Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I hate it. It’s nothing more than a glider racing mini-game. It’s not “immersive” and serves as a fidget spinner for those who can’t take two steps in the game without hitting the space bar or some unnecessary action button, people who always have to be interacting with the game somehow. I can see how it would be fun for middle schoolers, but it’s only a matter of time before the nasty, loud advocates get bored with it. Heck, there have already been cries to give ground mounts the same “feature”.
And as far as the unfounded assertions about “majority/minority” go, no one knows because glider racing and BC flight have never been on equal footing by design. I’ll remind you that Hazzikostas is a union-busting lawyer who has no reservations about twisting the truth when it suits him so his “wildly popular” assertions should be taken with a grain of salt. Glider racing was the only form of flight from the beginning of DF, given freely and promoted heavily. It required no effort so of course the worst elements in the player base were going to go for it.


DR is so “popular” they are forcing people to use it.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I hate Dragonflying, I much prefer the control and simplicity of oldflying, but I know that’s a me issue so I don’t complain about it.

Times change, and we either adapt or quit.


BlizZard fails to understand player choice.

They are doing the same big fat L like covenants. Being stubborn on an easy win makes them look bad and gives them a black eye.

Especially by punishing those that have physical issues using Dr.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


A vocal minority.

I would say 95% of players love it.
Most people come to a forum to complain about something over talking about how good something is.

Well for one thing Dragonriding appeals to narcissist A-Holes who now compare draginriding to Mythic Raiding, claiming it is superior in EVERY WAY (lol) or sniding that its a “skill” issue to deride others.

They will go out of their way to insult someone who prefers old flying where the old flying crowd doesn’t do the same.

I like BOTH forms… they both have advantages and disadvantages… i prefer old flying for short hops, hovering and precision flying, i prefer dragonriding for covering long distances. Its easier to “afk” fly old school while you have to pay attention to dragonriding. Its give or take depending on what you need.

In short its like comparing a supersonic jet to a helicopter… both have things they do better than the other.


Why do people cite majorities or minorities?

Point is that player options should matter and be respected. BlizZard is not respecting players that do not like DR or can not use DR.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I don’t like it because you cannot hover without using abilities. Everything is an ability to spend and replenish vigor. It’s annoying when I just want to fly from A to B and sometimes stop mid-air to see if there is anything on the ground I want without having to keep circling around it. So, I prefer using the old flying personally.


they broke my mounts in favor of dragon riding

violet spellwing is now broken with 2 problems.

  1. It attempts to legitimize Daddy Blizz’s spite against real flying.
  2. It takes away all my immersion while traveling because to efficiently dragon glide I have to start super high so I barely even see the ground
  3. I want to get from point A to Point B, not be forced into Dragon Gliding Simulator 1.0 and have to micromanage my travel. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

It’s not a huge problem. Just sometimes I either have to stop and wait for a recharge or just swap mounts for the rest of the way up. If I am playing with my wife we will just swap ride alongs to whomever was not flying before.

I don’t get motion sickness but feel the same way, really. I like to relax and putz around, taking in the sights. You just can’t do this with dragonriding.

It’s also super annoying for precision flying, like finding cave entrances, treasure chests or gathering nodes… and honestly, I firmly believe it was designed that way on purpose and that’s why pathfinder still exists. They want some sort of roadblock between us and our objectives whether its mobs on the ground, or flying past it too fast to even see it.

I’m not a cat but I do occassionally get the zoomies and dragonride around a bit, but 9 times out of 10 I pick a regular flying mount for precision and for chill. :upside_down_face:


I really like dragon riding and think it’s hands down the best thing to come out of dragon flight. It’s very fast, it’s pretty easy to learn and if you spend a few hours practicing the controls and learning things like the camera flick trick when pressing ascend (faster than the dash) it’s pretty easy to master. If you struggle with precision, use the halt button and practice.
I really enjoy the races too.
That being said I think you should be able to enable/disable dynamic flight on individual mounts, like a checkbox or something.
And static flight does feel extra painfully slow now. Maybe raise the speed another 25% in TWW when you unlock pathfinder?
Keep people from crying too hard about the requirement/achievement

They either struggle with the mechanic or they’re one of the people that think travel between places should take 10-15 min.

Regular flight shouldn’t be increased at all. That was one of the first complaints about DR when it came out (Until they fixed it)…then it became about…physical issues.

Or the fact that short jaunts eats your vigor like candy and not having vigor sucks.

A toggle would be fine if it wasn’t a 5 second cast, DR is great for distance travel, but that’s about it.


The majority enjoy dr, but most people aren’t as vocal about things they like as they are about things they dislike, who the minority who doesn’t enjoy it is going to have a bigger presence here.

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Well this is news to me, I figured mounts without gliding would just default to real flying. Now I’m DEFINITELY waiting a couple weeks after launch to buy TWW, just to make sure the requirements for Pathfinder aren’t time/spite-gated. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Doubtful that anything changes. We know now what has to be done.

When i tried the beta last this did not work. You have to change the the main toggle. People were complaining because what you’re describing is what people have been doing in DF but they haven’t been able to do the same in beta. I have been on it in a week or so, so it’s possible it has been changed but it was not like that initially.