Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

The 3 reasons I can think of are:

  1. they are keyboard turners

  2. they want to be able to hover in the air and go afk without extra steps

  3. photosensitvity issues

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It’s another slot on the already crowded action bar (at least i assume we can put it on our action bar, if not, that’s even worse).

Mounting my DR mount now takes 6.5s instead of 1.5 like before, plus the two actions. Instead with 1 action and 1.5 seconds, I’m off and away, can right click to move, afk fly, etc.

ground mounts go faster than my 60% burning rush, but 60% BR is instant and I’m half way across the room before folks are even mounted. Yea, in the long run, they win the race, but it’s longer than you think. Same will be for flying mounts.

700% isn’t even twice the 410 of the new mounts.

All that clicking and casting and waiting and crap adds up.

Forget it, I’ll stick with my 410 mount and drink my drink.


And there’s your answer and likely the result Blizz was hoping for.


There is no need for it being a 5s cast. Should be instant and “castable” while mounted.


Arthritis and frustration. Some of us are getting on in years and aren’t as spry as we were 20 years ago when we first started playing WoW.


gaming shouldnt be suited for everyone. I hear the blind arent having a great time on wow.

Im well aware, however, Aerial Halt allows you to sudo-hover, and flap your wings backward, which causes you to lose altitude progressively faster, and you’re still drifting on the vector you were previously on.

You then have to spend vigor, to gain momentum again…

And it’s not exactly “easy” to use… The entire argument, is that dynamic flight is just an overall cumbersome system to use, as compared to TBC flying.


Not easy?
Hit Aerial Halt.
Check out your surroundings while stopped.
Gently land or continue on your journey.

It’s a key skill to learn if you want better control over you ride. Getting to the mini Bosses in the Dawbreaker without pulling extra drops almost requires its use.

Yes TBC flying is easy mode. It’s inertia-less movement with no resource attached. That’s likely why Blizz doesn’t like it.

It’s fine for going long distances, it’s terribly clunky and annoying when doing quests in a small area.


Depending on the size of the area in question why would you waste time mounting at all?

By this mentality why even have flying or mounts at all? If you’re questing in a small area, i.e within 250 yards, it’s literally faster to get on a TBC mount and move that short distance, and do your activity, than to get on a dynamic flight mount.

Not only that, while you’re on your TBC mount, you have full access to your action bars, where as with dynamic flight you dont.

Obviously you’re in full support of dynamic flight, and just want TBC flight to go away.

However, the point of this entire thread was looking for key points for why people don’t like dynamic flight as compared to TBC flight … Not “Im going to try to convince every single person on here, and make arguments to try and be the most right”

Moreover, it’s intellectually dishonest to completely dismiss any of the cons when it comes to dynamic flight, and only focus on the positives while just listing out all the negatives about TBC flying.

And my rebuttle to this, is… So then why not fly over to them with a TBC mount and drop right on their head? Why subject yourself to a system thats harder to use, when you can just fly (what is effectively a helicopter) right over top of them, hover, and drop down when you’re ready?

Simply put…

Dynamic Flight


  • It looks cool
  • It’s really fast as compared to TBC
  • Its more engaging


  • No AFK flight
  • Its hard to use, and you have less control
  • There are now even more buttons and a stamina system the player has to use

TBC Flying


  • AFK Flight
  • Its easy to use
  • It makes questing easier
  • You have more control as compared to Dynamic flight
  • Every single player in the game can use this system because of how easy it is


  • Always tied to some pathfinder objective
  • It’s not as engaging
  • It’s slow
  • It doesnt look as cool

Because you can’t use TBC flying in that Dungeon and part of the difficulty in using Sky Riding correctly in Dawnbreaker is avoiding all the pats. It’s has much less room to land than Nokhud.

LOL no it isn’t. They both have the same cast time and both require you to get in the air via space bar but you’ll get there faster Sky Riding via Whirling Surge.

Obvious how? I could care less.

You must not play the game much to not understand why people like old flying.

I think its fine that sky riding is much faster but making us have to click an annoying toggle with a cast time for the old flying just so we can carefully get on top of a tree branch to loot a chest doesn’t sound like much fun.


It can be hard for some players to control because it can move very fast. I don’t see the big deal tbh, you can now use regular flying too. My understanding is not all mounts are getting skyriding so I’ll have one of those on my bar for when I need precision or to hover.

That won’t work. Any mount that can fly but hasnt been converted doesn’t work when the toggle is set to Sky Riding.

Seriously? I had not tested that. Oh that needs to change. We’ll spend half our time pulling up the controls to toggle one way or another. Annoying wouldn’t even cover that.


You can drag the toggle to a hot bar.

Then why are you trying to rebuttable every single point anyone makes on this thread? Also, why are you trying to convince everyone is wrong, and they should see everything from your point of view?

You obviously care, and you’re vary passionate about it, or this conversation wouldn’t be happening.

Dynamic flight is cool, it’s fast, and it’s fun.

TBC is easier to use, it’s easier for questing, and you can AFK fly.

I just don’t understand this stiff back mentality to berate, and rebuttable against people on a thread that’s literally titled “Why do so many people dislike skyriding?”

People have given their reasons for why they like TBC, in what ways and what situations TBC flight is the preferred option. But every single time someone gives an objective, well thought out response, you’re hostile and overly negative about it… What purpose does this serve? It’s a losing battle.


I just don’t like it being the only option is all. Especially since we have to unlock regular flying as a pathfinder thing in the new expansion. Idk why we can’t just have regular flying as well at the same time. It’s not faster than skyriding so I’m confused as to why they put it behind an achievement.


LOL what? You’re the only one I responded to in this whole thread and the only rebuttable (that’s the proper use fyi) was to laugh at you saying using Aerial Halt was hard.