Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Imagine putting lockpicking behind lock path finder. Or Stealth behind stealth path finder.

Imagine putting druid shapeshift behind shapeshift path finder.
Or mage portals behind portal path finder.

TBC flight hate is still going strong and it is unneeded. DR sucks and it isn’t a upgrade to replace it. I don’t understand why people think DR is cool and fun.


I find it a real pain in my backside. I never liked it.

Go into the beta area, and look it up, there are threads that have devolved into political ideological discussions instead of what is better for players and consumers.

That is done to try to lock the thread. I would ignore that tactic because a lot of valuable feedback has been provided regarding making the dungeon more accessible for players.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Actually a ton of people are in Beta, when you do this you have a lot of people who just love to turn the beta forums into basically the general forum. They contribute nothing to actually testing or putting a real input into problems or anything, they are just there to stir the pot and get reactions.

The best time to get any point across to the Dev’s in Alpha or Beta testing is early in the process. Once the flood gates are open. It always begins to just end up a lot of yelling.

To me Dragon riding / Sky riding has its place for certain things. If you need to move from point A to B in a hurry, that’s great. But for AFK (hover above ground), harvesting or questing slow flying has distinct advantages. Both have their places within the game for one reason or another.

As someone with disabilities I prefer slow mounting. There are a lot of people that have issues with Dragon riding / Sky riding for various reasons. The thing that bothers me is people don’t seem to care about us, we are second rate gamers to you. Holding back game play and ruining your experience.

We are not intentionally doing this. We honestly just want to have fun just like you do. So yes, we might have issues with certain game modes within World of Warcraft, but we like you just want to enjoy the game the best we can even if that means asking for, and keeping slow mount flying as it is in Dragon flight, not a toggle.


Thank you for the voice of reason on this issue.


Okay. So you would be fine with having to do pathfinder to fly at all? I doubt it. It makes perfect sense everyone gets to fly however they choose from the start.

And for those who doubt how many players prefer static flying, anecdotal evidence on my server shows 1/3 or more players on static mounts.


Link to your source. I see hardly any of the old forum regulars still posting from expansions previous to Shadowlands. I think it is delusional to insist that no one would ever quit over that, given that more than once in the past the game lost half its players.

That racial was dramatically nerfed in the profession changes for DF. It used to be if you clicked the herb there was no channel. Now it can indeed be interrupted.

That kind of used to be a thing.

In vanilla, you had to either earn your forms or buy them.

You are the one talking about someone having an “anti dragon flying agenda…” seriously? We’re all still talking about a game, some people are highly invested but it’s still a game. No conspiracies here.

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Actually, I do not care. Pathfinder didn’t bother me. World travel is, for all intents and purposes, a small thing which is irrelevant to most forms of content I do. I hit cap, I arena, I do keys, I raid. It is largely irrelevant.

It also doesn’t change anything I said. For over a decade, people had to wait a year and a half for static flight, including in DF. Take the gift, be happy with a 10 hour quest campaign, move on.

Anecdotes are unreliable just like eye witness testimony is unreliable.

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If all you do is read the forums that may be the impression you get…if you actually play the game you would see the majority of people are definitely in favor of Dragonriding/skyriding/dynamic…oh whatever lol.

That is just pure arrogance. “Take it as a gift…” So that is how you would speak to a fellow WOW player who prefers or has to rely on steady flying? You’re displaying an alarming case of, "I feel like arguing and f- off to all who don’t or can’t play the way I play.


And which one is static flying?..they have changed the damn names of the two flying types so many times now trying to confuse people and stop this argument with TBC flying and Dragon flying…


You’re taking it far too personally.

I don’t know how many times I have to explain this. The last time anyone had the ability to fly right out the gate other than the intro quests in Dragonflight was Cataclysm. For TBC, Wrath, and MoP, you had to get to max level and fly, with Wrath being a small exception cause you could get it at 77 rather than cap.

Ever since WoD, which was quite literally over a decade ago, you had Pathfinder. The crowd of people who enjoyed any form of flight had to wait over a year and a half just to be able to fly at all. Yes, having that reduced to an eight hour campaign for the leveling experience is a gift whether you like to admit it or not. It is quite literally a massive net win for the static flight crowd in every regard. I don’t understand why people have such a hard time seeing this.

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I still think one of their major draws for dragon flying was to curb bots farming ore/herbs. It’s harder to bot dragon riding, its very easy to bot regular flight.

Beforr regular flying was unlocked, you hardly saw bots. Now you see them everywhere using old flying.

Blizzard already added features to reduce / remove motion sickness.

The question is how is it beneficial to gate static flying behind more arduous requirements than dynamic. Yes, when compared to previous explanations, the Dragonflight and soon to be TWW requirements for static flight are similar. But for someone who doesn’t want to or can’t dynamic fly, it’s not hard to see why they can feel like they’re being punished for not choosing dynamic flight.

There are clear game design reasons why flying being delayed can make sense. But when Blizzard is opening up one form of flight for free on day one, it’s quite unclear why the game is better locking the other form of flight behind a time gate and/or meta achievement.


To be fair, for a decade people were asking for flight to be available this soon after launch, because they hated the delay caused by the various pathfinders.

The complaining now is specifically caused by people feeling a bit of FOMO with DR being available just a few hours /played sooner.

Had both flights been treated the same, people would be celebrating how quickly they could fly.

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I like to fly as slow as possible so I can look around at all the beautiful art assets. Old flying is really nice for screenshots too.

This is going to sound crazy, but there’s a massive screenshot community on Instagram and dragon riding made screenshots almost impossible