Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

Wrong on all accounts for me…mine is a real life pain issue…and blizzard hasn’t given one good reason why we can’t have TBC normal flying with the start of TWW…there is no reason at all…if you say the dungeon that has dragon flying in it …so what that is one dungeon to do that is it…once that is done we’ll skip that one later on …


Wrong wrong wrong I got the glypth’s day 1 of Dragon Flight going live…and I do understand the how to use it too…try again…or have you not seen many posts about the real life pain it causes many players with medical issues …guess you did.


Ahhh as long as their sub is paid they can post here in these forums…so your wrong …or didn’t you know that now…paid sub gets to post there as much as they like…


That dungeon in particular requires some precise movements so again BlizZard doesn’t understand what they are doing.

100% they are lost.

TWW has many issues with class design and bugs. But the biggest obvious one is that the way they are treating Dr and TBC normal flying makes it very clear.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I mean it is ok and I like it but how they go about making it feel so special
is like making a new video game about Dobby getting a sock and now everything is about socks. Boring Then they try to live it up by releasing Dobby’s dirty socks! Dirty Socks part 3!
They wear it out so hard and so fast it gets boring so fast so they release Dobby’s Sock’s with holes! then the entire online community dies.

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I am on the other side where I absolutely love skyriding and want more content with it BUT I also strongly believe all that content should be accessible by classic flying. They are absolutely pushing away good players that dislike or have medical issues using skyriding for 0 reason. That dungeon that “requires” it, why cant they just let normal flying happen during it as well? Let everyone fly their own preferred way from the start!


The dungeon that requires it, its tied to the story line of the dungeon itself, so TBC flight wouldn’t make since. The new style of flight is still very much tied to the story line of the xpac to a degree.

It gives me motion sickness. Not fun.


I never said anything about him not being able to post here. He is the one who said he’s taking a break. You’re not taking a break if you’re still active on the forums talking about the game.

A number of players on the forums or their alts, love to toss that out as bait to sound all threating to prove their belief that the game is not the way they like it. Thinking the bare threat that they wont be playing it for any length of time will be enough to force Blizzard to change it to the way they want it.

As always though in 99% of cases on the forum, people are either still playing or of course return the moment the new content goes live.

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I love it, but I’m not fond of vigor lol. That’s my only complaint.

Having to do one dungeon is fine for many of us with issues its the having to use it all day long…or we could just skip that dungeon anyway…many players with medical issues don’t do dungeons or normal raids either…I don’t…I might do a LFR but that is it for me anymore…I can’t raid anymore…

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That’s a shame. Seems almost anti-WoW. Even the loading screen gives the tip to stay on roads to avoid most mobs. Lies Blizz!


He is very much overly exaggerating the mob density of the zones. Its no different than any other WoW xpac before it. The placement of the mobs are also the same as any other xpac. Nothing more cumbersome has been designed this time around than any other time. This person loves to make up stuff to draw people into supporting his arguments against Blizzard.

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I have severe CP. My hand control is really wonky. That’s why I prefer standard flying. Both should be enabled at the start of the War Within. Let people play the game the way they want to.


As this thread has shown there’s absolutely no game related reason to have a Pathfinder when gliding is available from the start. By process of elimination the reason has to be that Daddy Blizz is just a spiteful ay-whole when it comes to flying. The only thing that could convince me he isn’t would be the immediate removal of Pathfinder for TWW. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


I’ll dragonride if I’m in a hurry.
I’ll stick with old school flying to enjoy the scenery.
I’ll taxi if I’m lazy or on a different toon.

From how I see it, it’s personal preference. Dragonriding in old content makes the world feel much smaller compared to the Dragon Isles.


That’s kind of the point, though. It’s much faster, but in exchange it’s less maneuverable, can’t hover or AFK fly, and requires an active minigame.

I prefer it, but the best state of flight was having the option in Emerald Dream as a Druid to switch between flight types.


Mechanically DR allows you to joust or cheese mobs even when you aggro and fly away. Harder to do with TBC normal flying.

So there is no logical reason to gate keep TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Just to be edgy and have something to complain about and change well change is change and tonz of peeps hate it just for that.