Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?


both is good


Using both tools DR and TBC normal flying is essential for WoW to turn the page for many players.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Meanwhile you late to rare, The normal mount speed is lacking Oh one last thing

If you not done Mount race, you may just be old Lady Flying

As of Much Speed is king in this gameplay, End of story.

Judging by the “likes” on this post there’s 8 of them.

They’ll hit double digits soon enough, then we will be in trouble.

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They don’t, just something shiny and easy to complain about.

You’re right. Some people have both arms amputated, why isn’t WoW designed with them in mind? If you can’t control a game with your feet or your nose it’s just not considering enough people’s perspectives.

The number of people the change affects is miniscule compared to the gain for the game, dragonriding is far better than normal flight for many reasons. Sorry an (exceptionally) small number of people are negatively affected by the change; the same is true of many other things that have happened in WoW in the past. There is no realistic way for anyone to determine the validity of such complaints vs. a simple unwillingness to learn, and thus we must assume that most such arguments are made in bad faith by people who just don’t like it, or refuse to learn a new system. In a similar fashion to how frost mages used to spam frostbolt for 5 minutes at a time and now have a rotation with like 10 whole buttons, the game evolves and sometimes leaves people behind as it does so.

This is an unfortunate, but necessary, consequence of a game that has evolved over 2 decades; some changes are bigger than others. That doesn’t mean that all previous systems should be grandfathered in for people to opt out of the new and better ones.

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Because it sucks. It is utter garbage, the second I could switch back to normal flying, I did.


Most of them who complain do not use Vigor properly. I can promise you that if vigor were to be removed the complaints would stop and the praise would start

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I’ll say I’m not an expert and it took me time to learn how to use my Vigor correctly, but I don’t like playing a minigame that cuts off maybe 30-60 seconds of flight time. When we had both modes available without a toggle, I kept a fast and slow mount on my taskbar. I used the mount that was what I needed.

There are issues with the new mode in that if a quest needs Sky Riding toggled on the game will auto toggle me off my slow mount, but it will take 1-5 tries to get quest to work (day-care, bugged it). Last week during time walking dungeon’s it kept toggling on “Sky Riding” (bugged it) even though you don’t need “Sky riding” at all.

I think the problem is they took choice away and locked it behind a Pathfinder and want the “new” mode only going forward and players, myself included would prefer options without an all or none toggle.


You dont have to be an expert. This isnt some complex process you just fly higher than needed then fly downward always. You then always regain vigor you are spending. I literally just take off and fly wherever I want just like with “traditional flight” and never run out of Vigor or even come close. As an added bonus I get where I am going MUCH faster

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There are accessibility concerns over it however I think that is more or less solved by providing steady flight as an alternative. I just hope they do not lock steady flight behind a Pathfinder system since at this point, with every benefit skyriding has, steady flying is solely an accessibility option.

The only other option is to provide an accessible on rails auto skyride option for any quests that might require it al a the first couple of quests in emerald dream.


You won’t need an index card. I’m sure we won’t have exactly the same discussions for Midnight.

The only zone that I still have issues navigating from 1 side to the other is Azure Span. Especially if you’re starting on the West and heading East as the terrain moves upwards. The main reason I kept both on the taskbar was because mostly if a Rare spawned you have seconds to get to it before it’s killed and being on the fast mount is the way to go.

For me and my finger amputations, slow mount allows me to AFK again, allows me more precision landing, allows me to fly without managing resources as my hand hurts and remaining fingers get tired of doing double and triple duty on my mouse.

As far traveling long distances, yes, I also used that mode before and after my amputation’s, but now just can’t stand the toggle and not having both mounts on my taskbar.


I call BS on that now…I know how to use the vigor now …its the constant having to apply pressure to keep up in the air that makes it painful for me to use Dragon flying or whatever new name it is this week.


More people are impacted by physical disabilities than arachnophobia.

So if BlizZard is willing to make room for those with arachnophobia then they should make room for those with physical disabilities.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Being affected with a physical disability isn’t synonymous with being unable to use dragonriding. Similarly, the cost to the game of accounting for arachnophobia isn’t the same as the cost of accounting for difficulty with dragonriding.

2 for 2 false equivalencies.

It is not about equivalencies.

You glossed over the fact that arachnophobia helps a lot less players than those with physical disabilities. And BlizZard is willing to work with players with arachnophobias.

So why not with those with physical disabilities?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


It’s tedious, handicapped players have issues with it, and the 5 second timer eats away at our lives.

PS - Remove Pathfinder.


Maybe. But turning it into a minigame in order to give the illusion of flight was the wrong move.


It’s very annoying when it comes to terrain. Going from a low elevation to a high one is vert tedious.

Give us unlimited energy (or scrap those vigor ball things completely) and it would be a lot better.