Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

To be fair, it doesn’t get much better even with them ALL unlocked. :laughing:


Bots don’t need mounts or flying to bot hack now…that has been proven back in Dragon Flight where we went for a whole year with no steady flight just dragon flying and we still had bots happenings…so that rules out Steady Flight has the issues for botting.

No one ever claimed bots couldn’t use Dynamic, just that it was harder, and it made them easier to detect, or they flat out used teleport or sky hacks. Which were a LOT easier to detect.

You don’t get to rule something out just because it doesn’t help your stance. This has been pointed out multiple times over the past two years.

What skill do I need to avoid motion sickness?
I’m running out of Dramamine, time to go to the drug store again!
For many of us challenged by Skyriding, it is not a “skill issue”


It amazes me that you can’t recognize people with Disabilities or motion sickness have problems with Skyriding. It is not a “Skill Issue” for us. We can still enjoy the game with Steady Flight.


To do that you need to skip the majority of content and only do the Campaigns.

Tell’em Nayaga…forum cowboys always think they have the right answers…

This new flight mode turns all mounts into gliders. For some reason, a developer thought that from a dragon, griffin, or any magical creature to inventions like helicopters and rockets would look good flying like gliders.

This seems very wrong to me


How are bot’s deterred, when they can get Steady Flight in only 6 to 8 hours?

That is right campaigns then exploring, all though early on the forum cowboys and others posting kept saying you need to be 80 also but you don’t…but it was pushed for weeks and weeks here you had to be 80…


Very few people dislike skyriding. The ones who vehemently dislike it enough to make forum posts about (a literal handful) have a few reasons :slight_smile:

1 - Quite a few of them (the loudest and most vehement against it) literally do not know how to use it, display no intention of learning how it works, and commonly cite “problems” with it* in their “I hate Dragonriding. Makes the game literally unplayable” posts that do not actually exist.

*The belief, for example, that “you have to start on a high spot to use it.” That isn’t true. Not in the slightest bit true.

2 - A small percentage (statistically insignificant fraction but a significant number of individual humans) in the player base experiences motion sickness in varying degrees of severity when using skyriding and dislike it for this very legitimate reason. There are settings in the game to mitigate that phenomenon. Some of the players who use those settings have experienced relief. Others have not.

3 - Many during DF disliked it because it limited their ability to enjoy the collection of mounts they worked hard for and enjoy using. This was another legitimate reason, and the TWW addition of all flying mounts to skyriding is the answer. It should repair that issue.

4 - Some players who understand skyriding and use it very competently simply prefer the static flight for precision of movement, the ability to go afk while mounted in the air, etc. There are advantages to static flight that skyriding does not share, and those are simple, legitimate preferences.

That covers the super vast majority of complaints we see on the forums about skyriding.

They claimed that Dragon Flying during Dragon flight expansion would stop the bots…it didn’t there were bots all over the place…and we had to wait a year for Steady Flight as the cowboys all claimed over and over that it was Steady flight that allowed the bots to bot…nope it didn’t…bots don’t need to fly to bot…

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You don’t know what percentage of customers experience motion sickness from Sky Riding.

You missed that problem for people with disabilities. Kind of amazing.

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Making my Love Rocket act like a dang flying Dragon is not what I wanted at all …its a Rocket not a winged beast…and its more then just a few that hate dragon flying …these forums are only the tip of the iceberg for the player base…go outside of here and you’ll see even more that hate dragon flying…


Not really. It’s amazing that I listed all but one of the commonly-brought up reasons for not liking dragonriding?

Is it truly amazing?

Have you made assumptions about my character and my disposition toward other humans because I made a list from memory on a gaming forum and left off the one that’s important to you?

It’s not amazing. At all. It’s not singular, and it signifies nothing. I’ve seen lots of forum posts over the last two years about the ones I listed. If I had recalled any discussion of some other type of disability causing issues with it, I would have listed that in my legitimate reasons for dislike, as well.

(and I’m disabled. I don’t ever forget accessibility on purpose. Just stop.)


I do hate it. I am just used to regular flying. I don’t like the feel of the new style. I don’t find it as responsible, controllable or usable as what I am used to. I am happy for those that like it, but I am not one of them.


Yes it is, it is the major factor in dislike for Skyriding and you left it off your list.

It’s not the one brought up most often in these discussions. Again, I didn’t leave it off maliciously. Believe whatever you like.

The majority doesn’t. It’s just people upset yet can’t cheat and use sky swimming to traverse the world

In Dragon Flight when we only had “Dragon Riding”, I had the full use of my right dominate hand until this past January. After that it became a lot more difficult for about 3-4 months to use that mode at all. Thankfully by then we had The Burning Crusade method for me to fall back on. As I regained some use of my right hand again, I kept both the fast and slow mount on my task bar.

Fast mount was strictly for point A to B (long distance) or rare farming where “Speed is King”. The Slow mount was for everything else from AFK, harvesting, questing, etc.

In The War Within, we rename “DR” as “Sky Riding” and call it a feature, no it isn’t a feature it’s a rebrand of a previous expansions feature. We add a lot of the old mounts as ability to “SR” but there is a visual problem with that, in that the animations are all wonky. They rename “TBC” as “Steady Flight” again a rebrand, but the animations seem better.

We do add a change however in we add a toggle to switch between the two, an all or nothing mode. No longer can you have a “SF” or “SR” mount on your task bar, but a 5 second toggle that adds precious time if you’re in the wrong mode and need to get somewhere fast. You have dungeons and quests that auto toggle on “SR” even if you don’t need it to do the quest (bugged it multiple times).

We lock “SF” behind a Path Finder, that’s been a feature in the game for 17 years but keep a new feature that’s only been out almost 2 years. Think had they not added a toggle or put “SR” behind the PF, you would appease people that are vocal about issues and make the people that really want “SR” to push through the campaign faster.

It might have slowed people down extending the content. Might made some people play more faster, won’t know because the choice was already made for us. I’m not against change, but the elimination of choice if that means a certain aspect of the player base.

I will miss having both mounts on my taskbar. I however will not miss the toggle if it gets taken away and they revert to the ability to have both on my bar. But until then, I “SF” as it’s easier for my hand issue.

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