Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

But here we are few days out from release of TWW and still no comments from a Blue or Blizzard…you are so correct Evilperiod many players will be getting screwed come Thursday night early access and following week full release of TWW…


I think a better way to slow down and manage it’s speed would be good, and the takeoff is a bit rough as well. Also, I think there should be an ability to float in the air.

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Blizz arts team is amazing… And with old flying you barely got to truly admire it (hence pathfinding debacle).

Dragon flying took that problem and amplified it by 1000… Basically don’t see the world at all anymore and it’s lame.


The Dev’s don’t need to keep repeating themselves to people who do not want to listen to them in the 1st place when it comes to something they don’t want to hear. So why should they bother repeating it yet again.

They have said why they have pathfinder for Steady Flight the 1st time through, they have said why they favor Skyriding over that of Steady Flight. What more do you want them to say? What that they say bluntly NO, not in a 1000 years or something along those lines? Again all you want to hear is them caving into your demands and saying they are. Anything else you refuse to even admit they said or are saying.

Total waste of their time at this point to say anything at all.

Just set up portals to every area that has quests from the capital so no one gets to see the art work. ((I am joking))

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Says one of the people policing what is said for Blizzard.


Because it’s annoying. Yes, zoom zom fast is fun, as long as the energy doesn’t run out

Oh need to go higher? Use an energy bubble

Oh landed and need to take off again? Use an energy bubble

Oh you were slightly aimed to where you lost forward gliding? Use an energy bubble

And especially when just wanting to roam around and zoom up somewhere, it’s extra frustrating if you have to stand around waiting to recharge. Druids are probably extra salty as it completely screws up harvesting in flight form


How many times in a nice way do they have to tell you NO, this is how we want it and this is why before you accept it as that is it.

Like a few years back when Blizz announced they were removing flight, and the resulting backlash from cancellations forced them to immediately retract it?

That’s one of the main features that they should stop messing with


Dragonriding is perfect except that there is no hover. Add that ability, and I’d never do normal flying again.

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People with disabilities that make systems like skyriding hard: Exist

You find it superior. Not everyone does. Some people outright can’t use it at all. It has nothing to do with preference, they literally cannot use it.

There’s a reason people are mad they are gating steady flight. Especially when ion himself admitting it was being kept for accessibility reasons.


This is not even a drop in the bucket compared to what happen in WoD, so stop pretending or telling yourself it is.

The extremely few people who may quit over this pathfinder, will hardly effect the numbers.

I gathered herbs and ore for the entirety of Dragonflight without problems.

“they” haven’t you are however.

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Well, you have less than 48 hours to see it 1st hand.

Why would someone who doesn’t play retail even have this question?

His use of the word “we” suggests he is trying to say he is part of Blizzard and responsible for making that decision.

I noticed that also.

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Not so fast.

Always wash the kiwi!

Also, you fail to realize the relationship in which TBC normal flying and DR are used for different functions but they are both tools.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Yes, they are both tools. That doesn’t mean they are the same. No clip has a lot of hidden negatives. Like how giving you a sword that’ll one shot every boss, even if you don’t have to use it, will still make the game feel worse. This is only exacerbated by the fact that WoW is not a single player game, but multiplayer and in an ever changing state. This really strongly incentivizes efficiency. Even to the detriment of fun. Therefore sometimes you have to limit what someone can do to make the whole feel better.

I like the laid back Helicopter mode than Dragonskyridingwhatever. There are times when yes I wanted to zoom through a zone faster, I would Skyride through. But here’s the issue. I would mount on a DIFFERRENT mount for each mode. I didn’t have to be all or nothing, with now some flying mounts can no longer fly depending on some toggle some idiot decided to approve and implement.

For me that is much more an issue, I have to cast time toggle instead of one mount for each. It was perfect the way it was before, and a better solution to allow more mounts should have been found instead.

Druids, you should have gotten a new Dragonriding form quest, with 2 separate form toggles on the bar, with the old land travel form brought back for good measure.