Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

So many who? Do you really think Blizzard would waste time and resources to add it to all other mounts if many players disliked it?

Dragon riding was a massive sucess. It was well accepted by majority of the playerbase, reason why they’re expanding it to all flying mounts.

There are only two type of people who disliked it: Players with some disability, something that is totally understendable, and players with terrible skills, because come on, is not that hard to use it.

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Considering both can gather while mounted, Dragon riding would be faster. Even for the nodes that are close together, one Ascent into a Glide will get there faster and for nodes more than 50 yards apart, dragonriding wins even more. Since gathering laps go across the entire zone one can imagine the method that traverses the zone fastest wins.

People dislike being forced to use it.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Don’t hate it, I just much prefer not having to actively manage resources while I’m trying to get somewhere. It does have it’s benefits and I use it from time to time when I’m in a hurry, but if I’m not pressed for time I’ll generally just hop into flight form, point in a general direction and tab out to do other things, go to the bathroom or grab a drink.

That being said, I think it’s a pretty reasonable ask that both methods be available from the outset so that players can make their own choices.


I’ve yet to meet a single player in-game or in my guild discords that dislikes dynamic flying. I am sure they exist, but they seem to be a lot louder on the forums than they are in my time playing WoW.


Despite the obvious troll intent, the “so many people” aren’t many at all.


A question easily answered using the forum search at the top of the page.


I can’t say that I “dislike it”, but I play using a trackball rather than a mouse.
For which I have my reasons.
And unfortunately, that means that my hand often cramps up when I do the dragon-riding (particularly my pinky finger.)

I wish it didn’t happen, because as I said, I don’t actually “dislike” the riding: it’s much faster getting places.

Right now, I have two buttons in my action bar. One calls up a regular non DR mount, the other calls up a dragon.
With the upcoming changes, this won’t work anymore, and will ad a 5-6 second “cooldown” period for changing mount styles. I DO find that particular aspect a bit frustrating.
It means having to change flying types the second I land, if I know I’m going to a non-DR mount, or back to a DR mount from non-DR.
Except I don’t necessarily always know if I’m switching mount types this time or not.
Hope that makes sense.

Just for context: I use a regular mount for delicate careful landing when the landing zone is tiny or precarious, like landing on a small branch.


If I have to choose between one or the other, I will go with old school flying. Yes, it’s slower but it doesn’t require managing resources, I can hover whenever I want, I can land with more precision. Everything the fast mount can do; I can do it with the slow mount and it’s easier since I only have three fingers on my mouse hand.

That said, I do use the fast mount, but only to move from point A to point B faster. Usually if something spawns and I need to get there before it’s killed. Other than that, no reason to use the fast mount.


They don’t. You hardly see anyone on retail the old flying, almost everyone uses dragon flying. People on the forum just complain to complain.

Skyriding is good for long distances and things like encounters/phases designed around it or races, but otherwise it’s kind of trash.

It’s biggest flaw is that it’s a gliding mechanic trying to replace a flying/hover mechanic.
Unless I’m trying to get somewhere far, fast; I always use normal flight.


Yeah, I dont like it at all.


I feel like this is a smoke screen honestly. There’s not that much of the population which disagrees with it and there’s obviously much more of the population which enjoys it. It’s just a very vocal but tiny minority on the forums which keeps rehashing the nonsense and yelling things like “discrimination”.


Because it is new, and therefore scary.

I don’t like babysitting my video game

  1. It is forced. I can not chose to use the kind of flying I prefer and/or are capable of using until I satisfy #2 for all future expansions.

  2. We have to earn the right to use the slower, icky form of flying because immersion.

  3. It twiddlely. I do not need or want a mini-game in order to move. If you have ever done Ram Racing during Brewfest, imagine having to do that mechanic to use all land mounts until you complete pathfinding.

  4. It is too fast and distracting. Can’t focus on the world when you are focused on dragon riding.

  5. It is ugly and graceless. Watching them land is likely watching a rock hit the ground at an angle.

  6. The requirement to either use it or walk cost me and my family this expansion and it looks like all future expansions as well. I have played since Vanilla and that makes me very angry.

I don’t care what excuses Blizzard gives, there is no real excuse for pathfinding to exist and it has cost them my business. Hopefully, someone at Microsoft is paying attention.


I feel like 90% of the posts here disliking it are from people who never got the dragonriding glyphs, or never learned how it works mechanically, and dug in their heels about learning how to do it.

Then 10% is from people with a genuine disability that inhibits their ability to do it.


Because it is ugly and hurts my forearm. Because it is forced down my throat. Because the only reason most people would ever use it is that it is fast. Keep your twiddle fest for yourself, thanks.

Everyone doesn’t like your toy and some of use will no longer be buying wow expansions because of it.


It’s not “so many players” by any stretch of the imagination. Echo chambers will be…echo chambers.

If the feature wasn’t vastly supported by the majority of the playerbase they wouldn’t have implemented it long term.

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So sacrificing the enjoyment of %10 of the population is ok so you can have the sky to yourselves? Have dungeons and raids designed just for you?

Didn’t anyone ever teach you how to share?