Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Sounds to me like you care, then.

Which flies in the face of your previous post.

Make up your mind.


No one needs anything. Its a game. Higher level gear keeps us paying. Not getting any path to continue to level up makes us STOP PLAYING.

And theres way more of US than there are of the M+/raiders. Its our subs keeping wow alive. So stop demanding we be ignored.


I think he’s perceiving the power gap to be bigger than it actually is

I’m sure. I hope they play Wrath classic and have an absolute meltdown over the massive ilvl gaps in wrath.

Actually based on multiple numbers posted in the open world players thread solo players make up about 25% of the player base.

So no solo players are not keeping the game alive with their subs as I can assume that most raiders are paying a sub and buying tokens.

“ThE iLvL GaP Is tOo bIg iN sL”
SL: easy 252s in SL, 278 is mythic rad
Wrath: 232s via LFD, 1 251 per month without raiding, 277 is ICC 25H


Tbh I think I might actually play wrath classic.

I can’t remember what classes were strong though.


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I played a a rogue in wrath. I might go back to that or play hunter/lock

I used to have that mindset years ago and now I do not care. I used to wonder how ppl would want to “just be in the world”. Now I realize they knew more and experienced the game better then I did when progressing.

the source I found on the topic is suggesting that basically every class has a good DPS spec (except maybe shaman)

I am a raider and a mid-level key runner. I don’t push cutting edge keys, currently in the 21-23 range.

I object to trivial content rewarding high ilvl gear, because

I have 0 objections to the game putting in a solo type challenge (ie, visions) that rewards high ilvl gear. as long as the content is sufficiently challenging to merit the ilvl it drops, there would be no objection from me.

But I don’t want to play a game where Johnny World Quester has the same gear as I do when all he does is log in and kill a few boars, while I spend hours progging mythic bosses, fine tuning damage, managing a raid and doing higher keys that are inarguably more challenging than literally anything found out in the open world.

All of that said, I would also have 0 objection to an open world system of gear that neared heroic raid ilvl, maybe one that has a bonus on it that applies only while out in the world (ie, ZM gear) but once that stuff becomes BIS for raid, that’s a no from me (ie, the manapearl gear nightmare)

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No, you’re not. You clipped posts out of context on purpose. That’s not to have a discussion, that’s to troll.

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but you disagreed with Krutz, so you are a troll by definition.

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For me it is having to do repetitive world content to get equivalent or better itemisation as I would in raid.

As seen with other methods like Warfronts etc, when you have additional sources of equivalent to high end gear you are essentially forced to opt into the system.

With gear being limited from raid drops, supplementing from other sources become a necessity, and the more accessible it is (solo world content) the more of a requirement it becomes.

If solo world content was to get better gear it should be through an actual progression path, which does involve increasing the challenge.
Visions were actually really good for giving a (potentially solo) progression system with increased rewards for casual players.

However, I don’t believe that is the problem with casual gearing currently. The issue is how quick you receive gear to establish a baseline, and then how slow (and random) your top end upgrades end up being.

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I just want to pvp. I’m thinking maybe I’ll play a healer so I can heal arenas

That always seemed odd to me

If someone invests multiple hours a week into an activity, shouldnt they at least find that activity fun to some degree to justify continuing to do it even if there are no ilvl upgrades from it, or is raiding actually just that unfun?

they can already do that. its called mythic+

It really depends on the group you raid with. Like my group is full of sick degenerates and it’s an absolute fun time.

I have also raided with a top 100 guild that was super toxic and left.

Just always seems odd to me when i see people say that if world quests gave raid ilvl gear then nobody would raid, as if nobody raids because they like the activity :thinking:

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