBC flying (granted unless they complete the storyline of TWW)… This obviously gets in the way of things mentioned like accessibility.

  • You cant AFK fly a dynamic flight mount, you have to babysit it.

Just a few things to note why people do not like it… Coupled with the inconsistent justification from blizzard that… “We can have new the flight system, but not TBC”… It’s just awkward and weird… and the whole reason why Blizzard does this is because they know TBC flying is vastly superior when it comes to questing, and flying short distances. As the player can fly straight up, hover, and set back down, grab the quest item, then fly away without alerting any enemies … … … … … Think about it like a helicopter vs a fighter jet. It’s easier to set a helicopter down on a very specific spot as compared to having to land on a runway with a fighter jet.


I guess this means you aren’t aware of the Aerial Halt skill?

And this my friends is the only reason they are screaming they want TBC fight from the start. Behold the truth!!! Its not because of Disabilities or to be able to explore and a gentil nice slow pace or any of the other non since excuses. Its so they can use the old fashion flight mode to herb and mine at max efficiency early on or as soon as they can in hope to make as much gold in the AH before it gets flooded by everyone else doing the same ol thing.

This is why I support Blizzards Dev’s stance on how they are running flight requirements. Because people cover up their true intentions with fibs and scream at the Devs like they are horrible people that have taken something that is game ending away.

When all its done is alter the way they make gold in the game a bit.


For me i like it BUT you cant “float” in place like you can flying mounts; Most likely the fact that you jave to be in constant motion is why people dislike it, thats it for me atleast.
Dragon flying us super fast/eddicient way to get around though, just difficult in certain situations. Also you cand just fly up and float and go AFK safely with mobs around.

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If Dragon flying is so far Superior then TBC normal flying …why is Blizzard demanding players to do a Pathfinder achievement to get TBC normal flying then?


LOL, that is the most pathetic thing I’ve read in the entire thread. Yup, clicking that toggle is definitely too much work.


If it’s just so pathetically trivial, why have it in the first place?


I don’t suck at Dragon flying I am one of those that is disabled and find it hard to use all the time when I am trying to mine or herb…or hunt for Battle pets…see I can’t do normal raiding or PVP cause of my medical issues…one being I have had stroke…I also have damaged hands and no I can’t use a gaming mouse they are too big for my small child size hands which on most days I have to keep my hands and wrists in Carpal Tunnel braces which are bulky and restrict movement…


I hope your neck is fine after that 180 degree whiplash.

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because FoV is still to low and they refuse to up it to modern standards. I love it until I want to vomit.

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keyboard turners / clickers

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Its Blizzards game, they can make you do what ever they want to unlock something. They don’t really have a contract to tell you or anyone else why. The fact that the vast majority of players have zero issues with dragonriding and have said they personally like it better than TBC for the most part, speaks volumes. So it is a huge success.

You are not going to prove or win an argument that no one cares for or even a majority of players do not care for nor like dragonriding. Just playing the game itself and looking around proves this. One doesn’t need physical numbers from Blizzard showing each toons active level on either a TBC mount or a Dragonriding mount during the later part of Dragonfilght xpac to prove that. One can just see it 1st hand in world.

One can use many real arguments as to why they personally may not care for it over TBC. But trying to use false pretenses never work out well in the long run. Or over exaggerated facts or issues.

Also people who are mad or upset thinking a gaming company such as Blizzard or Microsoft now days needs to write them a 20 page essay about a choice they make on a mechanic in a video game to me is very silly to say the least. Because every single choice upsets someone every single time. They would never stop having to explain their choices. This is non productive for them to have to do that. And if they do it for one thing, people will demand it for another and then another so on and so on.

Its more then a few hours as those others had said weeks back about this issue of putting TBC normal flying behind Pathfinder again…I regret buying TWW early now too…


Find me a gaming mouse that my small child size hands can use while having to wear bulking wrist braces cause of damaged hands and wrists…

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They told us the requirements the same day the expansion was announced. It’s been known since day 1.