Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

And yet, you somehow replied to me. Odd.

They are not wrong that shorter kill times generally lead to higher raid DPS numbers. but it’s for a different reason.

on a shorter kill, a larger percentage of your combat time will be under the effect of cooldowns. It mitigates your complaint that the gap in ilvls is as big as it is, while bolstering our point that too many of the variables in your original data were uncontrolled to make any claims about the source of the change.

Do me a favor, learn to read relevant data and how to properly parse that data.

Virtually the same thing was said about profession specializations, profession recipes and profession perks back in the day. Raiders at the time thought it wasn’t fair that they HAD to be masters of professions in order to ‘oPtiMize thEir PoWer’.

They also said that “it wasn’t fair” that profession masters could create weapons, armor and buffs that were the equal to items they got in high end raids, and they disliked that any ol’ player could get their hands on this stuff and go directly into challenging content.

These same raiders demanded Blizzard take all of this away. For months on end, they made tons of noise, and saturated the forums. Blizzard caved.

Fast forward to NOW, and professions are utter garbage in this game. Pissed off tons of people, and drove players away, but hey…they got what they wanted, and 'the game is better for it (re: raiders).

Fast forward again: now it’s Mythic players, doing the same thing, all over again.

News flash - you AREN’T “being forced to do open world” questing if it has an item you want…you just WANT THE ITEM, and because you feel said hypothetical item supports only what YOU are doing, YOU have some kind of authority over how others get said item. You’re just being greedy and elitist. Stop it.


Does he expect you to control fight length, what buffs are there, how often you get targeted by mechanics, lust timings, how often the tanks move the boss?

Where are these posts, find them. Gonna need to see these months of posts, lol.

True, but not because of the playerbase

I dont think you realize that raiders coupd care less what loot casuals get lol. Its just about the aquisition they have implimented in the past that has created poor situations for gearing. Nothing to do with the casuals recieveing gear. I just love how you blame raiders, they dont design the game, they play it just like you, theyre just doing harder content

I think hes just mad because he knows im right, and is now resulting to calling me an “elitist” for correcting his flawed data

Ah, the Ad Hominem fallacy. Probably what’s going on, yeah.

But they don’t need high ilevel gear to clear open world content.

this topic seems to always get a bit old with me. I’m an open world casual player and never even worry about my ilvl of my gear. As long as I have gear that allows me to complete my quests then I am fine. The only time ilvl becomes an issue is when I read the forums. In a world where people expect the best rewards for doing the least amount of work. I would rather just feel great about what I’m doing and gear is the last thing that I am concerned with.

Why would you make this thread? You watched all of the elitists in my thread make all of these accusations about open world players wanting Mythic gear— which wasn’t the case— and then you go and antagonize them with this?

Can you stop making open world players look bad, please? You don’t speak for us.


So are raiders, M+ players, and PvP players.

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Just because you don’t want/ask for something, does not mean that there weren’t players asking for that thing in your thread.

That conversation didn’t come up until much much much much later in the thread after I got accused of it and many others. And it started with a question of “why not?”

People need to stop lying about open world players and starting this bullcrap.

They are though. World drops are what 252

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because you quoted me.
Odd how someone responds to you when you quote them.

In addition, the open world players need to actually listen to the complaints from the raiders/M+/PvP players and stop calling them elitist.

Most of my entrances to these threads are with the intent to correct a strawman.

Yeah, that school of flight progression requires better gear.

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I don’t subscribe to the idea that other people having what you have devalues it.

Never will. Flexing is for the insecure


Listen to what? All they do in our threads is get dismissive or say no or lie about our actual intention.

You complain about your content and reward structure, it’s okay. We complain about ours, we get trashed for it and told to get out of the game.