Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

You don’t have to fly at max speeds while using skyriding so you still can enjoy the scenery or search for something specific. Both types have pros/cons to it because with BC flying you can just click to move and do something else, not engage with content at all.

What I don’t understand is if we are going to do pathfinder why is that we have to unlock standard flying, instead of upgraded flying. Normally it is the upgraded version of things that are gated behind unlocks.


Okay going to state what Blizzard has state already Dynamic Flying going forward is the new standard flying model to them. TBC flight is just an old flying model of the past, which they will not be getting rid of, how ever going forward Dynamic Flying is the new standard. They even said that at Blizcon in the Deepdive I believe or an interview shortly afterward.

There are two kinds of players who dislike Skyriding. There are those who detest having to do anything to stay airborne. And there are those who, due to mobility issues or vertigo issues, have very serious problems with manipulating the controls required for Skyriding.

(As an aside, I wish they’d kept Dynamic Flying. Autocorrect keeps wanting to rewrite Skyriding as Skywriting. But I digress.)

Personally, I love Skyriding. I love the speed, flying fast close to the ground is awesome fun for me. But I can see how other people might have issues with it, so if I had my way, both would be unlocked from the first. Players should have the freedom to fly in the way most comfortable to their play style, full stop. And I’m baffled as to why we have the deluxe version of flying from the start, but have to wait for the older, slower style.


As a return player who came back right at the end of season 3 I will say this, I hate it. It feels like everything this expansion is gated behind it. countless hours flying around having to endure having no vigor and I have only found 1 talent orb out of all my chars, Up to 4x lvl 70 now.

You are stuck standing around doing nothing for very very and I mean very long periods of time simply because you have no vigor to fly and when the entire expansion zone is built 100% around it for mobility, You feel like you are wasting time for no good reason at all. Even one of the dungeons requires you to use it.

It’s a time waste gimmick and a stupid one at that. Though I hear that next expansion they are removing the stupid orb requirements so maybe with talents unlocked it will become more bearable.


Blizzard has given the reasons both at the Blizzcon Q&A And in interviews after. People don’t want to accept it as honest.

TBC flying allows players to bypass certain aspects of content. They see Skyriding as part of the content that they have designed. Whether people agree or disagree with this, it’s Blizzard’s stance.

Your autocorrect at least makes sense. Mine keeps trying to say ‘Skysliding.’ Which isn’t a thing!

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The forums have a lot of noisy idiots. The vast majority of people are happily swooping around in game, don’t get the wrong idea.

Thank you for your honesty.

We all know that TBC normal flying never hindered but rather enhanced the game world immersion and interaction.

It is also a key part of Druid class fantasy.

Imagine taking away Rogue stealth or lockpicking away.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Actually, son, they dont need to…we have OLD flight that doesnt require motor skills…AT ALL.
YOU shouldnt get YOUR flight UNTIL THEY get THEIRS…period.

you folks seem like you get some perverse pleasure out of bad mouthing lesser abled players
disgusting behavior


Most people afk in the capital cities so I am not sure where you are getting this from?

It was true back in Cata when it was current and even now so???



:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Thank you for being a voice of compassion and reason in here and accepting that yes, some just dont like it…and some DO have physical issues that make it harder than traveling around the world should be, especially given that UNTIL THIS expanion Pathfinder affected US ALL EQUALLY…and we had a form of flight all these years that any lesser abled player could do without thinking about it


If you can handle DRing otherwise, this detail here is dealt with by charging in air that is 3 times faster than on the ground. Dont land if you can help it until youve got at least 2 vigor…because with two you can get up and moving again…one to lift off, one to skyward ascent, then nose down to start charging…

Vigor management can be daunting for some, and its not your fault if youre one of those people.


dude you have 3 freaking vigor bars. you are out of your mind. The entire system is trash, the entirety of dragon isles is a bunch of mountains and obstacles for you to brick into with no way to get over them and no way to generate vigor. Perhaps you have been playing too long and you have the entire talent tree unlocked so you don’t even notice. But return players are getting a dose of reality. It is unbearable and horrible.


No it’s not. It’s faster, that’s about it. You can’t hover in the same way, you can’t just chill, god forbid you mess up and accidentally bump a tree or something and have to sit and waste time waiting for your dragon to recharge. The effects/sounds are annoying af to have to deal with the entire flight (still haven’t figured out if I can turn them off) and it’s not ideal for resource farming. I prefer the dynamic control of old flying unless I’m being hurried to a raid entrance.

Each has its purpose but I’m burnt out on the game just becoming “it must be faster faster faster” I play games to relax, not min max and obsess over going mach 5.


no…you should have 6 vigor with all your DRing talents.
But yeah, I can show you my videos I did a long while back where I can use two vigor to get just about as high as I want.
1 to take off…1 to skyward ascent…nose down to charge 1 vigor…skyward ascent, nose down to charge 1, skyward ascent.

It can be done, and yeah, its a lot more work than old flight, which is why they SHOULD just give us both flights at the same time for those who dont like DRing or are having trouble with it.

Im 100% on your side inthis, believe me

here the videos are
I nose down to charge 1 vigor, then burn it to skyward ascent, nose down to charge…etc, etc.


That’s the thing. read what I said. You start with 3 and I have spent countless hours searching for the orbs that unlock talents and have only gotten one. it’s a joke. I am literally grounded until prepatch and they scrab the orb requirements for talents all together and make it level based.


It is definitely not friendly to returning or new players to WoW.

Rather very counter intuitive.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


There is an addon you can get from curseforge to get all the glyphs, and I’ll be honest, I LOVED that part of it and wish, personally, they had made a 3 week long journey where we could only get a few glyphs a week so we spent some time ‘learning’ with our mount over time…just a personal preference there.

BUT…at the same time they SHOULD have just allowed old flight. it wouldnt have affected 99% of the playerbase who WANTED to use DRing for the speed.

personally, my view is the joke isnt DRing but in not allowing BOTH at the same time for the same work investment.
That was just sadicstic given who is affected by this PF crap at this point…which is ONLY the players who are having trouble with DRing.

I feel ya. I fully, 100% absolutely understand your perspective and 100% agree with your complaints in all of this.
Ive been cheerleading for your side on this issue from the beginning in here. :+1:


I guess it is a reward for all the players that have been around in DF for awhile, all of us TWW preorder players getting our lvl 70 boost got the short end of the dragon riding stick.


personally, I wont ever pre purchase again from this particular company and its solely because of their behavior and practices.
Making money is one thing. I own my business, I fully understand all that…but intentionally irritating paying customers for no valid reason, then doubling down on it when called out, yeah…not my idea of a good company.

I loved the old blizzard and even the old Activision…and then they made it ALL about greed and money instead of making games for fun and enjoyment.


I love it so much. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: