Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

You’re also implying here that air swimming and modern flying are the same function. Which I don’t agree with. I consider them serving different functions. There is the function of having the hover and always accessible no clip. And then there’s the function of flight with actual mechanics.

Mad rushers consider it “very little effort.” Norms think otherwise. Just saying.


Yeah…no… You clearly are reliant on other players to do your farming for you and don’t have any idea on what a menace it is on trying to hover and find the finite detail things in game… so why are you whining about people criticizing the game?

TBC normal flying and DR are tools so yes they are similar functions as tools.

That is why gating a tool like TBC normal flying penalizes the disabled.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Hammers and screwdrivers are both tools, but don’t fit the same function.


Both are tools. Can’t build a house with only a screwdriver.

Nice try!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


After years of steady flight being the option, I just got used to flight time being prime time for me to step away for a second. Bano, drink, food… You know, whatever I needed to keep the sesh moving along. And Dragon/Skyriding was a drastic change to me that took a very long time to acclimate to. I actually avoided doing any DF questing until the last month (I came back mid DF) because I disliked the feature that much. After I looked up the locations for the upgrade mat, I just out in some time collecting some to get my vigor to 6 and recharge rates up. And with that I was able to spend time in the skies and acclimate. I really enjoy the feature NOW and am starting to see it as an upgrade to steady. But this was a long time coming.

Finally, I think the main problems people have are two fold, motion sickness issues as there is a screen animation that plays at high speeds. And, for some ungodly reason, only steady flight is locked behind the Pathfinder achievement. Historically that has been the case since Pathfinder was introduced, but we get access to Skyriding from the start… No hoops to jump through. So I think some (myself included at one point) are letting the frustration from that fact spill into hating the feature as a whole.

Kinda like how people hated WoD but absolutely looooooved the raids and praise them consistently. The skyriding hate is probably a biproduct of people not agreeing with steady flight needing the Pathfinder achievement.

Fine a chef’s knife then still a tool, not needed for your “building a house”. But then also I can build a PC fine with just a screwdriver, don’t need a hammer for that. Different tools different functions.

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I don’t like the new way to switch between modes. So now if you want to switch, you have to cast twice. Once to switch modes and again to mount. The old way, you would just have to click a dragon mount if you wanted dragon riding. They could fix it still. Just have it so the flight mode switch doesn’t dismount you and you have to be landed to switch.


So maybe Blizzard needs to sell Steady Flight in the store for $30 USD. For those that cant deal with just doing the basic leveling of their 1st toon, exploring all the zones and completing the main quest line at the start of TWW to complete Pathfinder.

Microsoft Gaming CEO, Phil Spencer, That is how you can cure this issue and make money at the same time. You can thank me later.

My personal answer is that I step away a lot, and even if I didn’t- old flying suits my habits/playstyle best. The dragonriding can be fun but I’m not great with it and already find the game to be hyper-ADD paced so I’m okay going a bit slower than I could.


I see thousands of players having fun with dragon flying every day, especially during the pre-expansion event.

I love pretending to pull off Top Gun stunts around cities like Valdrakken.

I especially like how I can get to where I want to go quickly.

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Like it myself.
Its much faster, and flying is much more immersive.

The thing that made it challenging for me is having to stop on a dime, say a mountain peak. but Arial Halt does help this once you get the hang of it.

I could see people with motion sickness not like it though. I had vertigo not long ago, and I wasn’t able to fly much. But you can switch flying modes, so you can choose the one you like best.

I like having both options, but much prefer skyriding. I like divebombing and maneuvering through the terrain. They should have done this many years ago instead of locking flying behind a chorewall.

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Not so fast I have seen people peel a kiwi with a chef knife but you still need strainer to wash the kiwi!

Liberate TBC normal fling from the clutches of PF!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


what why would you need to wash a kiwi after peeling it the skin keeps it clean and you’re not eating the skin so that doesn’t need washing either

I said these two system have different functions. And I would suggest that function of no clip is harmful to the game, compared flight. When people say no clip is the accessibility version of flight. I disagree with that. Because I don’t agree this fill the same function. Can you get a screw in the hole with a hammer? Probably, but you might also just break stuff. While the screwdriver just does what it needs to.

I would put forward that getting across long distances quickly is the ONLY benefit of skyflight. If skyflight is so far superior, why isn’t it the one that is locked behind pathfinder?

If you need to land and fly frequently for questing, gathering, exploring, you will be waiting on vigor regen. If you needed to drop down in a zone a few times for a quest, you will only be able to do so the first couple times in skyflight before vigor is gone.

Many quests I tested required frequent hops to places that could not easily or quickly be ridden to on the ground. I required frequent hops to get to the correct places as this is new territory. THIS WAS MY ACTUAL EXPERIENCE IN BETA.

The idea that TWW is “ground mount friendly in Coreway, etc.” is untrue.

There are several places I found questing around that you will be repeatedly backtracking a very long ground route to get to those ground friendly places. THIS WAS MY ACTUAL EXPERIENCE IN BETA.

I get motion sick, the new accessibility controls help a lot! But that does not make it FUN for someone with severe motion sickness. I would never choose to skyfly over steady if I didn’t need to go a great distance. I skyfly when forced to, but it is much less FUN when it makes you physically ill, even slightly.

The long glides they have recently added to skyflight that no one seems to be talking about have made it a lot less twitchy and easier to control for navigating the cross country flights, My hands thank you for that. I now use skyflight for travelling quickly to events starting on the other side of a continent over the usual epic flightpaths.

Now the toggle, I HATE it! I liked the freedom of having a designated steady, sky, ground, and swim mount at the press of a key + 2 seconds to mount.

If you are mounted and need to switch flight forms, please make sure you have enough time to HEARTH, as this is nearly the amount of time you will need to switch, every time:

  1. DISMOUNT (why is it required to dismount to toggle the switch?)
  2. 5 SEC. CHANNEL to switch between flight types (hope that pat doesn’t mosey on over here by then)
  3. 2 SEC INTERRUPTABLE CAST to mount in the new flight type

You will basically need to clear enough time to HEARTH every time you need to toggle flight.

This, 7+ second, new feature for switching flights is fantastic and universally lauded as the win everyone wanted, correct?

This added time has nothing to do with skill, its the new feature. Druids, who have never waited a second of their lives on mounting will be waiting an extra 5 to toggle, meaning druid flight went from INSTANT to 5+ SEC. as it knocks them out of flight form to toggle as well. Whatever you think of druid flight, there is a huge difference between 0 and 5+ seconds (it s a completely new playstyle for them). The difference between 2 seconds and 7 seconds is a big one for the rest of us, too.

I will be unlocking the pathfinder for steady flight as my first priority and never looking back. Aside from a long quick flight to cover distance, I find skyflight subpar in every way. Honestly, the added channel time will make me use skyflight less. I will constantly weigh whether its worth it to toggle out of steady every time I want to get somewhere far away. It might be easier just to flightpath and AFK on those long flights.


Because they are weak

The vigor component and no hovering are why I detest the feature.


I don’t like that it gives me motion sickness. I hate that


I agree with you. People with physical issues should not be getting screwed by Ion.