Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Very small group of people dislike dynamic flight, and I would say less than 1% have any type of medical condition that makes it impossible to even use absolutely 100%. The one who have over stated medical conditions, have at times done so in such a way, that totally makes it impossible for them to even play WoW period in some cases. Which doesn’t win the case of their argument for having TBC flight in the game instant at the start. It just make them sound like very bad liars and have an alternative motive for wanting TBC flight than what they are saying.


I am not a bad liar for explaining my problems with Dragon Flight.

I see no reason to have DF at the start and not Steady Flight. Both allow you to fly over and skip content.


I did not like it at first; the three vigor always ran out, and took “forever” to regenerate, but once you get the skill that restores a vigor (usable three times) it doesn’t feel as limited.
Once you have that you can collect the tokens, and increase the regen rate and/or maximum vigor; the experience is like night and day afterwards, and its account unlock too so alts have access to the better flight right away. (just need to assign the points)

The thing that bugs me the most is if your speed drops to low you stop moving forward and just float down. I wish you’d just keep moving forward slowly, first ground mount would be enough, just don’t force me to land or use a vigor and shoot past my target.

I hope they keep a few mounts with static flying (or let us flag a mount for static), that way one could just hop on it when precision is needed, I don’t even mind if its not usable until the static mode is unlocked. (Alternatively they could just get rid of the switching cast time so a macro can switch and mount in one or two quick clicks)

Agreed and let me take a time out to say that you are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


They dont as its been said theres a handful of the people on the forums who dont like it cause its different. Wow is def a special case where there are players that love the slow primitive part of an mmo.

A ton of games have fun and exciting movement that makes wow look ancient. While there is alot of us that dont just play wow the people who dont play anything else are like the boomers of gaming. They dont like change.

I always say there are mmo players and then theres wow players. U can be a mmo player that enjoys wow but wow players arent necessarily mmo players.

Most of the complaints come from just “wow” players while mmo players love the changes.

I’ve played Asheron’s Call, Ever Quest, Ever Quest 2, Star Wars: The old Republic, Ultima Online and World of Warcraft Massive Multimedia Online Role-Playing Games. I usually only play one game at a time because of the subscription fee to play them. I even quit online gaming because of SW:ToR for 3 years.

Maybe I’m a boomer (though reality I’m a Gen X), I do embrace change, I just don’t think saying we don’t like Dragon Riding / Sky Riding because it’s different. A few of us have health issues that make using the faster method a little difficult.

Personally, I keep a fast mount and a slow mount on my task bar because I use the mount appropriately for what I am doing. The new changes make it an all or nothing toggle, either your fast or slow flying from what I’ve heard (could be wrong).

Why can we not have some mounts toggled as one and some as the other for flying purposes. I only use fast mount when I need to get from point A to B fast (large distances or rare NPCs). I use the slow mount for AFK, harvesting, questing and short distance content because it’s easier for me to maneuver on because of finger amputations.

To say that people that play other MMO embrace the changes and love them over a person that has not much other MMO game is strictly an assumption.

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Idk how else to say this man but me and you are in the same boat and ur not who i was refering to.

Wow boomer doesnt mean boomer who plays wow its just a term of people who dont like change.

I also use steady flying over dynamic depending in similar situation like u listed. I was refering to players who ask for the outright removal of dynamic flight and have only steady flying.

Tww is going to have a toggle anyways so its q win win for most players but people who absolutely hate dynamic flight and want it gone are still complaining.

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I can’t recall a single person claiming they want dynamic flying to be removed. The vast majority of people just want steady flying to not be treated worse than dynamic. The issue is that players who want or need to use steady flying have a honey-do list to unlock while dynamic flight is enabled by default on day 1. It makes it feel like a punishment for daring to not use dynamic, regardless of the reason the player doesn’t use dynamic.


Sorry my apologies. It didn’t say who you were replying to, so I thought it was a blanket statement.

I like how flying is currently in Dragon Flight, so not really liking the toggle between the two modes. It was mentioned that Ion was uncomfortable saying old flying was staying while at the Blizzcon. But yes, I can also see why people who don’t like “Sky Riding” as it will now be called getting in from day 1, but old school flying is max level and whatever other hoops Blizzard throughs at them.

The posts I have seen pointed to issues with controlling mounts. It is dramatically different from steady flying.

For me I think it’s great. Kind of fun and a travel time saver. That said I use steady flying to hover or scout areas out if I am looking for something.


Flying is the equivalent of stealth. You can go up in the air temporarily and move your attention away from WOW. It’s easy to enjoy scenery when you’re not zooming past and you can be still, it makes it easy to find stuff mid-flight.

Dragon riding was meant to make you fly past stuff. It was meant to hold your attention during flight. It was meant to destroy your ability to safely afk mid air.

Both have its benefits and its downfalls.

We will never allow old flying to leave because we know what they are trying to remove from us.


Nobody has said to remove dynamic flying but some have said if steady flying is locked behind a Pathfinder for TWW then Dynamic flying should be locked behind same requirement then. What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander now.

If getting the Path finder is so easy peasy then locked Dynamic behind too. Its only fair thing really but getting fair treatment anymore from here is like pulling teeth…


I maintain Blizz forces dragon flight because it is harder to bot with.

Nope that’s false now too…Dragon flying has its bots…


So glad I had my teeth pulled so they can’t identify my corpse as I fly into the ground at warp speed. :grimacing:

The amount of people I see flying in landing and taking off from a node shows me the people harvesting are not having issues with Dragon Riding / Sky Riding.

Yep will usually be like 5 crash land on node then 5 launches from node, while another group crash lands right behind them.

Personally I’m a solo player who mainly enjoys questing and reading the story. I don’t like speedrunning through the content, I like wandering around and exploring things at a relaxed pace. Dragonriding is fine if you want to go quickly from point A to point B (although even then it’s annoying if the terrain isn’t flat), but it’s not good if you just want to relax, explore, and enjoy the scenery. I get that my playstyle is different from most people’s. Judging by my experience in group content, playing mop remix, and reading the forums, most players are the speed-through-everything-as-fast-as-possible type, and naturally those people prefer dragonriding. But normal flying is more fun for me. I can live with players looking down on me and calling me a boomer or whatever; I just wish Blizzard would stop trying to force me into the speed demon lifestyle.


People with less time that may also play other games, that have a family and hobbies just struggle to learn this new flight mode.

My dragons keep crashing all the time, it´s less convenient than my flightform, I can not tab out of the game to read up on something while in the air and it is giving me headaches due the speed of things.

Pro gamers that know WOW inside out, sure have a new tool they like but there are also people playing this game, that don´t see it as a job, that have disabilities and they are treated like a second customer by Blizz.


-Can’t hover
-Constant management of vigor (can get tedious)
-If i’m looking for a treasure/chest/item, i need to fly in smaller increments, instead of big bursts

I like having it as an option though


I dislike it because normal flying used to be relaxing for me. I would just fly around zones while listening to music. That’s not possible with dragon riding.


Thats not how marketing works.

Dynamic flying is new to most mounts. Bc flying is… well bc flying. Its called that for a reason. Its not new or a main feature for the xpac.
And they did it in such a minimal manner this time around.

You can do this with DR as well. Heck most of the time I fly around with one hand.
Mouse aim at the ground, super hero smash. Mine a node. Press a button on my mouse for lift off. Press another to surge forward. Repeat.

Its also nice to auto fly without having to set the auto run feature. Take a bite of soup/sandwich, hit surge every now and then.

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