Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Very well stated. Much appreciated.

Its not beneficial too any player that has issues with dynamic flying at all…whether they are handicapped or disabled or physical pain and or mental pain from using dynamic flying…its seems a certain higher up in Blizzard still has a grunge against player base for what happened in WoD when they tried to remove flying all together and we the player base revolted against it.

There is no reason not too allow static flying right off when TWW goes live…and don’t say its to stop the bots…they already figured out how to bot with dragon flying in DF…its just being mean spirited against a certain player group that has issues with dynamic flying.


Like I alluded to in my response, I can understand the game design benefits of keeping players grounded. Players can easily miss intended experiences by flying straight over them. If Blizzard locked all forms of flying behind the same timegate and/or achievement(s), at least I could understand the motivation.

The problem is that there are different requirements for static and dynamic. Any concern with players flying over intended experiences will happen for everyone who is using dynamic flying immediately, leaving only those who won’t dynamic fly (either due to inability or preference) as the only ones who are guaranteed to get that experience. I can’t think of any valid gameplay related reason why this would be the direction as it relates to when players can fly.


Sings, Who’ll Stop The Rain

FACT! Dragon riding is not great for me.

Dragon flying causes motion sickness for me. Options to help with motion sickness do not help me.

For others, it’s a physical accessibility problem.

It amazes and disappoints me how many people are so indifferent to other peoples plight. Why do you campaign for the removal or delay of steady flight? How does it help you?


I’m confused as to why you’re playing the victim card over something I did not bring up? I just said DR is great.

Good thing you have other options. Not everything can be adjusted to everyone’s disability/accessibility problems. I’m all for accessibility options.

I’m not sure why you even brought up this perspective/made stuff up in an attempt to shame me. Enjoy our day :slight_smile:

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Yes we have other options, steady flight. Please do not gatekeep it.

Because you stated “Fact, Dragon Flying is great”. This is not a Fact, it is your opinion, one I disagree with strongly.

Enjoy our day :slight_smile:


Okay. Bye Felicia.

I enjoy Dragon riding and I’m all for options. That’s a fact. /shrug

Welcome to WoW.

DR is a baked in mini game you have to play constantly. Just another chore on the laundry list.


While I think there are some valid concerns with dragonriding, I think a lot of it has to come from people disliking change. I personally enjoy dragon riding making travel more engaging versus static flight or flight paths (which should be available as options).

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For me, dragonflying makes me feel nauseous, and if I push it I get bad headaches. Not enjoyable.

I have zero problem with it being a thing in game and if people find it fun that’s great.

What I do find frustrating is this obsession with needing to unlock regular flying? I haven’t looked into it, but I’m really hoping it isn’t locked behind dragonflying in War Within – as in the pathfinding achievement can’t be completed with using dragonflying. I’ll ride a ground mount everywhere if I need to, that’s fine, but please make it accessible.

I also find it strange. If dragonflying is the superior mode of flight, why would you have to go through pathfinding to unlock something inferior?


I don’t hate it, but I like being able to set which way I am going, and then auto fly that way, while looking at other tabs / quests / maps - whatever…Dragonriding is very user involved, you need to be “playing” it. I like the less involved old school flight


This is exactly why I do not like it. Fun if you want to pay attention, not fun if I want to multi task lol

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I’m painfully bad at it. Yes, even two years in. I don’t particularly appreciate being forced to use it.


Same, it is however WAY faster…so I use it when going far distances. Other than that, I like the ability to be airborne while near the ground and accepting quests and such.

Working my way through the xpac now to get ready for the next one. I hated Dragonriding so much and it took me so far out of the immersion I just left the game until now. It’s gotten better now that I have a few glyphs, I suppose.

It’s just not my thing. I still don’t like it. I don’t actively HATE it, like some others have said, but gosh is it some of the most tedious nonsense I’ve ever had to use in a game. Is some of it faster? Sure. Do I hate taking off, getting hung up on branches, waiting for recharges, running out of charges and falling when I’m less than an inch from my goal?

Yea, that’s why it’s not my thing. Normal flying, slow as it was, at least was steady enough to get me where I wanted to go without requiring carpal tunnel overdrive. I’d rather it be an optional minigame rather than the bread and butter of travel. It seems like maybe that’s what we’ll be seeing in the next xpansion.

I hope so.


Time played metrics using a reject version of Rogue combo points and energy.

Easy pass for me.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


aside from being painful to deal with, seriously, you brush a pixel of a tree and have to wait 2 minutes to even think about flying again, allot of the dislike for it is because it makes some people motion sick


I don’t like the lack of control paired with going fast in areas with lots of trees. I just find it annoying in general.

I’ll only be using it when I have to, like when rares/events are spawning and I have to keep up with other players.


The actual number of people who dislike it is pretty small…and some, very whiny.