Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Nod. The naming process is just so dumb, and calling Dragon Riding, aka rebranded Sky Riding and taunting it as an expansion feature isn’t doing it justice as it was originally a Dragon Flight feature. While I understand the re-branding because now it includes a lot more mounts then the original 5, there glitches with certain features of SR, mostly audio and visual.

Other than the 1 raid I had an issue with because you need SR to do it in the fight, I have taken my fast mount off my task bar because I only used it when I need to rare farm or travel fast. If I could get rid of that toggle, I would put my fast mount back on my task bar, so it was easier for me to know which mount I was on again for fast or slow speed.


Most are gone, not all.

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If they are unable or unwilling to fix the dragonriding/static flying problems they just added to the game, they could make static flying go the same speed as dragonriding and I think most people would be happy enough with that outcome.

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Yep, all the same. I think steady flight probably works best :slight_smile:


Don’t forget DF or Dynamic Flight :smile:


Thanks, I’ll make an index card so I can keep it straight.

Regular Flying:
Static flying
Steady flying
TBC flying

Dragon Riding:
Sky Riding
Dragon Riding
Dragon Flying
Dynamic Flight


You and me both.

Interesting, the woosh effect that annoyed me, the big blue thing that is whole screen, that made it hard to see anything really goes away with this. I only have some small effects on the mount and wings still.

The blue effect is still there on some mounts, the graphic is apparently parented slightly under the belly it shoots out under the feet; but they did remove about 97% of it.

Hard to keep up at this point.

Thanks for the list.

There is also sky swimming and also dragon gliding but those are generous nick names.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Simple answer is that people can afk while doing normal flight.

I don’t mind it, but my saddle is a little uncomfortable. I need a new one. I tried riding side saddle and fell off. Thank god for slowfall. lemme tell ya.

You can AFK in stealth. What is your point?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

OP asking why ppl prefer it, and we can’t all be rogues. :slight_smile:

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True, Rogues are the few and very few and the brave.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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i’m guessing that there are many responses like mine:

i like it. it is fun to go whoooosh

but there are defintiely times I want to just hit the number button and let my mount fly. or I am in an area where I don’t want to leave my toon o n the ground and I need to hover.

having to use a 5 second toggle to go back and forth feels bad. the fact that the toggle is account wide rather than mount specific feels bad.


well, it’s very fast…which i appreciate/
but it’s clunky/awkard to manipulate
in punctuated/precision situations.
and they better plan on MUCH larger maps
or the game is going to feel VERYVERY


traditional feels better for local
gliding for distance activities.
i had a mount of each type
hot-keyed and that was working well.
alas…they “FIXED” that with their new


Dragonriding has been the best thing they’ve added for people who don’t do world content.

I want to beam from A to B, I don’t care about being static in the air ever, I haven’t cared about that since I was doing tmog in Desolace before TWW was announced and that was just so I can idle in the air while stuff respawns.

Dragonriding also makes the feeling of exploring smoother for me. Go a great distance, land, recoup, see whats up in the area, start flying again. Feels more like real air travel.
The static flight honestly is more like swimming around in the air or flying in a UFO, it doesn’t even make sense. Things have to be engineered in a certain way to fly like a drone or a UFO and even drones don’t accelerate that fast laterally.

Yup which is why our feedback is important an integral to improve WoW.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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