Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I had to give up PVP some time back due to strokes…the stress did me in …I’ll never see my 1 Million HK now…even though I am at over 410,000+ HK’s.


Then that’s what has to be done. There are taxi’s all over as well. Unless they change it, there is no other choice.

Guess what ignore this comment or what not but you can now fly in the dragon isles without the Pathfinder achievement as of prepatch.

That is not the issue now…most of us know we can use Steady flight right now…its when TWW goes live is what the argument is about with this BS pathfinder …we have 32 days till TWW goes live …then we are thrown to the wolves and have to ground mount hoof it for some of us…


All I know is that right now too much is broken.

Imagine if you can’t finish several quest chains for Patchfinder achieve…the forums will light up like a Christmas tree.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

So be it, the forums light up until the bugs are fix, just like when every that happens any time before. And I don’t believe is saying kick it down the road and put off launch until everyone says they are happy with every single thing in the game. The main quest line and exploration for pathfinder is 100% completable at this stage, so that is not an issue.

Because the average IQ is like 100.

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Yeah it seems to impact druid community the most and that is apparent that no one considered class fantasy of how druids interact with the open world.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I thought everyone loves DF and hates SL.

Cause DF did things that SL didn’t even if my limited play time made me feel like SL had more game mechanics included.

I"m faster, you slower

trust me Skyriding better hten normal flying any day,

Once more speed is king

Enjoy you snail paste of 300% “Speed” I sure you enjoy going at gandmother paste at that time.

“Yes, I actually DO enjoy going slower. It allows me to enjoy the scenery and other things. The Art is one of the reasons I love this game.”


That is your opinion now which is fine…here is mine …I am tried of being in pain that dragon flying will cause me if I have to do it every day till the stupid pathfinder if done…and NO I shouldn’t be stuck on the ground just cause jimmy jo says its easy to do pathfinder …


And you know what is funny…there use to be a argument from Blizzard and a certain blizzard person that slow flying took away from seeing all the hard work the art folks did…BS…Dynamic flying is zoom zoom …while Steady flight aka TBC flying is putt putt…we see the art work the ones that dragon fly see Blurs…


“And many zones are so worth taking the time to actually SEE them.”


I still look in amazement when I go back to Jade Forest and fly around…its just breath taking…


“I remember when I first leveled to flying, in retail. I was amazed to see all the ‘faces’ that the Artists put on top of things. As well as all the things you would NEVER see from the ground. It was a blast.”

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Right right right, But soon you grow bored and and other thing to worry about, Get to target rare, Get to spot to far Or get over few places

The Scenery get old out real fast and Trust me Day I go back slow paste is day they remove it

Once agian “Speed is king”

Say what you will say what you do

But here jeist of it Pathfinder is path finder It there keep botters and Druid folk to Nip and bag every herb and orb and salle them out rages prices

Blame the AH,Bots and matt seller ofr Pthfinder but for now

Get use to the new flying and learn that “speed is king” If you want to get to target area fast and That 300% flying not gonna cut it case most thing dy faster case how more fast we move and not every thing take ages to kill once you get more then 5 bloks to kill a rare or so or Over gear to solo it and Killing it fast

It matter get to target get there hten Gawk at Same boring treees, same bring hills but hey that is you

I mostly ENjoy doing few races to learn my smiake and get to be faster even If I Can’t cut it I still try to race and get faster…

It about the speed and It is king.

forums vs actual game is very different. No offense but much of the people on the forums are…hyper casual.

new thing bad