Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

I think the better question is, why do open world players need the highest ilvl of gear? It’s the default content, so it’s admittedly not very difficult. Especially at 252 plus tier pieces, you can pretty much own ZM. If the content was better scaled to become more difficult than it currently is, then definitely open world players need appropriate ilvl gear to own it.

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Shew, it’s like talking to a wall.

The POWER gap between 252 and 272 is INSANELY larger than any other ilvl gap in all of wow. The number of ilvls are irrelevant.

252 ilvl dps:

272 ilvl dps:

Most are more than DOUBLE the dps with a mere 20 ilvl difference. That’s absurd.


How does that data set control for player skill?


Sure, dismiss it. You’re set in stone on your stance and not even numbers can convince you otherwise.

Talking to a wall.

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Well, theres a lotta variables there you are not considering.

A person in 252 average ilvl probably does not know their class as well as the 272.

Additonally a 252 is probably in a group of other 252s which means boss fights take 8 minutes instead of 3.

As well a group of 252s is likely to mess up mechanics meaning bosses are done inefficiently further skewing their dps.

TL;DR bad metrics to make an asserstion on for a wealth of reasons


I mean that question could be flipped though. Why do Open World players care about what ilvl Raiders are running around in?

Bold assumption.

Why would that be the case? Really think about your answer here.

I thought gear wasn’t an indicator of skill? What if we put a heroic/early mythic raid group in all 252 open world gear, I wonder what those numbers would look like…

Do all those 252 players have 4 set? Do they all have 2 legos? It’s entirely reasonable that the people in 252 gear are totally unoptimized…something you’re not going to see in the 278 bracket

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I can also find data that supports my point. the DPS range going from 252 to 272 here is 9.3 → 11.7 on the low end, and 13.2 ->14.5 on the high end.




They’d be quite a bit better than what’s shown here I would imagine

  • Bold assumption? How? someone who has essentially capped their gear from m+ and heroic probably knows the ins an outs of their spec on boss fights more than a 252 does. Idk how this is even an argument.

  • Because fights with lower geared players take longer? It really is that simple? What are you on about here? lmao?

  • Feel free to quote me where I made that claim. A mythic raider in 252s would probably do more damage. Because they have fight experience and know the timings for CDs.

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open world needs a diablo 3 type system. when you are running around killing mobs… chaching ---- drop ---- bis open world gear. not as frequent as diablo 3 on t16 but not super rare either.

trust me as a professional business owner of 9 different companies and a child like mind for “fun” wow would explode with players again.


They do care what the open -world player gets because of selling runs are profitable to them ,and by hindering ,the player they have little choice but to buy. They also do this in lfr and all raids.


I don’t care either way. If I do get to raid again, of course I’ll raid for gear, but if a WQ offers an upgrade I’ll go do that too. Win win for both parties.

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Gatekeeping. Pure and simple.

“You don’t partake in the end-game content that I enjoy. Therefore, you deserve nothing!


AP was Blizzard’s way of saying “Raid logging is not playing the game we designed.”


What?? That might be the dumbest thing I’ve read on these forums in a while

and the ironic part is that the so called “hardcore raiders” are really the part timer casual players. they log in raid and log out. when raid is cleared and they are geared they unsub until next patch. all the while the true gamers, the hardest of the hardcore gamers, the players that are here from start of patch until end with no down time, the open world players get little to no reward for their /timeplayed.


Sorry,about the selling i meant buy. Was working on a project and didn’t realize that.

You hit the nail directly on the head.