Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

No I assumed that. But you’ve got quite a few more options than to buy a carry.

Strawman argument.

If that’s the case then why do M+ers and Raiders care so much if non-instanced content awarded high ilevel rewards?


What options,make your own raid ?LOL,yeah,allow them to enter your raid and muck it up or leave at the last boss to try to use it at the end before you can finish the run, been there ,ware the strips of that.

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I was really hoping SL was going to finally give open world play it’s own power progression.
Covenant sets seemed like a baby step in the right direction.
Then they abandoned them in the very first patch.

That would be the perfect way to let everyone have progression regardless of playstyle while not making it feel like a necessity for raiders or pvp or M+

Just a couple of modifiers would do it:
“When in outdoor zones item level is increased to…”
Then a couple of set bonuses with the same stipulation of “when in outdoor zones.”
Give it an upgrade path with a currency earned doing callings or other open world stuff.
Base item level could be just below or at normal raid with maximum upgrades, similar to current open world gear, but when you’re outdoors you get to feel like you’re progressing your character still.


Lol ok, well, guess you need to buy a carry then…most others don’t though

We literally don’t… No serious raider or m+ player thinks about open world players at all.

Full stop, they do not care about how open world players gear. You are not something that even crosses their mind.

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No,I don’t if I wish to do the raids I would but after SoB with no reward do you blame a person not to repeat the torture again?

how else are they going to LORD OVER YOU?

Brag about how they are better than you in everyway?

it’s like Diablo Immortal in some ways just not as predatory on blizzards part… the GIGA whales need to be able to WHALE OVER people who can’t spend $110,000 otherwise why would they spend that money for a competitive advantage?


Already did.

If 252 cypher gear scaled up to 285 in open world ZM, wouldn’t be a problem as far as I’m concerned, as long as it’s not better than raid/key gear in raid/keys.

While farming for the same trinket in Legion from an overworld boss from launch to Antorus wasn’t very fun, it did feel alright in some way to be able to fill in gaps in my gear that way.

M+ was a way bigger beast in being mandatory, though.

It’s because difficulty and reward are entwined, why? Because it makes sense.
Outside content = low difficulty
LFR - basically low difficulty too
Normal = higher difficulty than LFR and outside content
Heroic = higher difficulty than Normal
Mythic = higher difficulty than Heroic…

So there is an increase in rewards the higher you go up in difficulty.
What’s so hard to understand? Is your brain that low “skilled” that it can’t comprehend such complicate design?

LFR is currently 0 difficulty, as you can run in, cast judgement at the boss, die, get kill credit.


Take another guess, my man. Clearly they care and think about it a lot.


Why do open world players need mythic ilvl gear if they’re not going to do any content that would necessitate it? A non-elite mob will die whether you’re in 252s or 278’s.

Apparently it doesn’t though, if this thread exists, and this comment.


I believe non raiders/mythics should work toward something. Not gear equal to raiders/mythics… not at all. tmogs for said gear only?

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I completely agree here.

Having said that, M+ ilevel shouldn’t be scaled up in raiding and vice-versa.

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There always have been players who think low gear is holding them back, when in reality it’s a skill issue that’s limiting them.


Compared to outdoor content… they are both low difficulty.
No need to analyze this further.

What do you call cypher gear?
They have had something to work towards…

And besides cypher gear, they can get relic(or whatever it’s called) gear and upgrade it to tier gear.

The progression system for outdoor content exists already.

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The challenge in LFR is not in the actual raid itself but comes from other players that do this. Or worse.

I think LFR may be the only game mode that has “bad luck protection” in Determination.

Prior to SL I never saw stacks of Determination get to 5, 6, or 7. I can’t say that anymore!