Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

To be fair you can get through that in about a week.

you post on the forums people are going to answer.

If anything I think it should be opposite, the best looking mogs should come from the most challenging content. Transmog is forever. Gear is fleeting.

Op, I don’t think they should worry about it ,the world questor will never reach their level to begin with.

I raid but i also do outdoor content, it was slower than a week to max it if i remember right.
And i maxed rare kills and farmed daily treasures for hours, was first on my server to earn Exalted with Enlightened and made 3 mil gold (10k a contract and 30k a glyph) by selling contracts solo for the week i was ahead of everyone else.

Other ppl aren’t as grindy as i am, made every 1-2 days enough to buy the 700 olea cache.

Yes. That’s exactly my point.

Clearly they care.

posting on a forum isnt the same as caring?

Why are you trolling? I’m trying to have a discussion here.

Most dont
10 chars

3 minutes to 8 minutes? More than double the time and only 20 ilvl difference? You’re literally agreeing with me.

Depends on the boss. Some boss kill times scale non-linearly with raid DPS.

So a disingenuous comparison then.

We went from PVP vs PVE to PVP vs MYTHIC+ vs PVE

PVE (open world players) is the majority however treated like the unattractive step-child.


so was i?
you quoted my post in a troll comment.

This data is missing so much information. You cant hust link logs and take it at face value. This is a huge problem with the casual playerbase is they dont understand the why or the how.

Lets focus on the biggest issue here, the players personal raid experience, and the skill level difference between someone with 252 and 278 mythic.

The skill difference is huge between 90% of normal raiders, and a mythic raider. Mythic raiders min/max their cooldowns, know rotations, or situational abilities, they have positioning dialed to a greater extent. Fights pan out entirely differently with raiders that understand whats going on and their class. Have you evrr been in a normal raid? Almost everyone just mashes whatever buttons they can and has zero awareness hence lower dps.

I just love how the casual playerbase makes baseless claims, almost 100% of the time links irrelevant logs with no context of the why or how, and thinks because that log says so, it is so.

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Why don’t you read the content of the post, then?

I like how you used your 3rd post to be elitist. Good on you.

Not elitist, correcting your irrelrvant posta because you are obviously mis informed

i was responding to OP.

Do me a favor.

Do a parse in your current gear. Link that. Then do a parse in full open world gear capped at 252 and link that one. Let’s compare apples to apples.