Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

That is what we have been arguing let people choose. Punishing players because they want to play a certain way never works out well.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


TBH, the more I do it, the more I like it.

I’d also go as far as to say that the 5 second cast time on changing flights is doing a great job of leaving me in one flight style. That’s the new one.

I do miss taking off slowly and rotating in a circle like I’m a harrier.

I am sticking with the TBC normal flying. AkA the F35B variant.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


This is an endless Forum topic. Yet we still have people convinced that the hate for this flying…Sorry “Riding” system is lopsided…and Dragon riding is a complete success. Sure, Ok.

The answer to the Topic is simple:

Dislike Why? We have a Flying mount, that is a Dragon. Yet… if the cliff is more than 12ft high and your Dragon is tired…You have to rest first… then do a kickflip somersault into the air, faceplant the mountain side and then fall down to where you what to be.
It is awesome!

People are actually defending this.


It’s worse to old flying in every single way except for one, which is speed. You use it to get around town quickly, then do local things with your classic flying much more efficiently, especially if you’re a druid. DF is literally just a taxi.


Truthfully some people have short attention spans and they think mini games are important to them.

But not everyone has short attention spans or need a mini game to stay involved in the game.

That is why I prefer TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Also it’s super annoying you have to catapult yourself into the air to take off costing 1 vigor in the process. Especially with old mounts such as carpets and flying discs it looks goofy as hell. Terrible concept.

I love skyriding. But skyriding doesn’t like me.
I get wicked motion sickness from it. I like the ability to toggle between the two to give my eyes a break.


Yes my flying carpets are my favorite which is why I prefer TBC normal flying for all of them.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


When they allowed us to use fast and slow travel mounts finally in Dragon Flight, I loaded both on my task bar to use for different situations. Now, I took the fast mount off my task bar, replaced it with a dumb toggle and never know what mode I am in until I try to fly.

Certain content still requires dragon riding like the one raid in Amirdrassil and if you’re in the wrong form and don’t have a tradition DF dragon mount your stuck on that platform until you die or get summoned by the boss.

Currently all 36 of my characters have “steady” loaded over “sky riding”. I can AFK, harvest, land where I want and quest easily. Will I miss the fast travel to point A to B or rare farming. Na. I will enjoy the game how I want until they allow us to have both again, at which point I’ll load a new mount I know is fast travel only.

Until then :headstone: Fast travel a Dragon Flight … er The War Within Feature.

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This, this, OMG this!

Oh wow thank you for the tip! I had no idea honestly. I will def take a look next time i decide to play :slightly_smiling_face:

It is a shame because some people like using both. But that is a valid option with your current set up.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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KLT! Always good to see you!

  • Mictlantecut

LOL… I started to play 5 months ago and I was always annoyed that I can’t see stuff on the ground and such because of that big blue animation that covers everything and just fakes speed. It took me one month to finally find the thing, and I did using a internet search. It is weird that they hide away those graphic options not where graphic options are…

Its a shell game blizzard wants the player base to play…find the object…nope it not there…nope its not there…oh there it is 20 mins later you find it in settings…

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This is why TBC normal flying is awesome because they can’t use that shell game as you are able to scout better and actually finishes objectives. And in the process have fun.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


A lot of people I see on the forums have nothing better to do then whine about changes to certain mechanics, overhauls, “gAMe IS dYINg/dEAD” etc…I will admit, sometimes it’s a valid criticism but that’s rare

It will always be valid as long as patchfinder exists. Turn the page to the new golden era by discarding patchfinder coupling to TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’ve wondered this too, I’m thinking its an immersion/experience thing or there is some challenge/quest in game that requires it that would be trivial with steady flying. It’s really the only thing I can think of.