Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

This is where it started.

You are completely missing the points we talked about HOURS ago.

Story and marketing/advertising.
Dynamic flying is a key feature for zone story telling as well as a feature that players have been wanting all DF.
They get to highlight it for a FEW days while people quest through the campaign.

This made as much sense as all of your witch hunting posts combined.

No, it’s because it’s a horrible analogy.


You chose to expand it and then push that as an analogy of choice to represent this.

So we’re not arguing about the relatively painless level of accessibility Blizzard could opt for? You’re running away from your terrible analogy to try to bring it back to other points of discussion (which I did reply to you on earlier, and you seemed to somewhat ignore that) unrelated to your terrible analogy.

No, it’s not. I’m glad you feel happy doing zoom zoom on a Dragonriding mount, but it’s still an environment traversal system at its core. It executes that environment traversal differently than Static Flight does (arguably superior in terms of strictly gameplay experience, for those who can engage with and use it properly), but at the end of the day it does not impact zone storytelling whatsoever. The zone’s design itself does that.

There isn’t any more enrichment in a zone being designed with flight in mind while prohibiting initial access via one method of flight while permitting another. That’s a negative enrichment factor, not a positive one.

So you agree that Static Flight should be enabled in the Dawnbreaker dungeon, then?

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I’m running away from this convo in general. It’s tired.
It’s completely circular and non productive.

We haven’t agreed on a single point. We keep rehashing the same nonsense in different forms.
Agree to disagree?

See you can’t get away from the the limited bc flying to see the bigger picture.
Because bc is locked, the experience is negative no matter how it’s spun.

If that’s what blizzard wants. Sure. I haven’t test it, so I can’t speak on it.

I dislike having my action bars change.
I know I could spend the time to put my class spells back on there but I just would rather not.

It’s also a little clunky if I just want to fly 20 yards.

It’s definitely annoying there isn’t a quick dismount button.

No. You haven’t really put forth anything to actually disagree with, since you’re playing a hesitant devil’s advocate on Blizzard’s behalf. I don’t know what you actually think of this topic. Any time your seemingly pointed statements are brought up, you walk them back under the guise of devil’s advocacy and neutrality.

I don’t use Static Flight. I do consider environment traversal and other factors when evaluating this, since Blizzard has made a point of blocking Static Flight until you’ve completed the story and exploration achievements for Pathfinder. I consider these factors because I play with people who otherwise enjoy Retail itself, but don’t enjoy being forced into Dragonriding to unlock the flight method that you and others seem to consider inferior.

I can speak on it because I have tested it, unlike you. The dungeon is undoable in Static Flight, because Static Flight (as of last time I checked) is completely disabled in there, regardless of what you toggle. So somebody who either dislikes Dragonriding or has accessibility issues with it is left with three options:

  1. Try to stomach Dragonriding long enough to do the dungeon.
  2. Force somebody to play chauffeur to them throughout the dungeon.
  3. Ignore the dungeon’s existence entirely.

This is not a good thing at all.

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Because if you stay neutral, you can have more positive input. Being emotionally charged or refusing to see why the devs do what they do hinder the thought process.

I’ve said several times they do it for story and marketing, which is logical and understandable.
You disagree with that stance. Cool.

I don’t think so. If that was the case, you would see how substantial the environmental story tells with dynamic flying.
It’s a completely different zone and experience between dynamic and bc.

And I use static flying here and there. Mostly for short distances, because why not. But I’ll also use my owl to go 10 feet lol.

I mean it’s not out yet either. It’s still subject to change. They make changes in live, especially during the first few weeks of launch.

I’m really not worried. Now if we are in month 2, and those glaring problems still exist, then I can understand.

You’ve said you think they do it for those reasons. You don’t have an actual concrete citable reason for why they do it. Neither do I.

The difference is I’m not pretending to directly know why they’re doing this. I just know it’s going to have a negative impact on some players, and I don’t consider that to be a good thing.



Nah, a lot of people are done waiting for their opportunity to “enjoy” suffering through garbage that gets pointed out in Alpha and Beta that Blizzard manages to either completely miss or just ignore.

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There is no difference other than cosmetic, making it not a new feature.

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“so many people” are still a vocal minority. The vast majority like it. And only people with accessibility issues have valid concerns. Which I hope they continue to itify.

If you watch the interviews, they said story. They want the zones to be experienced in a certain way.
Marketing was my personal take because I am in sales. I can understand that aspect as well.

It’s really is. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there or wrong.

Giving old mounts the mechanics of dragonriding is a new feature and not cosmetic >_<
Cosmetic would be more colors or something. Not completely updating how they fly.

Here is what it comes down to for me: I have bad arthritis in my right wrist (is right handed). Even typing this is uncomfortable and I have to do it slowly. I find the extensive use of gimmick flight to be physically painful, so I will be spending a lot of my travel time on flightpaths or ground mounts.

So yeah, Blizzard has put me back to Classic in a way when flight wasn’t available. So grateful for skyriding.


Bangs head on wall Some people cannot manage DR. In order to fly they use steady flying. And then there are others others like me who prefer steady flying because they are sh*t with sky riding. And yet others that plain prefer either…what does it matter the reason, both forms of flight being available at the start of TWW is a win win.


thats literally the definition of cosmetic. The flight mechanic is the same, they just COSMETICALLY change which mount you SEE.

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Then everything in game is cosmetic, and there is no reason to play any other class, race spec. That’s such a BROAD way to view something.

If any of the old mounts gain abilities that are not standard to DF dragons, then it’s a new feature. Otherwise, cosmetic. TBD?

they don’t, you know that.

we need account wide ignore…

When I got into the TWW beta lastnight, I got the impression it was a different mechanic than riding a dragon. I could totally be wrong, but I did have a somewhat easier time with sky riding. If that is the case, great. Maybe I can sky ride more. Though I will always prefer steady flight. And I don’t think if they made adjustments to Sky riding, it will negate the need for steady flight for some disabled persons.

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The delay switching between the two is done on purpose to break the will of people that like both TBC normal flying and DR.

That level of friction is not an accident but a design feature like the no mounts in the maw was. How did that turn out?


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: