Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

It adds annoying complexity without adding fun.


Like I said upthread many times.

Nothing is set in stone until it hits live servers and things do change before launch. That is why final patch notes or even some times there are undocumented changes that occur.

This happened with the last two patchfinders with people with goldfish memories in DF and Systemlands respectively but those changes were communicated during PTR cycles.

So for now we know that things can and will change for the better.

But right now we know that PF is on its last legs and must be abolished completely as it is very discriminatory and collective punishment for reasons that do not serve a game balance or design decision.

The truth has come out now.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


So if you have steady flight now, quit crying

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Feedback matters and that is how changes happen.

This is why removing pathfinder is of upmost importance. Thank you for your time!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


They are not at this point going to even mess with Pathfinder in The War Within, since the game has gone live, many who have early access already have it and today is the day everyone else gets to start playing the xpac live. They are not going to waste their time on it. Better luck next xpac, which I really don’t see pathfinder even in it already just looking into a crystal ball or magic 8 ball for the future there. But I don’t see it in the next xpac already.

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BTW the last Deadpool movie is great with lots of cameos! Wil not spoil it but it was a fun blast!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Good to know. :man_in_manual_wheelchair: :man_surfing:

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No problem! Have fun at the movies!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

You too! At least a couple of the old Vanilla gang is still around.


The quests may be accessable but the nodes and treasures are not.


True which is why it is not so simple as the forum gate keepers claim.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Some of us have been around longer than the staff.


Some of us have been in the holy flying wars long before most of BlizZard staff was in high school.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


because it’s really only good for long distance flying. It requires constant attention, doesn’t allow you to hover in place while you AFK to use the bathroom, and at times is too fast, such as when you are looking for something on the ground while flying. It was fine in DF season 3 when you could just use a different mount, but now there is a 5 second switch, which is way too long.


Fantastic post and you reveal how much of a valuable poster you are to the WoW community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I have a friend who just doesn’t want a mini-game with flying and that’s it. I personally like it because of the speed, but I get his view point.


I get it… I really do.

That is cool and I understand both view points.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I have Carpal tunnel, and I really don’t want even more typing needed to just to get from Point a to point b. Cause nothing says “having fun” like half your hand going numb.


Amen to that…why I can’t raid anymore my hands go numb…add in fact nerve damage too my left arm from two Strokes…its not a fun time in my house just trying to do quests.