I don’t see a lot of complaints on sky/dragon riding.
What I see is people complaining about the inconvenience introduced by the global state of static/dynamic switch, and with 5 seconds casting.
I don’t see a lot of complaints on sky/dragon riding.
What I see is people complaining about the inconvenience introduced by the global state of static/dynamic switch, and with 5 seconds casting.
A specific class or 2 having an advantage over other classes, while other classes have advantage over them is gameplay depth. Being able to hover still for indefinite amount of time w.o any input from the player beyond mount-key hold space for 5 seconds, is the removal gamepaly depth.
There’s mobs with stealth vision to block stealth. And if hovering is not OP, why is it not active in dungeons, but stealth is?
You can’t argue hover is OP and in the same breath say stealth isn’t OP. Stealth is OP just like TBC normal flying hover is according to your criteria!
I can stay in a corner of a room in stealth forever. What is your point?
Your move druid.
Only 2 classes have stealth, so that comes with other things to balance against it.
Your hovering is available to all and there is almost nothing to balance against it. Which is why they have to shut it down in dungeons. The only thing they have to balance against it is the flying guards above capital cities. So unless you want something like those in more place through out the world which you then have to avoid, flight is more OP.
Additionally the “flight” is way faster than stealth. That in combination with the ability to avoid stuff, in combination with the lack of skill required for it, makes it trivialize other stuff. If I’m in the open world old “flight” is always the simplest way around mobs I don’t wanna kill. Even if I have access to stealth and dragon riding as well. But that option is still the better in 90% of situations.
And if you refuse to understand that. There’s no point in further engaging on this.
interactive to what? That mini game that serves as more of an annoyance then actual fun? Or do you mean the speed of it’s travel? Last I checked, the faster you move, the less you see, the less you see, the less you interact with.
press button to launch, press dash and aim yourself slightly down. occasionally pressing lift to stay afloat. WoW, such interaction!
… more like annoyance.
On a cliff away from any mob interaction.
Of course, you look for a cliff instead, still avoiding the thing you want players to engage with!
If you can’t see the sameness in this, I don’t know what to tell you.
Pathfinder for gliders incoming?
Oh, and there is invisability potions/abilities.
Don’t forget hunter camo.
Other classes have stealth and invisibility so at this point you are grasping at straws.
Flying mobs that can daze and dismount.
In dungeons that require flying it works fine thanks for asking.
Flying guards do not dismount in capital cities unless you flag for PVP.
Hovering with flight only works in outdoors content. Stealth works indoors and outdoors. Thanks for proving my point.
Only over three dimensional terrain. When there is mob density and vegetation in the way then staelth is faster in open world and indoors it is obviously better.
Stealth can do that and if knocked out of stealth Rogues can vanish. When knocked out of your flying mount you are falling to the ground.
What skill is required to hit the stealth button? it is just one button press.
Stealth is intended to do that that is the class fantasy for those that use stealth . TBC normal flying and DR both do what they are designed to do which is travel over distances, terrain and NPCS.
Have you ever heard of a hearthstone? Mage ports? Flight whistle? Stealth?
Where did this 90% come from? Also if TBC normal flying is better than DR then why doesn’t DR require PF acheivement?
The truth is that this discussion is only starting. That is why PF must not exist anymore IMVHO.
Now what I would be interesting to see if they allowed “Steady Flight” from the start and locked “Sky Riding” behind the Pathfinder. Wonder if it would be the other side complaining or would they be ok with it but still complain about how slow “Steady Flight” is.
I’d rather have both the fast mount and slow mount on my taskbar then a dumb toggle, which is just being lazy coding. It worked ok this expansion, but for them not to have to re-do all the old mounts animations they make it a all or nothing toggle which if you watch a lot of the animations they are slightly broken in some way.
I’m not responding line by line to this. That’s obnoxious.
I get it, you don’t like dragon riding. You keep calling it an “annoyance” rather than addressing what I said.
This is how to tell you’re not a serious person.
Let’s just move on.
Most people don’t care about steady flying vs dragon riding like those in these threads. They would use whatever is available to quest faster.
Don’t even bother engaging with them. They have said that stealth is the same thing as flying for quite some time and I’m convinced it’s just trolling because nobody actually thinks they are equivalent. It’s nonsensical troll bait.
If that happens we know the answer to that.
That is why PF should not exist.
Rogues are on the least played classes. If managing vigor is so easy more people would be play Rogues and their energy system.
Well, for me personally it’s not a general dislike but a dislike when it comes to specific use cases (most of which others probably have addressed in this thread already). So I dislike it for purposes of …
What I also dislike that isn’t a trait of dynamic flight / skyriding itself:
What I actually hate:
As for the disputed “many” aspect of the OP’s question: Last time I checked dictionaries even a “vocal minority” can be “many” because “many” does not mean either “absolute majority” or “relative majority”.
I have addressed what you said, I answered your hovering with the fact that cliffs exist, you tried using it as an excuse as having to “intereact with the world” which I called out was an excuse, because it is literally doing the same thing as hovering, ergo avoiding monsters in the world.
And this is how to tell someone is a troll.
The bottom line is that player choices must be respected. Good post by the way and your post pierces right through the matter. The matter at hand is that players will always have a preference.
Yeah man, it’s totally not trolling to say hunters camo or invis pots or whatever else are the same as flying over stuff.
That’s a very totally serious opinion to take.
One time I pressed stealth on my rogue and flew over a mountain that was in the way.
We play WoW do you play WoW?
Stealth and camo are strong.
I hate the restriction of vigor , too. Many times I got dropped in the middle of an enemy camp because of it. Or got stuck in the mountains where it was bugged and I had to hearth, just to get out.
Or you need to reach a ledge.
Does the toggle insta build your vigor? Because if it doesn’t that is exactly why they would mix them. So you have an answer to no vigor. Tie vigor to the abilities and boosts, not flying itself.
It’s a skill issue then. I had no issue with Herba on DF. I prefer Herba on DF with Skyriding than Herba on previous expansions with slow flying. They made maps with multiple layers… multiple levels. I like current complex multilevel maps with cave networks. I prefer to do them on Skyriding.