Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I don’t hate it but it is more difficult for me due to vision issues and arthritis (don’t get old, it’s not fun). Even Blizzard is aware of people with vision issues and put in “fly with me” for people with said issues.

What I do not understand why the devs are trying to punish those people by having an unlock for normal flying after having access to the flappy bird game. That makes no sense to me.



I think it’s a vocal minority.


I’ve only ever used keybinds twice in all my time playing WoW. First was for the hex guy in brawlers guild and the second is for dragonriding. I simply bound the dragonriding abilities to 1234 so once I hop on the mount and the bar changes, it’s just a matter of sliding my fingers up from QWE where they usually rest for movement. I suggest your clicker friend try it and see if it makes things better.

Personally, I think dragonriding is easily the one of, if not the, best features added to the game in at least the last five years if not more. I absolutely love it and hope we eventually are able to get all flying mounts converted over to it.

I dislike it because of Vigor, getting caught on objects, trying to make sharp turns, doing anything like treasures, gathering, basically anything that isn’t going long distances is annoying. I absolutely hate dragon races and I wish there was a button to auto complete them for the WQs.

It also absolutely messes with a lot of disabilities/medical issues.

It also absolutely kills my immersion in the game.


Sky riding is probably the best thing that has happened to wow in a long time. Not only is it faster but it helps keep me engaged in traveling from one place to another. I do use regular flying rarely now, see sometimes on the mini map it will show a treasure somewhere and it will disappear if you go too fast for some reason. Regular flying over it allows for more precision when you need it for things like that.

I am saying this but will also openly admit I haven’t gotten used to or even used the quick stopping ability we were given for sky riding. So maybe I’m messing myself up for not learning to use that better yet.

It’s better than flight paths and whistles 100%.

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All the reasons were pretty simple but you got to leave it to people up above to somehow pretend that no one has problems with it LOL


i like dragon

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So you have a skill issue. This is a video game. Sometimes you need to get good to succeed.

With my luck the only thing that doesn’t get skyriding is that mechanical goblin engineering mount monstrosity that I loathe lol

This is a bait thread but whatever…

No, folks in general don’t dislike it. Just folks trolling on GD has a problem with it as a system, whereas the folks who have genuine issues with using it don’t dislike it but simply can’t use it without aid. So when they get help typically speaking, it is a feature folks like even when they can’t use it, or folks just use it as an advanced way of jumping.

Basically there’s very few folks who actually dislike/hate it, but a small subset of trolls on GD has made it their personality to hate it.


It’s a toggle. You can switch between flying styles. It’s just if the mount doesn’t have skyriding available then it’ll be turned into a ground mount until you toggle old flying on.

That answers my question from the post Piddy replied to.

That’s a weird restriction, but I guess I can understand it from a technical standpoint.

Yea, so then its like I thought. There’s no potential, right now, of having a static flying mount, and a dynamic flying mount at the same time.

With 410 flying and faster taxis, dragonriding is less important, and not worth toggling back and forth – me thinks. So, I’ll just turn on static when I get pathfinder and be done with it.


People don’t dislike skyriding. If it was as much of an issue as the forums make you believe it is, then Blizzard would have done away with it after Dragonflight.

You shouldn’t take the opinion of a small subsect of people as being definitive.


Was this meant to be a reply to me?


Hey! You! Gimme back that heart! I saw it. Don’t you think I didn’t!

I am not one of those people

I, however, will ask you to instead not judge me too harshly as I continue with static flying as I am accustomed to.


Nobody has numbers to back their argument on this up, and I’m not going to claim I do- but my personal experience is that the people who don’t like dragonriding are very few in number and many (not all!) of them seem to just be the usual suspect internet contrarians.


Who cares what they think. Don’t give their voice a platform. It’s mostly the no change classic players of people that don’t like any kind of change blizzard brings to the game. Or it’s the world PvP crowd that wants smaller zones where we are forced to use ground mounts to get ganked.

Remember the maw how we couldn’t fly? That is what these people want.

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Sure, that’ll fix my vision issues. Have you written up and submitted a scientific paper showing how you’ve found a way to cure those by switching from a one hand to two had control form of travel?


we don’t , move along