Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

That’s a tribute to you for pushing through, and yours is the kind of case where I can understand the complaint.

My comment was how great of a percentage of the playerbase suddenly claimed to have these issues.

Remember when they announced crab mode for people with arachnophobia and people strarted bringing up the most outlandish situations? Well what about those of us with this rare condition

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Agreed. People have started to make this topic about virtue signaling more so than understanding the demand to force EVERYONE else to change because of .05% of the population.

Its like going to a Bar that serves alcohol then demanding they stop serving alcohol because you’re a light weight, or you have kidney failure or something to that effect, then push this dogma on others who want to enjoy a beer.

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Yup I play another game dead by daylight, basically 4 survivors vs 1 killer and one of the killers is a clown so people started asking for some kind of filter for those who are afraid of clowns.

Then people said the killer who makes people throw up is insensitive to people who have eating disorders… and on and on.

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I don’t know how these people cope with life. Death is the most offensive thing in the universe, and we all die.

Some day that inevitability will have to be faced and they probably can’t.

I’m still tempted to click that to see what that is all about, but don’t as I don’t have a fear of spiders. The color-blind mode, I tried that to help me in the Dragon Riding races once because the rings sometimes are hard to see and OMG, I wanted to throw up it was so disgusting bad.

But honestly if I were to choose what to put behind a Path Finder option, I would have put “Sky Riding” over "Steady Flight. Not to piss anyone off, but from an accessibility standpoint SF has been in the game for 17 years and people that rushed to get through the campaign to get SF would have taken more time to enjoy the game.


This expansion’s pathfinder has minimal requirements needed that I can recall of any of the others.
I flew out and grabbed all of the skyriding tokens to get everything explored, grabbed most of the flightpaths as well, then went back and did nothing but the campaign quests, no instances other than those required for the campaign. Got pathfinder at level 76 this morning. I’d say about 6-8hrs of gaming off and on over the long weekend.
Saying that to say that Blizzard using Pathfinder as a gating mechanism is silly. It feels more like someone being petty by keeping it in the game more than a means of slowing us down or, as they see it, gaining a reward of being able to fly old school.

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Give us infinite vigor and I’ll at least like it.

When I fly between the bank and AH I crash into the doorways a lot. That didn’t happen with old/slow flying.

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Using DR in old cities is a nightmare with high end rigs or potato computuers so I have tested this a lot. It comes down to the hubs are not really optimized.

As a result massive memory drops happen.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I don’t turn it off because i like it, but it can be turned of i believe.

So true, so true.

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BlizZard would not do that because it would then be called TBC normal flying 2.0.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I think they slowed down max flight since implimenting the new flight …

also the long waits to get energy back for this when you need to use it up (If you are at the bottom of a big cliff you use up most of the energy getting back up)

I like the flight in a way BUT since they seem to have completely removed the option to switch flight types in TWW it is a pain and a cheap system to slow players down rather than giving them the content that really didn pay for

That was especially noticeable in DF trying to push from Zaralek to Vald - even with everything off cd it’s a struggle (still I like dragonriding and soar better than regular flight for anything other than hovering).

Your dang wrong now on what can cause CTS…manual work with hand tools can cause it too…not just being on a computer now…for some of us we can handle using steady flight cause it has less use of keyboard to fly…up till Dragon Flying in Dragon Flight I was quite able to play the game as long as I took breaks between quests and or doing LFR or LFD…but trying to use DF all the time to mine or herb on top of my other activities within the cause me more pain …

Besides my damage to my hands and wrists wasn’t from computers it was from building US Military Jets ie hand tools to blind rivet whole F-14 refab intake walls…was just part of my job…or doing precision drill work on the walls…they have to be stepped up to a bigger size then counter sunk all by hand, blind riveted , 100’s of them not just two or three…


So your situation I can see, and thank you for! But again I am willing to put money on the fact that a large number of the people complaining have no such condition and re just complain it’s fun to pile on Blizz

DR is slower in TWW zones compared to DF zones.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I’m really not sure why people are so cavalier about minimizing the impact of motion sickness in video games and belittling those that experience it. This is NOT a trivial issue.

The National Institute of Health published a paper in the National Library of Medicine in 2012 detailing how wide-spread the issue is:

We evaluated the nauseogenic properties of a commercially available console video game in both adults and 10-year-old children. Individuals played the game for up to 50 min and were instructed to discontinue immediately if they experienced any symptoms of motion sickness, however mild. During game play, we monitored movement of the head and torso. Motion sickness was reported by 67% of adults and by 56% of children;…

If you do not get dizzy or motion sick in these sorts of activities YOU ARE LUCKY, nothing more.

Furthermore, the NIH has used a specific name and definition for it in their libraries since 1999: ‘Cybersickness’ is a form of motion sickness that is stimulated by artificial moving images such as in videogames.


So we have to be able to navigate a mini game in order to play WoW now? Or at least wait until we unlock a form of flight that should be able to exist perfectly side by side with the new one. Either Blizz believes in their baby or they themselves are just being a petty baby. Don’t go trying to justify their reasoning. That’s their job and nothing that has ever come out of their mouths feels justifiable, to me.


1/3 people world wide have some motion sickness issue.

This isn’t going away.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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