Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

It was better in BFA. They’ve taken steps back in SLs which seems to be a trend with these devs.

That doesn’t answer the question.

Yes, its the result of trying to cater to bad/solo players and make everything a dumbed down version while measuring time played metrics.

Youre more clueless than I thought if you actually think the hardcore base has been listened too.

Credibility matters, when discussing something you dont play in or have any experience in then you dont have a valid opinion. I dont ask the kid flipping burgers at McDonalds about investments because they dont have a credible opinion.

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Nice. So make everyone you hate the escape goat. Makes sense.

They stand to benefit more from an E-sports scene than the rest of us.

It’s usually that kind of attuite that starts revolts, since you come off as an uncaring tyrant.


No, challenging credibility is how you undermine a witness in court.

This isn’t a courtroom. It’s a public game forum.

Example exists to show that it is a valid tactic. Even if it goes over your head.

You should come back to reality.

I sure don’t want to wind up in yours.

I dont hate anyone. That doesnt change the fact that since WoD the Blizzard has been trying to make the game more and more dumbed down because the majority of the playerbase are flat out bad at the game.

Still doesnt mean they were listened too. Blizzard cares about money.

LOL I am not a tyrant because I tell someone that doesnt do mythic plus their opinions on mythic plus dont hold any value in a discussion.

Now just replace mythic plus with pvp and then replace it with raiding.

I wasn’t the one comparing a public game forum to a courtroom setting.

Then you’re a fool.

We have come to the portion of the thread where Bloodys arguments have been destroyed so bad he resorts to his weak trolling to save face.

Why do open world players care what ilvl gear raiders are running around in?

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The only fool is the one who inserts their opinion is a credible opinion on something they have never done.

Courtroom has a higher standard of argument than a game forum. If it’s a valid tactic there, then it’s a valid tactic here. It’s like saying that if a strategy works in the Gladiator PvP, it will work in an unranked arena.

Well, He has shown evidence of being a big fan of the Ad Hominem fallacy, and this is no exception.

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Usually most people don’t compare game forums to courtrooms.

And you don’t think this constitutes as a form of trolling because…?

Because its not?

You do the same thing in every thread.

You argue opinions that arent credible
You get corrected on said opinions
You then argue that people are hateful/outside reality/trolls
You then backtrack and ignore most of the responses
You then leave and comment a couple hours later to try and look like you “won”

You do this in every thread.

A few would disagree with you on here.

False and my every waking moment isn’t devoted to having discussions with unlovely people like yourself.

Have a good day.