Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I honestly doubt it’s even a grudge thing. I think it’s just a matter of the development team in general just… Not particularly caring about the issue. Unfortunately it’s unlikely there’ll be a significant amount of backlash over this the relatively pointless act of holding back Static Flight, so this will probably stick.

Doesn’t help that we have people defending the decision without any real reason for defending static flight being held back.

Why do you want to gate keep Steady Flight? How does it harm you? What do you gain by gating Steady Flight?


Yeah, it’s like a building having no wheelchair access, 99% of people will just walk up the stairs and not give it a thought, and that’s fine, i don’t blame them for just worrying about themselves, but to picket outside and actively lobby against a ramp existing is madness lol


This is my opinion too. Maybe we should remove handy cap parking too.

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Dang you dropped that argument pretty quick :joy:

I also never said my stance. So I guess because your argument fell apart, you feel the need to make me seem like the bad guy? Like I’m personally gatekeeping?

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No, I’m sure there are many more. Also, we aren’t suppose to start new threads when one already exists.

Really why do you campaign for Gate Keeping Steady Flight for the people it really helps?

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A fair comparison would be ramps are included, but handicap vans aren’t provided.

EG TWW is ground mount accessible, but you have to do pathfinder for bc flying.

If it was that important to the player base, they would get constantly bumped. They’d see more attention. Not flat go days without replies.
There are plenty of threads with hundreds or thousands of replies.

The lack of attention tells the story.

What angle are you going for? :joy:
I haven’t said if I am for or against it. Go fish somewhere else. I’m not biting.

Or do you need me to tell you I’m handicapped again and I accept the reality that the world/game doesn’t bend to me. That I have to bend to it?

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A fairer comparison is that ramps are included and vans are included, but the vans have their handicap accessibility blocked until you’ve met an arbitrary requirement of going back and forth on a long ramp while watching people go right past you on the vans. Oh, but if you go up and down the ramp enough times you can finally get on a van, too!

It’s stupid.


The vans aren’t provided. That’s what the achievement gives.

Everyone gets sports cars though, even the handicap.

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You didn’t answer the questions

Goalpost shifting is still goalpost shifting, even when we’re using your poorly constructed analogy.

Ironically enough, if everyone’s getting a sportscar but some don’t want to drive it, why are we telling them they have to go up and down a ramp a dozen times to be able to use a van while they watch everyone go by in sportscars?

You do realize you made your own analogy look even MORE stupid, right?


Again, I haven’t given a stance for or against.
If you read my original post, you’d know what my entire point was.

Tell me where I was advocating for gate keeping?

Great, then you agree that gate keeping steady flight is a bad idea. Thanks for you support!

What goalpost? It’s been cemented into the ground.
It was also not my example. I just expanded on it.

You are given a sports car. For free.
It’s not Xcompanies fault you choose to not drive it and wait a few days for the vans to be available.
But good news! There are ramps installed and taxi drivers for easy accessibility!

More stupid because you disagree or can’t comprehend?

It’s literally not blizzards fault that people choose to not use a thing they are given. You don’t have to fly at mock 20. You can rebind your keys so it’s easier to fly and move.

Heck I fly with one hand. I set my mouse up that way. It’s not that big of a problem as y’all are making it out to be.

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I neither agree or disagree. Thanks for playing.

But you can’t use the taxis until you can run a 2 minute mile

The point is they are there.

Ah, so you didn’t change the analogy then, and it was completely built the first time you opted to use the moronic analogy.

Said company has vans that are handicap accessible to the degree of allowing the handicapped (or even just people expressing preference) to drive themselves. These are vans that don’t require a spare driver, or extra modification- they exist and they function for the handicapped as-is. So this company opts to just ship an entire batch of supercars without bothering to ship any handicap accessible vehicles despite being a company intended to serve a large variety of customers.

The vans in your analogy are capable of being driven by handicapped and non-handicapped people alike.

I called your analogy stupid because that’s what it is. It’s stupid. I’m not calling you stupid, but I am saying you used a stupid analogy that doesn’t work for the discussion at hand. Static Flight doesn’t require extra handholding or effort from Blizzard to function. It doesn’t create an undue burden for the able-bodied majority of the playerbase of WoW, nor does it create an undue burden for Blizzard.


That makes as much sense as gate keeping LFR, by requiring you complete the raid in Mythic first

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