Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I don’t hate it. I love seeing people fly overhead barrel rolling and such. It looks really, really cool. I have been dealing with motion sickness for many years and dragon riding causes me to get very nauseated very quickly. Sometimes to the point I have to log out and lay down for 30-60 minutes for it to go away. When I unlocked dragon riding and started flying around, I had to take motion sickness pills just to be able to play.

I was over the moon happy when they put static flying back in. Yes, it is much slower, but it works perfectly fine for me, and I don’t have to take pills to keep from getting sick. That is a win-win for me. I am happy that they are giving us a choice, because everyone should be able to use the one that they prefer. I do agree with what other people have been saying about making some mounts dragon riding and other static flying.


I like both. And now that we can use more mounts, I am loving how my toon looks skyriding on the Compass Rose. From some angles, she pert-near looks like she’s riding a freakin’ comet.

The toggle should just apply to currently used mount, that way you can have one for the more precise flying and one for Dynamic flight.


Dragon/sky riding is fantastic. just the 5 second cast to switch is annoying, and unnecessary. Steady riding definitely has its place.

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And the five second toggle is not necessary!

And remove PF requirement for TBC normal flying.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Because they took something that didn’t need fixing, and turned it into an annoying, motion sickness-inducing resource management mini game. There are so many reasons why it’s terrible, I’m frankly baffled that I’m in the minority here.

Oh is there a quest that you need to get to that’s at an elevated height? Too bad, you’re gonna make it a quarter of the way up, and then you’re gonna sit there for 5 minutes waiting for your vigor to recharge. AND YOU’RE GOING TO ENJOY IT.

Oh and you also can’t hover, and we’re going to give you motion sickness, because we hate you.

Sad to see that they’re doubling down on this with TWW, and even PUNISHING those who prefer the old flying by arbitrarily locking it behind a pathfinder achievement.


100% this!!! I was trying to do the Highest Peaks Achievement for each area in DF and getting up to those flags was a nightmare for me. Ran out of vigor before I got halfway up there in some cases and others, I couldn’t get to no matter what I did.

That was the 1st Achievement I did when I got static flying.

I am not happy about static flying being locked behind Pathfinder, but it is what it is. I wish they would change it, but I don’t see that happening.


Do not give up for we are many in voices in our hearts, minds and spirits. We will prevail and liberate TBC normal flying from the evils of PF!

Say no to patchfinder shenanigans and allow people to use TBC normal flying with no strings attached!!!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


it’s not that many people, they’re just very loud.

This exact same comment has been posted verbatim in this thread at least 100 times now. People claim that we’re a loud minority, but in reality, it’s been nothing but overwhelming praise from the community, with a few like me voicing their disagreement.

Nope. Speed is for ADHD kids who need a constant fix on their phone every 12 seconds.


That’s absolutely hilarious. That’s EXACTLY what the anti flying argument consisted of for years and years.

The speed makes me nauseous and dizzy.


Weird. I always felt old flying encouraged looking at your phone while you traveled, new flying is more dynamic and requires a bit of effort compared to a older mechanic similar to cruise control.

No wonder you are in the minority. You are using the default flying they gave you without the proper upgrades. Legit anyone with maxed out Dragonflight (as it’s intended) NEVER have to wait. It’s objectively better on every category except hovering, which you can simply toggle using old flying.

People acting like Dragonflight is a downgrade are simply doing it wrong. It’s like old wow gamers saying Ground mounts are faster, when anyone who plays the game knows that’s simply preposterous.

Michael, babe, quit working yourself up! You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack!

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afraid of change.

That happens to a lot of people IMO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I do not think most like Skyriding or what ever there calling it this week . I do not care for it but did use it now and then . At this point I could care less about it not going to play TWW .


I don’t dislike it per se, but I will say a few things.

  • There is no reason to force people to use it over steady flight. Even if it’s superior, the desire to force people into it is idiotic… particularly because if you’re skilled, there’s nothing you can do with steady flight you cannot do with skyriding. All it does is punish people who are either not as skilled in something that has never mattered in this game, or who have motion sickness that precludes its usage.
  • It is vastly less immersive. If I’m skyriding, I have to actually pay attention to the travel itself. Dragonflight is the expansion I am least familiar with in terms of terrain, because I’m always watching the map, my vigor, my speed.
  • It doesn’t fix travel. It reduces the burden, but it doesn’t fix it. It’s now faster to fly from point A to point B, but it’s still not interesting, and I find it hilarious that so many people were fooled by this… Blizzard didn’t need to actually let us travel at whim, they just needed a minigame to distract people. Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV both have teleportation, and somehow they’re doing just fine.
  • And no, “WoW is supposed to be a world” is no longer a valid rebuttal. Every single zone shards. When you cross into another zone, you’re not just crossing physical distance, you’re loading into a new zone… the only thing WoW does is hide the loading screen. It’s an impressive bit of sleight of hand, but not enough to justify travel time.
  • It’s a bit obnoxious while gathering. It was better before we lost the vigor regen on gathering, but without that talent it’s a bit painful… which yes, will be better in TWW with profession talents, but that doesn’t help now or in any other part of the game.
  • It’s too fast for old zones. This was fine before they consolidated, but now there’s an obnoxious five second swap between styles, which serves no purpose other than to annoy people who actually want to use both. (In actuality, I think Blizzard wants to punish people who use Steady Flight, and it’s only because of people who have disabilities that we even still have Steady Flight, but it’s still annoying.)

And for anyone who is so arrogant that they think the only reason anyone could dislike something is not being skilled enough to do it… well, if you’re that arrogant, I doubt you’ll listen to anyone else on anything, ever, but you’re wrong.