Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

We have been providing such feedback for some time. This is why it is important to be consistent with our feedback. Thank you.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It makes me nauseated and gives me vertigo. That’s why I don’t like it.


Then use regular flight…

Some hate it because of farming. This will make it hard if you don’t like the new flying. Like my dad who gave up on dragon flying almost a year ago. My father has been playing since 2006 and loves to farm. Likes some questing but not much. Now he said if they don’t change it back he is leaving. I have talked to a lot of the older people and they are on the same page. Buzz makes money on the old retired veterans. They have no life but wow.


I don’t dislike it, I just prefer the old flying because it doesn’t make me motion sick. I still used Dragonriding to go long distances but I could only use it once in a while. The worst part is landing because the camera pulls in and out so I would always close my eyes lol.


I guess I’m kinda old so maybe that explains it (30s), but yeah I like being able to stop and check things out or grab a chest or node or whatever while flying to and from places. With dragonriding I never do that because it’s too annoying to get all my momentum going again, so I would see all these things I wanted to interact with and just blow by them. It was actually less engaging in this way.


So how do you know so “many people”?
it is a very irrelevant number of players. Less than 0,001%.

TBC normal flying is great to chill, play in a zen like state, or just explore and enjoy the scenery.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I’ve never been a GO GO GO person. I play WoW to chill after work now. But I can see how Dragonriding does really appeal to newer generations of gamers and their playstyles. I really would just like both playstyles respected, especially since us older more chill players have been around so long supporting the game. No reason to remove features already there for 20 years, just give people the choice.


People dont hate Skyriding, the complaints are all coming from a few people spamming with alts.

This is my problem with it. Waiting 5 seconds on each transition is BS. How about this? If you turn off “skyriding”, all the old mounts work as normal. If you need to ‘skyride’, click your dragon.

My flying disc gliding around is a joke.


True that takes away from immersion.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


No, sadly. It’s a nice idea, but if you read the fine print somewhere, if you have Skyriding enabled for the mounts that support it, the mounts that don’t support it cannot fly at all.

Those mounts can only fly if you switch to Steady Flight for everything.

Edit: Here we go in the patch notes:

“New Ability: Switch Flight Style – Switch between Skyriding and Steady Flight styles for flying mounts. Mounts that don’t support Skyriding will be grounded if Skyriding is active. 5 second cast time. Learned at level 20. This ability is located in the Mount Journal.” (emphasis mine)

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I don’t like zooming by the environment when it is relatively new. However, once you experience all the content, adding flight is the right move. Both flying styles invalidate the content and since Dragonflight, it happens on expansion launch.


The problem with skyriding it is all or nothing. As a Druid it make Flight form far less useful. But biggest problems with skyriding is an all or nothing toggle.

– Farming is slow and annoying in small areas, or going to multiple points.
– Short trips are more tedious.
– Flights where stamina is quickly burned. IE southern Azure Span to northern span

I have all ready found my self having to switch 10-15 times just for daily travel. Being able to set a few mounts or abilities to Steady only would be nice. Might even put Soar back on my Evoker’s bar again. Been pointless ever since became just a mount skin.


That’s the weird thing with the argument that it is more “engaging”. It’s basically like a flying minigame with the vigor management and everything. It doesn’t make me “engage” with the world anymore. It actually makes me less likely to do so since I’m blowing by everything at high speeds and less likely to even notice things on the ground.


Even with the reduced speed in TWW DR is still fast.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

You captured the crux of it with the word precision.

Your consistency is very admirable and this is why you are always viewed as a valuable member of the WoW community. Let me add that it is a shame it comes down to this but yes that is what choice we have before us.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Not everyone has fully functioning hands, I had a stroke in 2006 and now my fine motor control is a bit gimpy and I can’t reliably hit any ability beyond 6 without looking anymore