Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Locking steady flight behind pathfinder will make almost no difference in boting

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learn how to maneuver. I’ve mastered that, I’d only use the TBC flying for old world Archeology.

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So then allow both modes to be unlocked on day 1. There’s a conditional here that you are leaving off that makes a significant difference. IF steady flying is going to be locked, so too should dynamic; if it’s important enough for marketing to have dynamic flying available on day 1, then treat steady in kind and make it available on day 1.


They want to highlight dynamic flying while not super limiting BC flying.
It’s that simple.

They want to showcase dynamic flying, not bc.

They are also being super generous with the limitations in doing so. We aren’t waiting until patch 2 or 3 for it this time around. There is no tedious pathfinder.

You can literally unlock it week 1.

Tell that too a player that has hand shakes now from either a Stroke or Parkinson’s disease…my left side of my body has nerve damage from two strokes I had…my left arm shake badly sometimes which in turn makes my hand shake and move…so you want us to spend 20 mins trying to land on a node using dynamic flying when if using steady flying we can get the node right off…nice humanitarian you are…NOT.

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It’s a game and unfortunately you are the minority. That is the reality :dracthyr_shrug:

They have to think of the vast majority that play the game. I’m sorry that is inconvenient and you have to go through that on the day to day. But that is the reality.

Land near and ground mount. There is always a solution to these things. Let’s not pretend you HAVE to land on or near it.
It’s faster to land on it, yes. But it’s not the end of the world if you are near and take a few steps towards it.

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Speaking as somebody who loves Dragonriding and greatly prefers it to static flight, I see no real benefit to locking static flight at all.


Then stick Dynamic flying behind this path finder if its so easy and fast …you’ll only be on the ground for a week now as you stated…whats so wrong with that now…you have distain for your fellow handicapped players…


That sums up the argument very well. Thank you.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s a company.
One of the big features for TWW is dynamic flying.

On the PTR and the beta the big features are warbands and hero talents.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Why would you lock the thing you are trying to highlight?
That’s not how marketing or advertising works.

That’s not what I said at all.

I have my own handicaps. I don’t scream from the mountains about them. I also know the world doesn’t bend to me and my problems.
I have to bend to it.

Being tested, yes. They don’t really have to test dynamic flying do they?

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Its not. It causes sickness in some, its absolutely useless for gathering professions.
Its awesome to get across 3 zones fast. But for slower computers, it also makes loading an issue.


Dragonriding was front and center as a new system for Dragonflight. It’s already been expanded to basically every zone with flight at this point during Dragonflight.

Dragonriding is not a “big feature” for TWW. It already exists in Retail and is simply being opened up sooner into TWW than in DF.

Not having static flight open at the same time in TWW isn’t going to change the general playerbase’s perception of Dragonriding. That’s already been more than covered by it being released in Dragonflight as a new feature.


It’s not. Dynamic flying is though.
Most old world mounts are getting dynamic flying. Which is a very big feature. For the first time they are updating old world mounts.

It forces you to use dynamic flying. That’s the point.

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Dynamic Flight is Dragonriding. Unless you’re trying to tell me that a name change is groundbreaking new material?

This is an expansion of an existing system, not a new system. Dragonriding is still Dragonriding. This is also something that was initially projected/slated for sometime in DF and got pushed back. :dracthyr_shrug:

And that not being a good or even necessary decision is my point.


Let’s be honest, dynamic flying is not a feature of TWW, it is Dragon Flying which is a feature from DF.


How does locking steady behind a honey-do list impact the marketing of dynamic, though? Or is creating a superiority complex necessary for the marketing to be considered successful?

So then only showcase dynamic flying. I’m not saying there needs to be equal representation with steady flying; let it be a footnote on page 35 of the user manual for all I care. It would be less work and seemingly harm nobody if steady flying was unlocked quietly alongside dynamic flying that they can market to the moon if they want. But instead Blizzard decided to put time into creating a requirement to meet to unlock steady flying; honestly that does more to draw the attention away from dynamic flying than letting both modes be unlocked in the same manner at the same time…


It is when you no longer have to use dragons.
Thus why it was renamed to dynamic flying.

And now it’s a TWW feature. :+1:

I never said I agreed either.
I was merely explaining it from a marketing/advertising perspective.

The vast majority of people either like dragonriding or are at least neutral. The forums are where the loud minority tend to come to scream so it might sound like people don’t like it, but in reality most people do like it.