Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I’m thinking about the new cups!

You chose to reply the way you did, then quickly edited the first half of that reply to the other person in question when you realized how absolutely terrible it sounded.

If you’re not comfortable with accessibility concerns being brought up as part of this discussion, there are ways for you to not deal with that.

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I don’t hate it or dislike it, but the one issue I’ve had with it - is when you launch up to fly - that makes me sick. I used to not look at the screen or just close my eyes for a couple of seconds til it was over.

The motion sickness options for turning off the ‘wind effects’ on wings and especially the big, awesome, awesome circle that appears over the screen when you first launch has made a huge difference for me! :slight_smile: I don’t understand how it works, or why it works? lol xD
I am personally grateful this is in-game.

Was that enough context?
Btw, why reply if you are just going to say “ew” then leave it at that, then say something about lack of context :joy:

Because you are talking about TWW, and it seems like you are saying DR on purpose to get a rise out of people.

The zone also tells a story. That’s the story telling point of dynamic flying. Same with dragonriding in DF.
If you can’t see that, I don’t know what to tell you.

You aren’t going to be 200 feet in the sky on bc mounts. You aren’t going to be gliding past structures, zones, plains, trees at the same speed.
The zone looks completely different with dynamic flying than bc.

It does. You are limiting story to quests it seems and can’t see the bigger picture.

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Hey don’t forget, we still have the rest of the old xpacs too!


I use dragon when I need to go more fastly, and regular when i need to more acuratelyist


Alright, have a good day.

Craving for the Storm Race cup in Azeroth! Imagine flying through the Blackrock mountain. I missed the dragon racing now will not lose that one!

Choosing to interpret me continuing to use Dragonriding as “getting a rise out of people” is a you problem. You continue harping on about this and dragging it out.

So are you going to… elaborate on that further? Or are you just going to continue to use vague descriptions to push my actual hands-on experience with the content out of the way?

You completely ignored the rest of that reply which did actually add some more context…

So, yeah. I agree in terms of general or longer distance flight. I disagree in terms of questing.

I can see the bigger picture, and I don’t disagree that general flight with Dragonriding is different from general flight with Static Flight. I don’t think it creates a sufficient difference to alter how the actual cadence of questing through the zones’ stories feels due to a relative lack of interaction with Dragonriding in the story questing itself.

Yep, you too.


Oooh, there is one thing about flying in TWW that concerns me, and it’s that we have to toggle whether we’re using Dynamic Flight “skyriding” or “Static Flight from BC.” We don’t have to do this, in the game, right now, so I was thinking the delay may be to also help make the game time last a little longer.

I’ve played FFXI and it was probably the slowest game I’ve ever seen when it comes to fighting anything. Take a few moments to swing a sword… then another … few moments. I mean it really took a long time to fight something, solo. Simple bug-mobs, out in front of the town! lol xD

When WoW came out, the thing that I noticed was that the gameplay was a bit faster, thank goodness. Doing professions granted you an ability level and an item instead of just not getting a partial ability level and losing the mats and not making an item. @_@ It felt awful.

So with gating flying and changing it so we have to toggle something to use it, whereas now we don’t have to do that - seems like it’s meant to waste a bit of time. So we play longer. - Although gating static flying doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, to me, unless they are gating material gathering by doing so.

It is a great tool for WOW in general. But honestly it is a combination of being fed up with the constant restraints from Blizzard over 3 x pacs on flying and then not letting people chose from the start of DF which one they would want to use.


I hope you step on a lego.

Its okay, some can’t accept reality.

How is it that I can’t accept reality?

I don’t like pet battles, but I don’t campaign to have it removed or gated behind an achievment.

Same goes for many other parts of the game like Pvp, Mount collecting, transmogs and so on.

Just because it’s not used by most customers, doesn’t mean it should be gated or removed.

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The thing you replied to was about accessibility. Holy tangent.

Holy cow, you really are clueless or heartless.

It boggles the mind that there are people in here arguing against making flying available, despite the fact that this would not affect them or their use of dragonriding whatsoever, purely to spite other players.


I don’t want a minigame for travelling from point A to point B. I don’t need KH gummi ship content when I just want to travel. I don’t want to manage a resource to fly either, I can do it just fine, but if I can avoid it I will and often just do not interact with it when possible.

There is no reasonable explanation outside of “we want you to try new thing we did!” to lock normal flying behind an achievement. Even if that achievement is “lmao play the game” why even have that as a barrier?


Oof… how does that foot taste?

This is why you don’t get in the middle of a convo if you aren’t going to read the full context.

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I’ve been a part of the discussion all along. Please get a clue heartless one.

Ah yes. Me accepting the reality that the game is catered to the 99% is heartless.
Me accepting that it’s locked behind a silly achievement that most will have done week one is heartless.
Me not mindlessly whining about something that isn’t going to change makes me heartless.

Get a grip :joy:

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