Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

So no answer, no guess, no estimate, no attempt.

But you are very eager to add your two cents supporting the existence of patchfinder. Why the contradiction?

If you have an opinion on patchfinder existence surely you have an opinion as to why it was moved from the first or second patch to a launch?

I am waiting!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Going to need a citation of me being pro.

This is why I don’t pick sides on topics like this, because silly little forum trolls like yourself take even a hint of it and run with it lol.

Ive been neutral the entire thread :nerd_face:

Why would I make a baseless statement on something you can’t prove?

Probably for better accessibility. Just like why the majority of the old requirements are gone.
That is a safe assumption as ion himself has mentioned the uses of bc flying.

In terms of sales, you are just wrong. And you can’t prove that classic is keeping retail afloat when subs all go to the same place. (And logging into a classic world and seeing the population difference also tells the story)

The reason I like dragonriding is because I no longer have to watch my money flush away while I spend the day steady flying from one place to another. Thanks to dragonriding, I now feel like I am actually getting my money’s worth actually playing the game, instead of counting the minutes it takes to go from one end of a continent to another.

Just give dragon riding hover. Problem solved.

And BlizZard needs to finish the job. Remove patchfinder requirements.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I don’t really “hate” it.

It’s good for travelling long distances through clear space.

It REALLY sucks when I have to dodge things. I’ve never gotten anything above bronze in any skyrace for example.


I was born won’t eye issues and have a hard time focusing on things going really fast ie that’s why I don’t drive . And I have issue with dargon riding i avoided most world content and NO and was so happy when I can use regular flying

Now I been force into dragon riding, a dungeon where you have ri do mechanics while using dragon riding and the tank nerf I am done with TWW. Is a good thing I decided to hold out on the 12 month sub


Well the good news in TWW is they aren’t going to make us wait 12 months to unlock regular flying. All we need to do is finish the campaign and explore the zones (and we have skyriding to do that, just like in DF)

“We have skyriding to do that.” Did you even read this thread?

Flying around the map on a faster mount is miles easier than the old trying to find the path up the mountain with mobs chasing you and ready to knock you off your mount of older Pathfinder design.


LOL and blizzard double down on dragon riding/sky riding where you have to be using dragon riding/sky riding mount in one of the new dungeons to do mechanics. I mean NO was still not fun but at least you only need to fly to different boss area but the new dungeons REQUIRES to to mechanics while on your dragon/sky riding mount. Not fun!

Sorry I was replying to

I don’t think one dungeon that you aren’t required to do to finish the campaign is a reason to be that concerned. Just don’t do that dungeon?

To unlock normal flying you need to finish of the Mai. Campaign quest and also I can bet it will be turn into a m+ in s2 or s3 so I have to do it if I want to unlock regular flying or get KSH

I believe I heard in a video that the dungeons are not required for the campaign. They weren’t in DF.

Yes there are reasons to do them but I don’t think it’s like Final Fantasy 14 where the dungeons are mandatory.

Ride along is an option. If you ask, most won’t have a problem helping.

Heck a lot on the forums straight tell you to send them ingame mail or whisper so they can help.

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I’ll bet steady flight will be enabled all across the board once someone earns pathfinder.

Plus, this pathfinder is so simple and easy to get.

I haven’t seen anyone say they want steady flight so they can gather easier…

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Just because Blizzard dosen’t think they will lose significant numbers because they aren’t allowing steady flight at TWW launch, doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do to a segment of the player base.

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Oh man, this really sucks for me and everyone who can’t use skyriding. If they made it ground mount or steady flying most players could do it.