Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Dragonflight is a prime example of this.

Dragonriding was one of the main features for the xpac. A new way to fly. So they locked bc flying.
They are doing the same with this xpac, but aren’t being as aggressive with how it’s being locked.

I mean I don’t disagree, but at least the unlock is basically ‘play the game’. Most will have it within the first week so I don’t really see it as a problem.

You also have to think of the number that can’t use dynamic is extremely small.
Bend to the .01% or advertise and market the game for the other 99%?

That’s how that kind of stuff works.

Not really.
Most are old players. Being able to use your menagerie of old mounts WITH dragonriding will take a lot of the negative attention away imo.

At that point we start going into semantics, and I really don’t give a damn.

It’s Dragonriding. It’s not a new feature. Just got a different name slapped on the front.

Cool. Dragonriding itself is not a TWW feature, just a system rendered usable within TWW. Blizzard could just as easily have kept everyone grounded for launch.

You’re assuming you understand why, yes. I honestly don’t think this is some clever attempt at marketing. Anybody getting into WoW in recent times is aware Dragonriding exists.

Either the development team wants to push out static flight entirely past a certain bracket of gameplay, or this is an egregious oversight on their part.


Let me ask you a simple question. Are you going to log in and play TWW when it launches and continue to play it and pay a sub to WoW?

If your answer is yes, then the fact that TBC flight is locked behind pathfinder choice by Blizzard Devs, has not made an effect on the game in anyway negative that Blizzard cares about. Because you are still playing and paying for the game.

And this question I will ask and state that answer to anyone that is still complaining about this topic.

Semantics or not, it’s not going to be called “dragonriding” anymore. So you can call it “dragonriding” until the end of time. It’s wrong but, who cares.

It’s not. Dynamic flying is. The evolution of it makes it a DIFFERENT feature.

You are too stuck on “dragonriding”.

Dragonriding = dragons ONLY
Dynamic is the same system expanding to most mounts.
I don’t know why this is the hill you chose to die on…

Why when they can highlight that the system has expanded to players favorite flying mounts from previous xpacs?

I mean its pretty obvious it’s marketing. But it’s also story. They want THEIR story to be told from dynamic flying.

If that was the case, they wouldn’t have invested time into pathfinder to begin with.

Cool. It’s Dragonriding with a different name.

It’s not evolving, though? Are we getting new abilities and passives? The only change I’ve seen is a top speed reduction on the Beta. (That and it simply failing to function at times, so maybe that’s the new feature you’re referring to.)

It’s not a hill I’m dying on, I’m just perfectly happy calling it Dragonriding. I think you care a lot more about me calling it that than I do.

So aside from simply expanding the roster of mounts that can engage with Dragonriding, what else is changing? If the only meaningful change is adding mounts to the list (and reducing its speed), it’s not a new or evolved feature.

Why lock players out of static flight? You’d think Blizzard would want to highlight the ability for players to choose how they engage with the world, but here we are, with them limiting that instead.

Gonna be honest with you, Dragonriding feels even more gamey than static flight in any form of questing given how prevalent bunny-hopping with it is, lol.

Oh, and after playing through the story on the Beta? Yeah, no, Dragonriding hasn’t enhanced it in the slightest. It gets used fairly minimally as an actual mechanic for quests, and none of those quests would be different with Static Flight.


I can actually see this point for Dragonflight (though i disagree with that being the right approach), but in an expansion where the focus is on the new mount types that can dynamic fly, I don’t even understand how the marketing is affected one bit by steady flight. Is someone going to see Mimiron’s head doing a barrel roll in a promotional video decide they aren’t going to pick up TWW because players can also fly Mimiron’s head the old way without having to “prove” they are worthy with an unlock?

But again, Blizzard added more work to lock steady flying behind any requirement at all. It would be different if this was the status quo option and I was asking for them to do more work for the 1%.

Maybe, but why take the negative attention at all? You said it yourself, dynamic flying is not a major selling point of the expansion. The experience of using an old mount with dynamic flying is unaffected by the ability for other players to use that old mount with steady flying in TWW. It’s still quite unclear how, even from a marketing perspective, this approach is better than having both unlock at the same time in the same way but only putting marketing budget into showing off the old mounts with dynamic flying.

Yes, I will, because I am actually not directly affected by the decision. I much prefer dynamic flying.

But you’re wrong about this decision not having a negative impact Blizzard will care about. Blizzard put development time into locking steady flight behind an achievement; it may not have been much, but it’s more than it would cost to just have it be available when the expansion launched. Unless Blizzard can recoup that cost from people choosing to spend enough money BECAUSE that restriction exists to make up that development cost, Blizzard just lost money in that transaction. It’s probably not much money, certainly not at their scale. But it’s still questionable how the benefit is going to outweigh the cost from a business point of view.

I’m not telling them that.
I suggested the player I quoted that.

Stop bringing your own problems here or inserting this kind of argument. Be gone

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To be fair (glossing over your ableism for a moment here), it’s a fair point to raise that Dragonriding isn’t as accessible as Static Flight.

People with hand tremors and various other issues may not generally have issues with the game, but specifically with Dragonriding. Same for motion sickness and other issues, since Dragonriding has ups and downs in speed and a lot more camera involvement than Static Flight.

Even if we brush all of that aside, why not leave the choice to the player? Why go this route? This discussion came up about the Arachnophobia Filter a good bit ago, and there were people basically just going “exposure therapy, suck it up or quit”, and that’s an entirely optional toggle for an expansion full of arachnophobia trigger potential. Why is letting someone flip the switch to Static Flight without needing to get Pathfinder such a problem for people? Why do you care?

(Edit) Nice catch on your post being blatant ableism in the first half, but I still saw that.


Sorry I don’t buy in this ~ inclusive language ~ thing. I’m not sorry for being normal.
And first and foremost, I haven’t mocked anyone for having a disability.

It is not my problem. Literally. I don’t develop the game and I don’t decide which features go in, so don’t blame or bring this up to me.

I don’t care if it is a valid point or not. I haven’t quoted a person that has a disability, did I?

The person who quoted me asking me to tell that to someone who has Parkinson / or disability due to a stroke for WHAT? It is a low effort bait attempt to bring me into a discussion which I’m not part and I don’t even want to be part. Make your own thread if you want.

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Only thing I can think of to reply to this with is… Cool? It sounds like you don’t really care about the topic or what is being said about it, so why even engage with the topic?

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Nah uh cus Dwagon widing is for dwagons onwy. UwU.

I think you care more about the name than anything else, otherwise we wouldn’t be in this circular argument.

It’s their world, their story to be told however they please. :dracthyr_shrug:

Copy/pasting an achiev from previous xpacs. Reducing the unlocks. Slapping bc flying as the reward.
I can promise you, they spent hardly any time on this.
But again, they had a point in locking it. But the other point is the requirements are essentially non existent.

Because the BIG whiners are here on gd and there are only a handful. Blizzard doesn’t care about people throwing their complaints to the wind.

Now if the complaints were more substantial, like when they were messing with daily wq vs twice a weeklies. THEN they’d care more and do something about it.

Well it’s a feature. It’s not massive like warbands and other things.
Reason why they are making bc so readily available week 1 and not locking it behind 2-3 patches.

Cool? What about don’t reply at all and stop bringing me into a discussion which I’m not part of? Or do you crave so much for my opinion on this?

I don’t really care if you are disabled or not when I’m talking to you and I don’t really mind that when I’m talking to people in general while playing. And I say that because I have no means to know, there is no sign over your character that you have a disability. So, I will not be asking everyone if they have a disability before saying something. Wake up.

If someone can’t do something because they’re disable just speak out, there is no shame out of it. It is not like some users have been trying to picture in another thread that if you have a different opinion you’re mocking people with disability.

This childish trend has to stop.


I call it by the name I’m used to calling it. :dracthyr_shrug:

Considering Dragonriding does practically nothing to enhance or modify the story of TWW on the beta (so far, unless they go back and change more stuff), this is a non-argument.

Nobody’s making you reply to anything in this thread. If you don’t feel like seeing responses or this topic in general, it’s pretty simple to mute the thread.

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So why are you mocking normal people? Can’t we enjoy the game as we want? Is this what you want?

See how nice it is to put you in a discussion which you are not part and you even said anything about? That is what happened to me. Welcome.

You did this to us.

Tbh this reminds me of when GD was trying to get “warthin” to stick vs TWW.
Actually this is worse because one is just wrong and the other just sounds bad lol.

To each their own, just stop referring to it as DR in TWW unless you don’t mind getting corrected. Just like all the “warthin” stans did.

Because you don’t agree or see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
You view the world from completely different perspectives with dynamic flying vs bc.
The fact you say “this is a non-argument” just shows how biased you are.

How exactly have I mocked normal people?

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Which is why it is called now Skyriding, and the new Gryphon mount has a different ability that replaces Whirling Surge (Lightning Rush) which functions a bit different and perhaps more challenging when using as you lose a bit of maneuver when using that.

But well we know only a little of the TWW story so far and might have something else in Seasons 2 and 3.

Oh so now you see how it is when you’re put into a discussion which you were not part and asked to talk about something that you didn’t. Welcome to my shoes.

With no further context on this statement, it means nothing.

I call it Dragonriding because that’s what I’ve been calling it for almost two years now. I’m sure with some time I might eventually refer to it as Dynamic Flight more regularly. I still don’t understand why you care about this in the slightest, but if you want to be technical about it it’s still Dragonriding until the day the prepatch drops for TWW.

I’m telling you it doesn’t exist because I’ve actually played through the “story” you’re referring to. Have you?

To some extent you do, and to some you don’t. Bunny-hopping over mobs to get to things while questing isn’t any more interactive than just flying over them. General flight or longer distance flight, sure, it’s a different perspective.

No, I’m just telling you that Dragonriding doesn’t enhance or modify the story in any meaningful way. That’s coming from the perspective of a player who loves Dragonriding, because I have no issues interacting with it and it represents a momentum-based flight system I’ve always wanted to have in WoW.

Oh trust me, I know :joy:
I learned that pretty fast. I took the gryphon for all of the dream gold races. The zone was excellent for that ability and gaining charges.
Heck I used the gryphon almost exclusively until the owl was released.

Yea I feel like the gryphon was a test. I can’t not see them expanding on abilities and making unique ones based on the mount type.

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