Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Grab an addon called Dragon Rider. It let’s you visually see your “speed”.
To get over tall peaks, pitch yourself upwards at about a 70 degree angle and hit the button to flap upwards (skyward ascent), you’ll shoot up and forward pretty fast, once your speed drops to the two small marks around the middle of the addon meter, do it again, you can keep flying upwards at this angle till you hit the “ceiling” if you time it right. You can get over pretty much any peak. When I learned to do it, I wished I’d have known sooner as it’d have made getting that token at the top of the tallest peak in the Isles, so much easier. I originally kept circling around the mountain and then landing to recharge, once I figured this out, I rarely have to recharge to get anywhere.

Also using that addon meter, it’s easy to see when you’re losing speed or maintaining as you’ve got this number that goes up and down, you just pitch down till it starts going up. It’s a great little addon.

You just fly upwards, set the course to destination, make sure you’re set so you’re not losing speed, and kick back and relax for those long flights.

Check out my post above this one. I had the same issue early on in DF till I learned how to gain altitude MUCH faster. I can fly upwards over the tallest peaks quite easily.

Grab the Dragon Rider addon to help and just angle upwards at 70 degrees or so or just watch till your blue speed line vanish and flap upwards again, you can keep doing this till you hit the “ceiling”. No need to occasionally level out.

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Yup, and thats fair. For me its too fast, my potato wont load the minimap or nodes.

I’ll check that out

Because traveling in the game sucks, it’s literally downtime. A->B.
Before you’d get maximum speed and could “autorun” in the general direction.
Now for maximum speed you actively have to fly up to keep altitude throughout your trip.
If the “Static” flying was as fast as skyriding, NOBODY would skyride.

I would. The old static flying isn’t nearly as fun. Skyriding is much more immersive. I actually feel like I’m flying.

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90% of it being immersive is the sound and effect of flying fast, and moving quickly. Pressing skyward ascent every few seconds isn’t immersive. If basic flying was 1000% you’d use it.

And if walking was 1000% and let you helicopter-fly around no one would ever use any mounts to get around, your point?

why are you 79 and not done yet? pathfinder ONLY requires the MAIN campaign. the sojourner quests/side quests are NOT required. i was 76 when i finished, RA in my hands/wrists/elbows especially so i made a point of getting pathfinder asap.

Nope. The way it moves is what maker it immersive. Pressing right doesn’t just make the camera turn right, the dragon actual turns and banks and needs momentum. It’s not just turning on a dime nor mid air without moving. The old flying style didn’t make sense or feel real.
I really hope they change ground mounts to be more realistic as well.

I also don’t press ascent every few seconds. I use it when I take off and then fly where I need, hitting it only when I need to go upwards.

I don’t usually play this card, but “Vocal Minority”.

bots. bots hate it.

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Wow, where to begin… :laughing:

It’s clumsy and awkward to use.

It isn’t self sustaining unless you use tricks and environmental mechanics. Otherwise it turns from “dragonflying” into “dragonplummeting” :laughing:

It is inaccurate which really showed in the The Nokhud Offensive dungeon as landings dragged into swarms of MObs and caused parties to reset or wipe.

As an Herbalist, I actually NEED accurate flying while I am scouting for herb nodes. It also helps to be able to land on a dime on top of some of the ledges where herbs grow. The mile or so necessary for a dragonflight landing meant I had to hope there was a rock or tree or cliff ledge to smash the dragon into in order to land where I needed. Precision flying is simply superior for harvesting.

I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE how the “dragon skills” replace the skills on your hotbar. I typically land and engage MObs as close as I can so as not to pull anything I am not interested in. Cannot do that while on a dragon because all of your skills have now been replaced with “flying/plummeting” skills. After the first few times I tried to engage in combat after landing only to jump, flip, or charge-fly right over what I wanted to engage because my hotbar had not been reset yet, I was done with dragonflying.

Is it faster? Yes. Is it better. No.

One of the first things my wife and I did when we started playing Dragonflight was to get our Pathfinder achievement so we could use better flying mounts for the rest of the expansion. Will be doing the same thing for The War Within now that Blizzard has made “dragonplummeting” the default form of flying. :laughing:

I had honestly hoped they would keep the two flying types separate or just leave the whole “dragonplummeting” back in the old expansion. Guess they just put too much time and money into it to leave it where it belongs.

+1 to this!!

If Pathfinding was necessary for any form of flying that would be one thing. But to make it necessary for steady flight only is the very definition of “fun” discrimination.



There is nothing wrong with skyriding in a vacuum. It just isnt the second coming of jesus as wow players think it is.

If youve played videogames in the last 15 years, WoWs dragon riding is years behind. Its not innovative unless youve been under a rock.

Its also debateable if flying everywhere all the time is good for WoW, but I have the sense that were way past that discussion. Fact is, dragonflying is just another checked box for an mmo that feels like a single player game that has other people in it.


You’re just very bad at it.

You can add skills to the hotbar, pretty sure there’s a loading screen tip explicitly suggesting this. Put an opener on it,

Pathfinder didn’t come out till the final patch.

Yes, my wife and had stopped playing Retail to play Classic and were killing Arthas in Classic Wrath before we came back to Retail. It was fortunate really because if we had tried Dragonflight before season three we would most likely have just stopped playing and either gone back to Classic and/or found another MMORPG to journey in. :slight_smile:


Because early content creators stated if you only did the Main Story Quest, you would not hit 80 by time you finished the campaign. I also on my main character try to do as much of the content as I go. Also, I was ground pounding it for most of the expansion.

I hit level 80 while still in the Ringing Deeps, just over halfway through the campaign. When I finished all of that zone I moved into the next and did one quest hub then started skipping around to finish the MSQ and at which point some of my quests I may not be able to do because of phasing.

When I got to the final zone, I strictly did the MSQ, and I hope I didn’t mess up my chance at breadcrumb quests because of phasing I can go back and do those as well. I will ground pounded over sky riding for questing. I will ground pound over sky riding for harvesting. While I now have pathfinder, I never completed 60% of hallow or 90% the last zone quests which triggers my OCD and getting those quests on alt doesn’t help.

This is the first of the three expansion that I have been back in the game after a 9-year hiatus I am not impressed or feeling like my money was well spent on a game. I like open world concept, not dungeon like caves, so while three of the zones are underground the first zone was the easiest for me to navigate.

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If you don’t have enough of the flight abilities unlocked it is an awful experience.

You have 3 flightstones that take ages to regenerate.

They should all be unlocked now no?

Or do new accounts still need to unlock the glyphs on the Dragon Isles?