Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

I wish to god that I could, because I was in the forums at the time, fighting constantly to keep profession perks, and professions in general, whole. They were nuked all the same.

If any blue posters from before WoD are reading this, and you have access to the old forum posts, you can provide the proof of what I’m saying. My main is the paladin Darkhaven, originally from Moon Guard, moved to Farstriders. There was a Blood Elf player who kept making the same exact posts, over and over, and she was openly delighted when it was announced that perks were getting nuked.

“Raiders are no longer forced to be blacksmiths and jewelcrafters, players have to actually play the game to get what we have, instead of just crafting it, good job Blizzard!” was basically her response.

Let’s not pretend they’re completely blameless. They beg and demand things for raiding constantly, because back in Wrath when the babies flooded the place and raiding became THE social credit for the game, there’s been a steady skew towards what we have today. I just described a piece of what happened, regarding professions. That was wholly raider driven.


I think you’re being intentionally obtuse.

Exactly my point. In that sentence, you are doing to raiders what you are asking raiders to not do to world players.

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my first response was to OP.

you quoted me and said some troll response underneath, so I responded.
idk why its hard to understand?

Dish it out, you’ll get it right back. Don’t start crap, you won’t get it. It’s pretty simple.

If they come in with actual conversation, then conversation can be had. When they don’t, they get the same crap thrown back at them.

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Totally my bad. I thought (incorrectly) that you were literate and could understand why you were quoted.

Sorry about that. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.

That’s because people Jump to conclusions.

Like I said I think you should have something it just shouldn’t be equal to raiders or mythics because they do harder content.

But I agree you should have something to work on for at least a few months just like raiders do

It wasn’t a troll response. :roll_eyes:

i saw why i was quoted.
which is why I responded to you in the first place.
sorry you cant understand? :frowning:

“they clearly care” - totally legit response.

We do have an ilevel to work towards, which is actually fine. It’s the content engagement that sucks. lol


It’s still not long enough you can finish it far too quickly.

The trick is to not make it something that non raiders would have to do because then it’s just too much.

I personally think transmogs for raids is a fine reward

You saw why you were quoted and yet you don’t understand why you were quoted.

Maybe go back and read…?

Compared to “open world”/WQs???

You’re not seriously suggesting those should have the same rewards, are you? lol

It’s silly enough that you have to go 80-100 pulls deep on a Heroic boss to get useless i265, and can all but afk through a M15 and get i278.

You want to give comparable rewards for WQs … because “why does it matter?”

You really answered your own question…

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There’s the stupid Io Score that they can look up to see how much you raid. Otherwise I would think part of it is that if you could get open world ilvl gear that is equal ilvl to raid gear you could potentially get into raid with no experience and potentially hold the group back.

Yep. It was. People posted to say that they do have an opinion on what open world players get.

Only one of those players (that I can see) actually does pve content and all he said is open world players should not get 278. ilvl cap gear. Which is totally valid.

You don’t deserve BiS ilvl for doing world quests in an MMO.

People love being the victim. As others have asked, why do you need the higher level gear? The one dude who said it’s a dev problem is right. Their should be rewards for people who only do open world content. With normal gear they should be able to clear most of the previous xpacs raids or dungeons and absolutely everything in the open world. Minus world bosses and some tricky elites. Guess what though, those world bosses and harder elites usually provide the “correct” reward.

I think you mean solo players not casual players.

I’m a casual player and have mythic gear and KsM.

I agree with some points and then again I also like some of the opposing points as well.
It seems like a lot of arguments are against the method of obtaining the gear.

I agree, the best iLvl gear should not just drop for doing a WQ.
I also think you should be able to upgrade regular gear by grinding the upgrade currency.

Ultimately it would be a slower path that no one is forced to take.

If you want the best ilvl gear in a timely fashion ( RNG aside) then do that end-level content.
Do you want gear that’s almost as good and are willing to take a while to get it? Upgrade lower quality gear.

just my 2c


That doesnt jive with even the posts on GC NOW. Most of them are “dont give casuals anything!!!111112”