Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

I don’t know what it is. Here’s the thing… Blizzard could award me gear more powerful than anything available in any raid, and I would still never enter a raid.

I like gear, but I’m not going to participate in team activities. It’s just not my thing.

What level of gear I’m awarded has nothing to do with my refusal to raid. All better gear would do is make it more fun for me to do the world quests I was going to do anyway.

Honestly then you aren’t trying very hard. I’ve made numerous alts and done the dailies in Zereth Mortis and the game throws gear at you. This character hit level 60 literally 9 days ago and I haven’t even done the weekly yet today and I’ve already gotten my cypher gear up to level 4 (which I believe is 246 gear drops). 249 i-level in less than 2 weeks.

I haven’t even been concentrating on her as I’m gearing a priest now instead and I’ve skipped the last couple of days of dailies on this paladin. My priest has level 3 cypher gear already and I’ve only been gearing her for 2 and a half days.

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Why do casuals care what ilvl drops in the open world vs raiding?

Its like yall are saying you should have gear equivalant to a heroic raider. Tier and all.

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I guarantee you that most raiders aren’t anything to concern yourself with in BGs/world PVP.

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That only min/maxers seem to be upset with.

Game is full of boosters.

They obviously must be doing business if they keep flooding the chats with advertisement.

by making that statement, it shows you do care. BIS gear coming from raids is fine as long as it does not unbalance open world or bg’s. You do want to dictate who gets what gear, you just keep trying to claim it doesnt matter to you.

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Then they wont mind when blizz normalizes it in open world and bg’s

I think realistically its a ‘why’ question. Like what can you not do in world content in a 226 gearset (basic ZM vendor anima gear)?

I’m not opposed to an item level increase, but any gear obtained via world content should not be on par with mythic level raiding gear. World content offers zero challenge and requires no commitment, teamwork or skill to complete. Even for cosmetic reasons, why should someone be able to get a mythic tier set to tmog without ever setting foot into a mythic raid? the cosmetic look and the power of the gear is a reward for challenging yourself in the game. Its the same concept of, why should someone that will never set foot in pvp, earn a rated pvp mount? You get the reward for doing the relevant content.

High gear provides more power to allow you to do harder content. You dont need mythic ilevel gear to farm herbs or do world quests or 2x4 farm or quest. You need better gear to do higher level dungeons and raids, you dont need it for world content in the slightest. Most of my farming toons are 180 il and have zero issues completing any world content. Why should you get a mythic piece from a wq that takes no effort, skill or patience to complete over people spending literal months on prog on one boss just to get the chance at a piece. The only way this would make sense is if the stats and benefits on the piece were completely useless and its just an il.

I 100% think there should be a set of gear that has its own look and tier operations specifically for world content. That is relevant and maybe caps at whatever the normal raid gear item level is for the current tier, possibly at the highest heroic level (if it was to be mythic ilevel then I think it should be a tier set where the active bonus should be disabled inside instanced content/or be something that provides no real benefit within a raid/key setting). The covenant sets for example would have been great for this, if the ilevel updated with each tier.

But should you get mythic raiding gear for no effort? Heck no.

You raid for raid gear, you pvp for pvp gear, run mythic + for good dungeon gear, and there should be a world content option for something relevant to world content that exists outside of vendor gear options. (personally I think the sandworn gear is nigh useless and was pointless to introduce and the tmog isnt even unique enough to make it worth the grind)

I think this is really the TDLR from most raiders.

The gear, tier sets, mounts, tmog etc is all a reward for doing certain content. You get a pvp season mount for engaging in the pvp season. You get the tmog from the raid sets by doing raid level content (yes you can use the crucible for the current tier, Dont really agree with it butthe tier sets arnt that good looking/unique so whatever). You get achieves for completing certain content etc. You get rewards for earning x amounts of mounts or pets. You shouldnt get those things for NOT completing the content.

If people think you should be entitled to things without having earned them, then the devs may as well just remove all achieves and give everyone access to everything. Bet people would be complaining about having nothing to do then because there would be zero reason for most people to log in if they had instant access to anything and everything.

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The only people that did like it were open world solo players.

Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a trash system.

BFA was full of boosters to as was every other expansion.

False. I don’t care if you have bis gear. You just need to get it the same way everyone else does instead of asking for it from braindead gameplay.

WoW follows a gear reward based on difficulty.

There is a difference.

You can’t know that for sure.

Progression wasn’t as reliant on gold spending. SL is with Legendries.

I don’t think people are asking for Mythic gear just to be handed to them.

That’s just what raiders make up as the extream bump in the night story gone wrong.

There simply needs to be more accessibility than raiding.

There is difference between accessibility to gear and just giving it out in the mail. What players need to hook them back into this game and keep them playing is more pathways.

Not the E-sports raid-or-die burnout.

mmm but that is what alot of them are asking for. They want the sets etc from raiding without having to raid. Like making a piece of mythic level loot drop as the reward from a wq that takes 2 mins to do.

Like I said in my longer post, there should be a set of gear especially tailored to world content, that has active set bonus that is only active in the world and gets deactivated in instanced content. Something that works up in stage tiers like raiding etc or upgradable via some sort of system, maybe something that involves gathering resources or completing objectives for tokens that can eventually allow you to upgrade a few item levels like the mythic plus system.
But im not sure I agree with it needing to be mythic item level because theres literally nothing you cant steamroll at 200-220. But… that being said, Bliz has the power to make a world quest scale and be more of a challenge. But Id like to see it separate from raiding and should should progress along a similar timescale to average gear progression. The covenant sets with the bonus to world content would have been an ideal start but they never expanded on it. Something with its own unique set bonus and tmog.

Why do open world players feel the need for the best items? For little or no effort?

At this point of the expansion I see no harm in opening the gates like that.

Who’d still be playing WoW at this point for the pains of going through the higher difficulties for loot? Many are unhappy with the raid tier and Mythic recently got nerfed into the ground.

If Blizzard stood by their own work they wouldn’t have nerfed it.

Well yes, the only way to get rid of them is to get people to stop buying. So you can thank the casual/solo players for the number of boosters there are, since they are the plurality of buyers iirc.

Is there anyone out there that it was never about the gear? Sure upgrades were nice but it was about the achievement/mount/something special that I wanted when I did harder content.

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Something tells me the way Legendries was designed exaggerated the boosting problem.

Plus Blizzard taking over the market in terms of RMT for gold via time tokens…making it a pay to win model.

They nerf it based on how close to the end of tier something is and how collectively difficult it has been for people to down the content.
Nerfs only happen at this stage to make it easier for the less skilled to get their kills in to get the achieves before they get removed.

People dont mythic raid for the loot. There are very few pieces in there that dont have some equivalent value from Mythic +, which is infinitely easier to push through, they do it to challenge themselves and get the rewards of downing the content like the mounts and sets while it is current. Mythic can be cleared with heroic level loot, heck it could be cleared with normal - if you have the skill - pre nerfs.

You might not see the harm, because you dont see the value in the long game accomplishment. But again, why should you acquire loot from a raid, if you never raid. Do you think you should be able to get the pvp gear without pvping as well? Blizz makes different tiers of content to allow people to push into it and see reward for their time. If you could do world quests and get a full 278 set… then what would be the point of even having raid or mythic + or pvp content for that matter?