Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

You answered your own question, every new bot account has to spend 6 to 8 hours getting Pathfinder.

This is a lie, they changed the requirement MONTHS ago and this was repeatedly brought up.

You don’t agree with them 100% so sadly they’re going to completely dismiss any issues you face.

The poster was making up complaints that were actually intrinsic to them not knowing what they were actually doing and had nothing to do with Dynamic flight itself, your response is a non-sequitur. “Who cares is someone is lying and blaming something else cause they don’t know what they’re doing?” Seriously?

Whoa! If the opinion of the Community Council is that it is OK to discriminate against one type of flying by locking it behind Pathfinder because it is “cake easy” rather than requiring that same “cake easy” achievement to unlock both…

Then maybe it is time to get a new Community Council? One that can represent all of the views of the player base; especially those that are disabled or made physically ill from using a past feature of a past expansion?

Advocacy requires that you speak for all concerned and not just agree with the features that YOU find fun. Even if Pathfinding is “cake easy” this time around using it as a barrier for just one of two options for flying is the very definition of discrimination.

I can only hope there were at least some others who spoke up on the Community Council about this decision. Otherwise it would appear that it is not an effective system for advocacy to the Blizzard developers for a good many of the player base.



Too small to make any difference in botting activity.

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Short hops can be annoying. I prefer regular flying, just wish it was faster than the DF crap.


I just dislike not being able to hover, land and take off as I please.
Also, not a fan of relying on ’ fuel ’ in order to fly.


The faster flight is fine BUT honestly the issue is the speed which your energy comes back sometimes…

on the island of dorn I had issues while on the wrong side of the moutain trying to get to the last quests as I was low on energy and couldn’t go over the top of the mountain but had to fly around it …

Flight for me has always been a little off though as it allows you to bypass the game and necessity to use flight paths as a rule … shrug …

having said that I too would hate going back to running for the first 40 levels … then get the slow mounts … back then it was part of it but after SOO long I think I would go slowly insane

Like I said PF only exists to spread toxicity at this point. It is not a unity achievement or born from goodwill or even so called “compromise”

It is 100% pure pettiness.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


it’s a pain in the butt, since I am not very coordinated.


Some people even mentioned physical problems such as carpal tunnel, broken wrists and more as why they do not like the minigame flight system.

To force minigame flight on them is mean and Pathfinder needs to be removed and never appear in game in anyway ever again.


I do like I don’t have to look for Flight Paths on my alternate characters. I do like the express elevator in Isle of Dorn drops you in Ringing Deeps and the one portal in Dornogal takes you right to Azj-Kahet again alt friendly.

Problem is the Content Creators specifically during beta said that the criteria to get Path Finder was to complete X, Y and Z. Well, that’s what we get for listening to Blizzards new form of advertising for their game which when it went live wasn’t completely correct.

This is another reason I don’t read news about the game on Wow-Head, Twitch or YouTube. Some reason I rarely see blue posts in the forum, maybe because I am always in a post upon checking my tabs, but they never appear at the bottom in the “Suggested Reading”.

But still if I had a choice, I would get rid of the toggle, allow us to put some flying mobs on a no Dragon Riding er, sorry I meant Sky Riding list and have both a fast and slow mount back on my task bar. I’m not against fast mount, as I did use it sparingly, I just choose to slow mount for 95% of the content the game provides.


If you have issues move the keys around to make it yours… I HATE the HALT option as I am forever hitting it by accident if I don’t put it at the end …

1 rise
2 forward
3 surge forward
and end is halt …

BIG issue I hate is that my combat buttons aren’t on there so I often end up fighting to dismount or launching myself back into the sky

I think i did, my apologies.

Yes communication is still an ongoing issue and I think third party websites while informative should not be the core of that information and communication.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I think that argument is going to backfire. For the few who do suffer, the rest shouldn’t. Consequently the few who can’t shouldn’t be obligated to participate in the “mini flight” game. Using a cognitive distortion (negative filter) isn’t going to do much here.

So you are in agreement that Pathfinder should be removed, but I am not making my case for my disagreement with hurting humans well enough? Interesting.

I mean… it’s not obligatory and a video game isn’t a necessity to life. Everyone makes choices.

At the end of the day I disagree with forcing people to use something that harms them, but they are free to do as they please.

I’ve made my point known that neither should be mandatory out of kindness. However to say the game is “forcing” people to do so as if it’s a necessity to life is ridiculous.

Because somehow as soon as Blizz announcing dragon riding would be immediate and old flying was locked for 8 hours the outrage started… and seemingly half of the WoW playerbase developed vertigo/motion sickness so it was a slap in the face

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For myself, I don’t suffer from motion sickness / vertigo, but a hand disability because of finger amputations. Before that, I had both the fast and slow mounts on my taskbar during Dragon Flight. I used both depending on the task at hand I was performing, but mostly used the slow mount for 95% of my activities.

After taking away my choice of having both the fast and slow mount on the task bar by making it a toggle, something that is the lazy way out of having to re-do all the animations and trust me a lot of flying mounts have visual problems now. I grounded pounded the campaign until completion, but by time I made it halfway through The Ringing Deeps I was already max level.

Once in Hallow Fall, I abandoned questing just to get the main story quest complete because the elevations were just too much for me and that only got worse in Azj-Kahet. When I finally completed the achievement to get my slow mount, that is all I have on my taskbar and only have the toggle because certain quests flip you to Sky Riding from Steady Flight but don’t flip you back when completed.

I personally have no problem having both on my task bar. I do and will continue to have a problem with the toggle switch, because if you get hit prior to completion of casting it you have to start over after you kill whatever attacked you. Happened 3 times in a row with 3 different NPCs as I was trying to swap, mount and get the heck out of dodge.


You forgot about people with carpal tunnel, and other ailments.


So I forgot about the people that have a medical condition, usually from typing/computer, that are still choosing to play a video game with many clicks per minute?

I feel bad for them yes, but then again they should probably be aware that some things will be “unfair,” to them in WoW

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