Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Because they prefer the maneuverability of Apache helicopters over Harrier jets.


my plan was to get pathfinder, then go back. the main map now marks quests you haven’t done with a ! so i was confident if i needed something, it’d be marked. nothing mattered to me more than getting pathfinder - not max level, not clearing all the ! on the mat, not gear, nothing.

ty for taking the time to reply, as it was a genuine question and not an attack.


lol going less than half the speed of skyriding is “cheating”? what part is “cheating”, being able to hover while i figure out where the map marker is instead of flying in circles trying to manage my gas tank while also trying to spot where the marker is trying to indicate? getting to the gathering node or rare too late? aw yeah, my kind of cheating!

edit; i quoted the wrong person, my apologies.


Its not cheating to use features of Steady Flight …forum cowboys are mad they can’t have hoover in their Zoom zoom dragon flying or whatever name it is this week…seeing they seem to change the name of it on a weekly bases now…trying to confuse people…There shouldn’t have been a damn pathfinder put in place to force players to do it for Steady flying…when steady flying is used mostly by those with handicaps or get physical sick from Dragon Flying…their anti motion sickness options didn’t work well for many.


I have a hand injury, I can only play for so long. So point and fly allows me to play longer.


ah yes 1 random forum poster proves it with no sources.

I don’t use nor care about hover, always felt it a cheesy and actually ruin the immersion of flight. If they broke hover ability from TBC flight, half the issue of it being out of date would be solved.

Who cares if that’s the case? Dragon riding, as much as Blizz wishes to make a big deal out of it, will never be the main focus of WoW. It’s just one way to enjoy the game and they should have simply given us steady flying and dragon riding at the exact same time.


How can it ruin immersion if it’s a mount that relies on magic and can just hover? Magic carpet, the paladin mounts that can fly. How about a gyrocopter? If anything, dragon riding breaks immersion because it forces mechanics on things that shouldn’t have any. At least none resembling dragon flight.


It doesn’t matter now in TWW, they aint going to change it for this xpac. And I doubt most of you if any of you will keep this actual topic going for the next two years none stop harping on this. Sure shortly before they start telling details of the next xpac once again new topics about flying will pop up. But this actual topic will die off.

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Sorry to hear that.

I hope things improve for you too.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Oh man - I feel your pain! I have CT in both hands, Trigger Thumb on my left hand, and now arthritis in all my joints. It can be brutal on any given day. That’s the prize you get after working on computers for 40 years.


That sucks, sorry you have that. I hope it gets better for you.

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On its own, perhaps not. But that’s not the only ability, and you’re conveniently forgetting the momentum mechanics. As a package, it’s immersive and feels much more like actual flight than

Hold space bar go up hold w go forward.

My main problem now is trying to land on a designated spot. I can crash nearby, but sometimes that’s not good enough, you land in a pack of enemies and… I’m hoping practice will improve my ability to land where I want.

I personally don’t like that they even give us an option to be able to fly so early into a expansion. Ground mounts are pretty much useless now and we miss out on so much being in the at 75% of the time were questing. jmo

Pathfinder is cake easy this time, got it at 78 , aslo your flight paths are shared with alts at a big increase in speed.

Not to onerous this time.

I do like both .

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My issue is it is flying with restrictions. Now, many people will say “Well you just need to learn to conserve your energy”, yeah, well, guess what? With regular flying I don’t have to do that AND I can hover it I want or need to. Additionally, reaching higher points is much easier with regular flying because skyriding requires the use of abilities that need energy, and that energy is finite.

Skyriding is handy in dungeons that allow flying mounts because it is fast, but as a daily use form of transport, I will go with regular flight every time.

I hate it.

Doesn’t matter how easy it is, we shouldn’t have to keep earning regular flight.


That has no bearing on what has been discussed. Pathfinder should be removed, fully.
You made no acknowledgement of people with IRL issues that have a problem getting pathfinder.
As a member of that “council,” I would of expected you took the time to research this thread before commenting, but here we are.


I never used the word cheating, and I don’t think of static flight as cheating. Methinks you likely replied to the wrong person.

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