Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Did you miss this part?

I specifically tested leveling on the ground to report any pain points and to check the time to level compared to Sky Riding. It’s not much longer since travel only represents a small part of leveling time.

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Most of those 2000 are from the same 5 posters though.


I have a bc mount on my bar just for the random chance I have zero vigor.
But yea, almost never use it.

Tbh its just a lot of fun to fly around.
Heck yesterday I was doing acrobatics while collecting green orbs for my last 90 crests.

How often are we swapping back and forth that this is a problem?
Are you swapping between dr and bc per every 10 seconds?

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I haven’t seen the number of people that play that can’t use skyriding due to a disability or motion sickness. I hazard to guess it’s significant as blizzard is making certain accommodations for them. Even with those accommodations some still can’t use skyriding. Why not allow those people or anyone who prefers steady flying to have it from the start off WW? That’s been my question.


I swap between them fairly often in beta, but I am not bothered by the 5 sec wait.

Honestly, it’s the vigor meter for me… mechanically speaking dragons seem to fly… not glide. We really shouldn’t need a mana bar to fly.

According to the physique section dragons straight up fly, not glide or float.


For me, Dragon riding is better in pretty much every way in pretty much every conceivable circumstance, except when the destination isn’t very far from where you are.

Like, if I’m at the auction house, and then I want to fly over to the workstation, that level of distance is kinda awkward for dragon riding. It still works, it’s just the only semblance of a pain point I have with dragon riding.

Also, I do wish vigor would replenish faster while grounded.

I think it’s kinda funny that our dragons recover quicker while flying very quickly than they do while literally resting on the ground. Mechanically, I’m glad it recharges every 5 seconds while buffed with TotS, but 15 seconds in the ground seems like a lot

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How do you swap between them when the whole point of every one of your posts is that Sky Riding is impossible for you?


Yea I feel like the infrequency of swapping makes it a non issue. Just a +1 to complain about.

It also doesn’t recharge with going UP, only DOWN. This is a serious crime against the laws of aerodynamics, as aside from the fact that dragons seem to FLY anyways straight up to the point of the stratosphere in lore, anybody who has observed a gliding animal like a vulture or who understands the nature of air currents knows hot air RISES and thus the higher you go the more lift you get.

Thus the higher you go with Dragonriding the more vigor should recharge and faster. It doesn’t, you in fact use vigor the more you spam aerial lift.

All this of course ignores that dragons are magical and not entirely bound by the same physical laws as most lesser beings anyways.


I never said it is impossible for me. I have said I am sh*t at it. That being said, I had fewer problems skyriding when using a horse mount. It felt a bit more manageable. I still think everyone should be able to use either flight form at the start of WW. And mind you, I was only using skyriding for long distances. Everything else I used steady flight.


I love in almost every single on of the flying topics and a number of people that are the loudest about how they are very angry about steady flight mode being behind pathfinder. No matter how much they will at times use many excuses, specially disabilities at times to try to win empathy for their argument. They always seem to slip up and admit it all comes down to they want to be able to farm nods using a form that makes it the most efficient or easier way of doing it. And this is why I hope Blizzard sticks to their guns. Because you do have a very small % who have real issues, then you have those that might have very little issues but really it just interferes with how they make money early on in the AH by them farming mats for professions or to sell on the AH. And their arguments are really disingenuous to why they want things changed up before launch, though with pathfinder being the way it is this time. It wont even effect their bottom line that much, because they will unlock their mode so quickly in so few hours played its really a none issue.

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Yes but BizZard wants to take a lot of L’s instead of easy wins heading into the expansion.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


For me, it is simply that I don’t enjoy the mechanics of it. I find it tedious and no fun. I am hoping that someday an ability to toggle between the two forms of travel will allow me to use the mounts that Blizzard keeps giving me. I really am not sure how I got so many dragon mounts since I avoid dragon flying for the most part.


But see, its not a loss, because its not effecting the bottom dollar. Even the players who are complaining will keep on playing with very few to none quitting WoW, sure they may choose to go play classic, but they still are subbed and playing WoW as a whole. Thus the money is all the same.

Pointing back to WoD and players leaving on the level they did, and trust me there was many many reason they left back then, not just because of flight alone. Because you had a huge return also of people hoping of an xpac that would be more of the old classic style of WoW, than what had been in MoP or Cata. But was quick to find it was anything but that. You also had WoD that was raid or die, nothing to do for anything outside of raiding. This also caused many to just drop out. Then you had the flying issue. WoD could have had a lot going for it, from story to game play, but sadly it was not even half of the built up xpac that it was sold to be. And old time players of WoW who came back and those who was still around many bailed on it because of many of the reasons they felt it fell short.

Thing is, now days you have a lot of the different feeling of players that currently play WoW, and those who are here, though may complain. Do not just bail in mass swarms anymore, they tend to bleed off in much smaller levels and they also tend to just swap between classic and retail. Coming and going as their attention brings them back n forth. They also play many MMO-RPG’s at once, so as they tire of one or get mad, they just float over to another to bide their time before coming back. This is the type of world we live in now days and Blizzard tracks all this on a grand scale as well as other companies. They know exactly the health of the game, where people are, what they are doing and how they are doing it. Not just off of people on the forums yelling that their toy is broken and they are mad. They watch the actual data and they know 100% the actual numbers that they do not share.

They moved the patchfinder from the first or second patch to launch that is all the proof I need to know that it hit BlizZard’s wallet.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


And that’s all I need to know that you are trolling.
You can’t honestly believe pathfinder caused such a loss in profits that they moved it…
Also hate to burst that bubble as well, but subs have been on the rise all DF.


Your math must be bad because the classic versions of the game are keeping retail afloat.

But lets get to the meat of your argument…please explain to us since you are member of mensa why they moved patchfinder from the first or second patch to launch?

If you say shortened expansion because of world saga…plausible…if you say because it is fair…not really because DR has no strings attached…still.

I am waiting for your response but I am afraid that I will turn into dust for a logical point to come forth some time this century!


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Why would I do that when you can’t even do so?
The only thing you can do is assume and it’s not even a good one. If so, sales would be down.