Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Pretty sure they’ve already announced that regular flying won’t be available until later in the xpac just like it was for DF.

I am of 2 opinion of wwi sky riding i like it on dracthyr but on flight form i don’t also on mounts with no wings it looks awful.

I personally only use when I need to Get. There. Right. Now. I would love to see how many gliding devotees would still love it if it wasn’t twice as fast :thinking:?? If one thing has a MASSIVE efficiency advantage over the alternative most are using it because of the advantage, not because they like it. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Regular flying will be available on leveling campaign completion

“Supposedly” its just max level, Explorer and the kicker, “complete the campaign chain”. The scoff reply is the campaign will only take “a few hours”, I’ll belive that (and purchase TWW) when it’s been proven. I trust Daddy Blizz to be a spite-driven anti-flight elitist, and so far he has 10000% met my expectations. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Vigor charges


This is it, right there.
Like I said, if regular flying could be as fast as “cruise speed” skyriding, very few people would bother with it.

The constant upkeep is annoying in comparison to the simple “set-and-forget” of regular flying.

We need flying combat or some actual gameplay, with useful rewards, for it to be interesting.

Remix already gave us something with the orbs.


Well I hope so for the sake of those that want it for some reason, but I honestly can’t imagine not playing the expansion over it. I’m so glad we can do anything other than walk anywhere from the beginning I don’t even care what form it’s in.

Questing, gathering, short flights, all suck with DF in my opinion. Anything where you’re landing and taking off constantly eats vigor and when you have no vigor you can’t fly

Much prefer “steady flight” or whatever they want to call it for that type of thing.

But with the 5 second cast on it currently… i’m just going to stay steady flying


I don’t think it would be fair to say that very few people would bother with it lol. I love it. I love that it’s more interactive than sleeping while you fly somewhere. I am super excited to see a ton of mounts that were boring to fly with… like the azure peafowl, are now super satisfying to fly with. Farming herbs is the only reason I would ever use old flying. I have exactly zero desire to sit motionless in the sky when I go afk. Flight is for getting around and that is more easily accomplished in a timely manner with new flying.
It’s fine that some don’t like or choose not to use it but it feels pretty off to assume that most people exclusively use it only for the faster speed, and otherwise wouldn’t bother. Once you spend 45 minutes collecting the upgrades you never run out of vigor so the few negatives from when it was new just disappear on their own. As someone that enjoys it I don’t see any real negatives to it. But I am glad that people that don’t like it for whatever reason have the ability to turn it off and never have to use it.

Only in long term flight, multiple short jaunts (like bouncing around a quest hub, or many close gathering nodes) still kill the vigor.

I’m talking points where you never really get up to speed

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I believe people who gather and play the game entirely for the AH hate it, and people who physically can’t do it also hate it.

The latter is most important but if it ruins a gameplay for someone doing the former it’s worth addressing too.

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You’d rather stay on the ground and get killed by pathing enemies?
Or waste time looking for a safe spot?

I’m pretty sure that is the case. Call it a gut feeling if you will, but for most people, spamming a single button is not compelling gameplay.

Not to mention that using it to fly around when questing means you will run out of vigor, or when getting speed bumped by a twig/rock/whatever obstacle with wonky hitbox, killing all your momentum.

IMHO, the best and only real great part of Skyriding, other than the double/triple speed compared to regular flying, are the races.


I think the real reason the people who hate it hate it is because it makes herbing and mining a little harder. 99% of the time that I fly, I just want to get to where I am going the fastest way possible and skyriding does that in spades. It is faster than flightpaths, I never even use those now.

It’s really not that hard to find the nearest safe path lol. I’ve been playing this game plenty long enough to know where it’s safe to stand and where it’s not. And if I’m not going to be back in the next five minutes I would just log off.


plus there are just times you want to put your mount in the air, point it where you want it to go and hit the number button and just chill.


I think, when people can use their favorite mounts for dragon skying, that the complaints will all go away. Well, they’ll realistically just shift to something else, but for hte most part people will be very happy.

Well, you do you then.

I hate loading and WoW loading screens are already too long to me because of my addons (totally worth it though), so I would never log out unless I know I’m gone for over 20 minutes.


There are 2 camps in the Dragon Riding dislike camp.

1.) People with disabilities, and there are a wide range of different things that prevent them from being able to navigate DF properly. For these people I hope Blizz can find a good solution for them!

2.) The second camp are lazy people. You can just ignore them.

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TBC normal flying speed has been boosted and DR speed has been tuned down. Do not be surprised if they tone done DR speed again.

BlizZard is infamous for their rug pulls…

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: