Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

DR is faster and TWW maps are tiny so I am not sure where the reasoning lies to be honest.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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So does everyone love the new glitches too? Ya know. Old Mounts that now gallop like idiots, or do flips instead of just…letting you get to your destination?

Or my favorite. Character stuck in “riding” pose, everytime you dismount.

Get rid of this Nonsense! that is “Riding”

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I don’t dislike skyriding or dragonriding. Not anymore at least.

I just don’t agree with the choice to gate one and not the other. I’ve heard the explanations and understand people’s perspective on why but I don’t agree anyhow. The reasons for doing so are poor and it would help more than harm for them to change their minds on it.


Wish more players like you could understand with compassion for those of us that have Physical issues with Dragon Flying…but nope some just say oh its easy to do the pathfinder requirements and you can use your ground mount while I zoom by you on my flying mount using dragon flying…


Spent most of the xpac as my wife’s chauffeur before she finally got comfortable with the new flight system herself. So I know there are a lot of varying reasons that people struggle with it or just hate it. She’s come around to not minding it so much but every excuse people put forward for gating standard flight just falls flat to me.

Ultimately you press hard enough and the only remaining reason is “Blizzard says so, so that’s the way it is” and at that point you can tell their motivation for defending it is petty.


There will be always someone in this game doing something that you are incapable of doing given all your health issues you have listed that prevents you from doing some of the simplest of task within the game itself. Saying that when you see them doing it, you feel that you yourself are being punished and thus somehow Blizzard should change it so that, what ever it may be that the other person is performing is made so that either 1, they cant do it either, or that its changed to where you can do it to, either directly or indirectly threw a different means.

You will be forever on the forums pointing things out in this game complaining that you can not do something and that its unfair to you. If its just something dealing with flight, or if its something dealing with end game content. There will always be something.

If you are a druid, your flight form is totally screwed up from the change. They did not consider all the players when making this change - the just decided it was easier for the developers to allow one or another. What a hideous, non-thinking decision.


And with a flip of the switch BlizZard can solve it.

Don’t need to be petty in every thread.

True, I feel sorry for Druids. Players actually play the game so they would know the best.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


There is no need to solve it. It is not that big of a deal to be solved the way you want it. You need to learn to deal with it, and put on your big boy pants and stop all the theatrics.

Who says it is about me?

People are voicing feedback about their views and their needs. A simple flip of the switch.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


So hard at times to follow conversations without quoted context. Had to read up a few replies to get who you where commenting back and forth with. That all said.

I agree some of the changes going forward need to be rethought. The toggle is not the direction I would have gone because I’ve already seen a few quests, a raid and while doing time walking dungeons that the toggle gets swapped from steady flight to sky riding upon joining and again when exiting the content.

Putting the steady flight behind pathfinder, but not putting sky riding shows us that Blizzard wants to alienate a particular group of players that honestly have issues with that mode. I can’t find the source, but I do want to think it was the mode the Game Director wants to go but reluctantly letting steady flight continue.


Thanks for reading through that.

But sometimes what we must show is understanding of people with different perspectives. BlizZard has some easy wins in front of them. I hope they choose wisely!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Yeah that and Nogood offensive. DF should be auto engaged when you enter these places.

You think that is bad? Wait till beta I mean live client of TWW is released.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Dragonriding is one of the best things to happen to the game. I haven’t been able to stand retail for like 15 years. But I’m slowly getting back into it because they’re doing very positive things, and eliminating negative things. It’s a very different game than what it was, but also becoming a very good stand alone version of it.

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The choice should be up to the players though. Forcing choice never ends well which is why players are providing feedback against the toggle switch!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Only a few vocal players. I prefer skyriding.


It is a popular topic which is why it is discussed all over the internets.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The wow forums is not “all over the internets”

Yes it does come off as petty which is why the disabled players suffer the most with PF in place from my view.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: