Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

That may be the case for mid tier heroic raiders.

However most mythic raiders pushing for CE are more concerned about boss kills than getting a minor upgrade.

Example being that the stat difference between a mythic and heroic pieces that are identical are like 12 extra stats. It helps but it’s not gamebreaking.

Why do open-world players care what ilvl gear they are running around in? The open-world gear is more than enough to manage open world content, particularly with crystallic sockets. Why can’t they just let high ilvl gear be raid and pvp gear?

if you’re only doing open world content, why would you need any gear that is 278? my alt DH is 220 ilvl (from season one gear) and i have no problem soloing any rare in ZM or doing any WQs.

i think blizzard doesn’t offer high ilvl gear to open world players because it simply isnt needed to complete open-world content.

also open world players automatically get access to two 291 legendaries. the legendaries plus all 233 cypher gear is way more than is needed for open world content.

this is what i believe

Because it’s how humans work. I mean, let’s look at gambling, especially slots, you press a button, machine spins, you either get screwed up or get rewarded. Doesn’t sound fun, right? But our monkey brains enjoy it.

Raiding is kinda the same, sure, progging with a group of friends can be fun as hell, but after you enter farm it’s just a repetitive activity that you know how it’s going to turn out, the only dopamine rush you are going to get are the rewards.

Besides, depending on the guild your experience will be “listening to raid leader do call outs for 2-4h 2 days every week.” and that feels almost like a job.

Tbf higher ilvl gear makes a major difference in soloing legion mythic raids or doing bfa raids

Massive difference between my 272 ret paladin, 259 frost mage and 230 frost dk


i solo mythic guldan every week on my DH, which is 220 ilvl, and i have no issues with it.

Not so much “issue” as much as “longer and more annoying”

Deathborn frost mage with higher ilvl goes brrr on old bosses much faster than frost dk with lower ilvl does :woman_shrugging:

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i mean, you’re saying that open world gear is sufficient to clear past expansion content… sure it would go faster if you had full 278s, but it really isnt needed… this is likely why blizzard doesnt offer higher ilvl gear for open world content.

Why do open world players care what ilvl raiders are running around?

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Not needed, but would make a lot of people happy to breeze through old content to farm mounts they waited 1-2 expansions to be able to finally farm :stuck_out_tongue: idk i get that world quest gear doesn’t need to be high to clear ZM, but world players do more than just ZM i think

Not that i would know because i don’t do anything in this game. But i’m assuming

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If you don’t understand “need” in the context of the game vs “need” IRL I’m not sure we can help you.

I’m not demanding anything. I’ve done nothing but queued content and open world stuff since S1 I just have a different opinion than you, because I think it’s in a good place, especially with tier and legendaries available from solo play.

im sorry but i dont really understand. my 220 DH breezes through mythic nighthold… i never even bothered to think i should gear him up in order to clear faster because it already goes so quickly.

this as well… you can get a full four set with sandsworn relic gear, which is a HUGE power increase. my dh doesnt even have any tier.

Everything is a choice in this game.

How easily does that 220 dh breeze through mythic tombs and antorus though?

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The entitlement from the open world crowd in here is strange and it’s not the first time i’m seeing their arguments.

The idea that the people who do the more challenging content should reap higher level rewards is alien to them, apparently.

Now, if they added challenging outdoor content that would necessitate higher ilvl gear, i’d be all for it. More ways to challenge yourself and get cool gear. Exciting! But for just…world quests and dailies? No.

The most common thing i hear is “why would you care what the ilvl of my gear is, it doesn’t affect you” when it absolutely does. If everybody can have the same ilvl gear for minimal effort, why even have gear at all? Why not just give everyone a set amount of stats at max level and call it a day? Because that’s not fun, people like to get stuff, to progress their character’s power, and they like to be challenged for it.

Don’t get me wrong, I also think this. Then again, this is a video game. I don’t particularly care what joe shmoe next to me has. As long as the division between performance and gear remains what it is, some chump in full 278s from getting bear butts and has never stepped foot in any challenging content is likely going to suck.

There lay the difference. You, the player who does the harder stuff, can do the hard stuff, that is the victory.

Again, I get it, I won’t lie; I like having my 278s and 272s and comparing my gear to other people and giving myself a little pat on the back because I pugged most of my way through that legit and it was not super easy. But my sense of satisfaction comes from doing the content, not JUST the gear.

Part of the reward for doing mythic raid bosses is the best gear. Why would anyone do the hardest content in the game when a world quest could give you similar gear? If someone is doing the hardest content, they should be getting the best gear by a large margin. A player doing world quests doesn’t need mythic level gear to clear the content that they do.

Here is how Blizzard did it this time, and how they did it is superior to your idea: The crystallic socket. Put a toxicialic spheroid in and you’re better at world content than someone in BIS mythic gear from last tier, and probably on par with someone in heroic or better gear this tier. Really this whole topic strikes me as someone who just doesn’t know how to gear themselves because

Removing Titanforged Loot was a misteak

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Couldn’t this kind of be applied even to endgame content? Past a certain point, you don’t really ‘need’ more ilvl because you’re going to have enough to clear the content anyway. Yet, it exists, so why not be able to earn it anyway?

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