Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

This is literally incorrect, you’ve replied to numerous people, I can click my scroll wheel once and see you’ve replied to another person.

Do I specifically find it hard? As in me my abilities, and my capability of playing the game… No, it’s not

You’re looking at this entirely one sided, only from your point of view and are completely incapable of putting yourself in another players shoes or understanding that dynamic flight is potentially difficult for other WoW players… Not every single WoW player can manage baby sitting a flying mount by constantly keeping it in motion, keeping it’s vigor replenished, being proficient with the aerial halt mechanic

This is the biggest issue with World of Warcraft, and the mentality of some people…

Not every single system, game play loop, feature has to be this ultra elite, hyper sweat, always need engagement, always requires skill, must master proficiency … THING

It’s so weird and outrageous that some people, like you have this mentality, and are completely incapable of comprehending that the vast majority of the play base just want to play the game how they want to play it without being told and forced into new systems that disrupt their escapism.

Why is it so hard and difficult for you to just recognize…

“Yeah, I can see why people like and prefer TBC flying, there’s no reason we cannot have both, and nothing in the game should inherently require dynamic flight.” <— Whats part of this is difficult for you to comprehend?


Yeah I do think you find it hard or you wouldn’t have said…

Dude… You’re pulling at the hair strings at this point.

The context of why I’m listing that out in the first place has been consistent with the tone of everything that I have said.

The context of that, was listing pro’s and cons, and what parts of dynamic flight could be difficult and cumbersome for a lesser experience player to use.

Aerial Halt is not easy to use for someone that doesn’t understand or has a hard time with the dynamic flight system… It’s not just a click and forget ability. The player has to know when to use it, how it’s going to affect the movement and vector of their mount, they have know how much altitude they’ll lose, and how much time they can hover before falling out of the sky, they have know how to regain momentum, they need to pay attention to the direction of travel… etc. etc. etc…

There’s so many things, that mentally need to be processed while using dynamic flight. Of course, for the average skilled player, it eventually becomes muscle memory…

But this circles all the way back to you just not looking at any of this from a broad scope, and only looking at it one sided in a narrow perspective.

Instead, you’re trying to insult people on their ability to play the game because your argument is falling apart, and in fact, you didn’t even acknowledge my question.

Dynamic flight, for some gamer’s, players, WoW Players, especially ones with disabilities and accessibility requirements, is hard to useThis. Is. A. Fact… Whether it be because of nephropathy, they’re paraplegic, they’re considering legally blind and dont have full field of vision, they get motion sick or disoriented quickly… There’s numerous reasons for WHY people prefer TBC flying. Dynamic flight shouldn’t be forced… Again, what about this is so hard to comprehend?


It not so much that its hate but more that it has some inconveniences . To give you an idea, if you are traversing long distances it is definitely a godsend. However if you are doing the flight and stop routine to do a pick up quest or whatever then it’s really bad because you end up losing all your vigor(things you need to fly) and then have to wait for a recharge period basically on the ground. This is particularly noticeable if you are farming resources. There is an option to increase vigor in the talent for gathering but it’s not 100% perfect. I feel like a good compromise would be to have an on demand toggle option to switch on the fly between sky riding and legacy. The current implementation on the beta seems too tedious specially for things like Druid flight forms. Honestly they should just add a new skill that does this to the sky riding tree. You can click it in and off at will.


I shouldn’t have laughed at that, but I did :rofl:

And there it is…

It’s okay, and even healthy, to laugh at stupidity.

If you have to arm twist people to use a feature especially those that have physical limitations it is always a bad idea.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I use it but my dislike of it is mainly that it isn’t flying, it’s controlled falling. You’re always losing altitude. A petty but very noticeable annoyance.

Also, tilting up while in the air very quickly kills your momentum compared to the time it takes to generate speed from tilting down.


Honestly it is closer to gliding and this is just a way BlizZard can force their control over it. BlizZard rug pull is coming where they may nerf the speed again and that is the one key advantage it has in some situations.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


umm sounds like you need to learn how to do it correctly.

It is not conducive to the MMORPG experience. That is why the speed of Dr was nerfed once and it may happen again.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Doing it “correctly” still loses altitude over time. You have to constantly correct for that loss.

I’m sure you’ll enrapture us all with grand tales of keeping a coconut aloft for months, Professor, but the reality of the situation is a tad different.


Well that’s not so bad then. I do have the beta because I bought the epic edition but I haven’t messed with it hardly any at all because I really don’t want to ruin the expansion for myself by playing most of it before it even launches! But I do see now that I need to get in there and explore a few things.

TWW zones are a nightmare to navigate on the ground. They are not designed with ground mount travel all that much and are highly densely packed with NPCs which makes the world seem more artificial and less natural.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


They are not a nightmare to navigate on the ground, they rate pretty standard. Stop with the whole overly stating things and lying about things to try to make things sound worse than they are to push your anti dragon flying agenda. You are making yourself look totally unhinged at this point to anyone that has a least amount of common since.

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Definitely not a standard and it is bad game design because only a few classes can bypass poor design of densely packed zones (eg Ferals, Rogues) on the ground.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


While I was Beta testing the zones, I spent time on the ground, on this very toon, and as a BM Hunter, had zero problems getting around mobs in the zones on the ground.

But yes for time sake, flying far above them at break neck speed hands down beats, ground travel from point A to point B.

Except when I want to zoom across the zone at Mach 3, I find the old flying much more maneuverable and precise for farming herbs and mining nodes and generally enjoying the scenery or searching for something specific like a cave opening. In other words, I am engaging with the content much more with old flying than the new super fast version. Which is completely opposite of what the developers claim when pushing new flight.


Well now that in TWW the speed between TBC that is increased and the fact DR speed is the same as it is every where else outside of Dragon Isle, there is only about a 200% difference between the two, how ever you can control the speed as to how fast you are flying with dragon riding as you can slow it down by not going full speed all the time, with the cost of regain not being charging.

But now that the two are very close to the same speed, the argument that TBC speed is so slow that it provide the rider a much laxed flight mode while actually moving is null, or less strain on the eyes.