Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Actually I have a firm grip on reality.

If it will be done in only one week, why bother?

You don’t know if only 1% of the Wow customers want Steady Flight.

Anyone with early access will have it before the end of the weekend before the actual launch.

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Farming for one. Vigor SUCKS for gathering. Its not herb/mining friendly.

There are going to be a lot of people who will have it done with in the 1st 24 hours of early access.

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They are the tiny minority. It’s unfortunate, but the game isn’t made for them and their specific handicaps. That is the reality.

I can play this game too.

Am I heartless because I am handicapped? Omg you monster :sob:
Wow I can’t believe you call someone who has a physical handicap heartless…

Like I don’t know what point you are trying to make, but it’s a bad one.

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Yup. It’s an illusion of a roadblock.
Even ground mounting 100%, you can have this done during early access.

Heck I just might just do that now just because.

you really don’t know this.


A game made for everyone is a game made for no one.


It’s a safe assumption. Can you point to me on the stuffed animal where it’s wrong?

Lets be honest. If this was ACTUALLY a problem, we’d see more posts about it.

Let me give me a great example of the weight players hold.
First few weeks of dragonflight. Players were SUPER unhappy with twice a weeklies and threw massive fits.
Blizz brought back dailies again to appease the masses.
Funny thing happened.
Players threw an even more MASSIVE fit. Literally within 24 hours of making wq dailies, they reverted them back to twice a weeklies.

So if pathfinder was really this big of an accessibility problem, the player base would let it be known.
Not sporadic posts here and there with very few actually making a fuss over it.


Didn’t Confucius say that?

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The fact is that the actual amount of posters that have stated as fact its a issue for them personally and not them just supporting those who have issues. are like a very hand full that spastically spam post like crazy in these topics trying anything they can and draw upon to prove their point of view, a very vocal few and minority.

In the beginning yes, that glyph waaay up at the top of the highest peak in DF when i only had 3 vigor. Back before i got all 6 vigor and the 3 extra from 2nd wind.
Nowadays i rarely have issues if im conscious about my vigor management.

If you have all the glyphs on your retail character make sure you go to where the dragon fiying trainer is in Jade forest to spend your points to get 2nd wind and enable passenger riding ( if you use that)

  1. When dragonriding the world is whipping by me in a blur. I feel less immersed (not increased immersion as others claim).

  2. Travel mechanics are annoying, not hard or difficult, just annoying. Required and not fun.

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Semantics at best… both sorta move the same speed. I say sorta because speed is nerfed in beta currently.

So what do you play> Dominos? I will play you … dominonooos.

I must say, I’m a a tad bitter about static flight being treated the way it is, if we got it at the same time as dragonriding, i’d have no issues whatsoever, but it’s like they keep doing everything they can to force us to use dragonriding, while simultaneously restricting access to static flight.

It makes absolutely zero sense to give us dragonriding from day one, but we need to jump through a bunch of hoops to get static flight back much later, it’s just Ion holding a grudge imo.


I love it but a close friend of mine I used to play with told me why she hated it.

She was not doing well health wise irl and did not enjoy needing to constantly press buttons and be active to fly around when flying was a good time for her to relax.

I enjoy it personally but it forces you to be active while flying so you can’t relax, walk away. or tab out like with TBC flying.


Grats on proving my point?

These posts are SPORATIC.

And just reading some of the comments. Most are completely disagreeing and pointing out the false outrage. Wow. That’s hilarious :joy:

“Some of folks are just selfish they don’t want to play this game without reg flying and did said that many times on the forms. They’re hoping that their boycott will caused so much damage to blizzard that they will caved to their demand like they did in WoD. Blizzard made the requirement so easy and more forgiving that you be flying regularly by end of the weekend of pre launch instead of waiting either 3 weeks or next content patch.”

"The war within zones are ground mount friendly. And plus, what is so hard or tedious about war within pathfinder? None, of it are even time gated. "

“I’m glad they decided that Warthin zones are ground-mount friendly. I hated Waenor because how frustrating it was to travers through AU Draenor.”

Blizzard, please remove flight from the game altogether. The players dont deserve it.

TBC Flying was never an accessibility mode.

And again… If it was that important, there would be more noise. Not 5 posts in a month that die.

as many many have already posted

dragongliding just requires constant attention to a boring lackluster transit chore

flying didn’t need a revamp, peeps just wanted it to be faster

if regular flying was same speed as gliding, barely anyone would use gliding

just because i have to flappy bird to my destinations, it doesn’t mean it is more engaging or fun. It is just tedious friction added to transit.

nowadays they want to unlock gliding at launch but regular flying is locked behind some mega grind of doing everything. Just arbitrary design decisions that make no sense as far as player value or player experience.