Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I said this exact same thing on another thread. They called us out in WoD for wanting to keep flying and we were told that it took away the immersion. But now it’s totally cool to zoom through the entire continent before the pixels even load in.

Weird that they took it away from druids and gave it to dracthyrs. Who hired these people making these decisions?


“To each their own. This is what you need to accept. We all have our preferences.”


It’s only loud because you’re listening.

I hated sky riding until I finally unlocked all the glyphs. Then it completely changed my mind on it. The 6 vigor is game changing. And I held out for a while on getting the glyphs haha. <— coming from an actual pilot irl

Both have their advantages and disadvantages as far as gameplay is concerned (travel speed vs fine control, long vs short flights for herb/ore farming depending on zone, etc). The problem is that with the current execution, Blizz has made using both clunky and annoying where as in DF it was extremely simple to pick which one you wanted without a bunch of extra steps involved.

It was really simple to just slap a dragon riding mount in one action bar/hotkey slot and a “normal” flying mount in another. Now that’s been made vastly more difficult.

Especially for folks who’ve spent large amounts of time investing in their mount collections. With the overwhelming majority of flying mounts now being set to dynamic enabled it’s harder to find one that isn’t. Being able to use a particular mount because you like the specific look of it (a large portion of the entire point of collecting mounts in the first place) shouldn’t be impeded by the mount system being needlessly made more difficult to use.

The toggle is just flat out annoying, especially with the pointless cast time attached to it. Constantly having to bounce back and forth gets tiresome really really quickly.

I like having the option to pick which flight type I use. But the current execution of that option is just not user friendly in a lot of ways. Either allowing us to set flight type individual mounts or making the toggle between dynamic and static an actual hotswap instead of having to dismount and channel for 5 seconds would make things really simple again.


I don’t dislike it, I dislike how it was implemented. It is basically a “you can only fly with dragon riding mounts, the rest are treated as ground mounts” or “everything is sky riding and you lose the ability to dragon ride”. If it was “continue with the previous DF flight modes” or “sky riding” I would have been fine with the change. I use to keep a dragon riding and a normal flying mount on my bar for a reason. It gave me the ability to switch between them when I needed without having to waste 5 seconds every time I did.


Enjoy Doing Speed race WQ or Be late to rare Spawn Case with that You should Just admit Skyridding is future and Old flying is need be cut

Speed is king.

“Speed is King”, I get it you like the dragon riding rebranded as sky riding as it will be now known as. There are people that don’t like it for other reasons like disabilities, so they prefer the slow method. I like having both a fast mount and slow mount on my task bar and not have to worry about some dumb toggle that adds seconds if you’re in the wrong mode for a rare spawn.

I use fast mount when I want to travel from A to B fast or rare farm. I understand I will be playing a mini game while I fly to manage my resources. I slow flight because I like to AFK, harvest, quest and have an easier time with precision landing because of finger amputations that make flying tricker.

I also still use the flight master’s when I want to AFK to the next location, I will be questing in. I however don’t like game bugs that happen where you land dead when using this form of travel.

Agreed 100%.


having to constantly click a 5 second spell between modes is very annoying, especially when you are questing/gathering versus flying around randomly to destinations long distance. It’s dumb and unnecessary for QoL.


Vitality has a tendency to run out.
Clumsiness in microcontroll.
All mounts have the same sound why does my rocket make wing-flap noises?


It’s a glider with limited turbo boosts.
Try taking off and landing in a short period.
Turning is like flying a B-52 Flying Fortress.
I could continue…


Because people in this game are incapable of change so they complain every time Blizzard deviates from the unga bunga mechanics of the game

Farming, mostly

Seeing so many posts about people with valid issues not wanting to use dragonriding and upset that normal flight is gated makes me wonder why Blizzard is still insisting.

Maybe someone should write IGN or another ezine to look into it.


I just want my old flight form back… Being able to enjoy sky riding and also have “regular” flight form was so much nicer. I was spoiled.


This is not true. They were using teleport hacks before regular flying was in and dragonriding later on. Bots are adaptable. They used fly hacks before flying was even in the game.

DR was just something borrowed from GW2 to give another feature to DF. A feeling of riding a dragon. Which was also just a way to get across the massive map easier.


“I don’t have to worry. Lucky for me, I have a Husband that not only loves me, he is also very good at Dragon Riding, and has been a very good help.”

“I am not worried. I get done the things I need to get done.”


The right tool for the right job. I probably used 90% new flight 10% old. Every now and then you want to get something in a tree, or a mining node on a tricky spot half way up a wall.

They were two styles that fit different situations and the low barrier access currently was very welcome. The want to keep a low barrier to pick what you want doesn’t mean you hate one or the other, just that you don’t like arbitrary time gates for something that some people do often.


Most players want choices returned to them and to be compensated fairly.

That is pretty reasonable and not asking for the moon.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


A lot of people love to make up numbers and pull them out of thin air to support their arguments to how many are this way or that way of the line in the sand. How ever Blizzard has the real data strait up in their face at all times. They actually know the health of the game, the actual amount of people doing what and how they are doing it. Something that even the best of 3rd party web pages can only really guess at.

Again forum goes love to pull numbers and % right out of thin air and swear it 100% truth and fact. When Blizzard sees it really a red zone issue they will actually react or make a statement, until then they will probably not even mumble a word on it.

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