Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

The problem is limited vigor.

When actually flying a long distance, the vigor gameplay makes sense.

When trying to do gathering or treasures, you run out of vigor so often it becomes incredibly jarring and I just end up turning off skyriding.

Sometimes even when flying a long distance it can be nice to switch your brain off and auto fly in a direction and alt tab to something else.

I mostly have skyriding off these days, and turn it on when I need to fly a long distance quickly (Shattrath to Netherstorm for example).

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I don’t mind it but when you are trying to get to a precision area and then get stuck in a tree and use all your vigor up trying to break free, feelsbadman lol. Gotta sit there and let it recharge.


They try to bait but they keep failing because they fail to understand our resolve, passion and energy. That is why this topic will be ongoing for a long time IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


…even if you’re a supervillain.

Fixed that for ya :wink:

Keeping it wow related - since I didn’t buy the expansion I’m going out to lunch and seeing the new Deadpool movie today.

Hope you all enjoy your game!


Yeah, real quality game design right there :smirk:

Lmao yeah a skill issue with someone getting motion sickness or potentially is blind and has a hard time controlling their character as is. Yes blind people play too.


There are many blind and color blind that play WoW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Because I have to push buttons just to stay in the air. No thanks.


Hate the global on using charges, sometimes it just feels slow to get it going.

Id prefer 800% faster flying on normal mounts.

Sadly, the wind animation makes my computer choppy lol.

But overall, it’s better than regular flying

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I abhor dragonriding, but what I loathe the most is blizzard’s philosophy of forcing driding upon everyone, including those who prefer normal flying for one reason or another.

Moves such as locking normal flying behind a fairly effortless achievement – one that would be rather done with normal flying, for those who prefer –, when it could be simply unlocked from the start. No, it’s not confusing for new players, as dragonriding is the default and to find the normal flying option is not at all intuitive.

I was fine with dragonriding being the only option for a good chunk of dragonflight, as it was the dragon expansion, but this obvious attempt at forcing driding is getting tiring. Either make normal flying accessible, as it is an accessibility setting, or don’t. It borders on discriminatory.


Another thing I’ll say is quick hops from packs of mobs is a pain with sky riding as again your vigor depletes fast as you have to launch constantly.

I missed the bulk of DF came back for TWW and used it to level from 55-70 and turned off sky riding pretty fast. It was neat until I tried questing and the old flying made it a lot easier when doing stuff like grabbing 5 items and such skipping over mobs between for instance


This will keep going until they realize that both normal flying and dragonriding are objectively alright; people prefer one over the other for entirely subjective reasons, and they are both correct; one flying style is not better or more functional than the other.

As such, no reason to force dragonriding on players, and no reason to lock normal flying behind an achievement. It’s needlessly inflammatory and discriminatory.



Awww, lil jelly. However I want to watch the Director’s cut 1st. IDK why, I’m just being weird that way I guess.

side note…

Down with Ion, remove Pathfinder


It’s hard for me to build a mental image of the area I’m flying around when I’m concentrating on skyriding. The old hover mode lets me enjoy the scenery and build a mental map better.

Once I’m done enjoying scenery and just want to get from place to place, skyriding is better.


There is indeed a trickle down effect when you undermine a subset of players lets say those that do exclusively world content and segregate them based on the tools they prefer or diminish how they interact with open world content with tools gated, restricted or not available at all.

It may take a while but it starts to impact player population which instanced content heavily relies on to keep queues low. Battle grounds, and LFR are good examples too.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


All I know Liolang is I got Steady Flight award today and I am not even level 78 yet…there was so many white knight posters that keep saying just get too 80 and do the Campaign and explore …guess what I got those last two done and now flying Steady Flight …some where down the road in this mess somebody lied about having to be lvl 80 or a certain company silently changed the requirements and didn’t say a word.

Also were not dailies not suppose to be open till tonight live opening of TWW at 3PM PDT/6PM EDT…all day today I have been doing dailies…


You mean aside from screwing over Druids for a year or two?

Catelan consider coming back …there has been a whole bunch of wrong info being thrown out by all those white knights now…I got steady flying today and I was only level 77 1/3rd when it got the stupid Pathfinder done and explorer…you do not have to be 80…there is one player in my 55 group they got Steady flying at 75…so please reconsider coming back…hugs.


I now view Pathfinder as intentional discrimination.


Many of us do too Evilperiod…I said that from the beginning…and those white knights tried their word salad runs over and over but I won’t give up…you would think them being players they would stick up for disabled players but nope…