Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

I have always been of the opinion that WoW is at it’s best when you can raid log (or whatever you would call the pvp or m+ equivalent) and only lose out on making money. WoW has 3, really 4 if you count RBGs but it seems most people just sort of ignore the fact that those exist, distinct endgames. It is decidedly possible to immensely enjoy 1 of those and not any of the others. I think players benefit when they don’t feel like the have to do content they don’t like to be good in the content they do like. We’ve had this problem with M+ with the other forms of content pretty consistently since it was added. PvPers have fairly regularly had this problem with raids since the beginning of WoW and occasionally raiders have had the same problem with PvP gear, such as early castle nathria. Just make it so the gear from the activity you are doing is consistently the best gear to be using for the activity. Easy way to do this would be set bonuses from each form of content that deactivate in the others.

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This is where I don’t understand the raider mindset. They get endless pulls in raids and on bosses where there is nothing to lose if they wipe. Then raiders fuss about M+ not being “as hard as raiding” where you really only get one shot to get it right with 1/5 members of a raid team so it should give “worse” gear. If you get a weak pug in a raid it’s not the same penalty it is for a key run.

But you still get the highest loot if you don’t time the run. Raiders just get a repair bill.

(Not saying one is harder than the other but they both have ups and downs.

Do you honestly believe that timing 10s is harder than getting AOTC this tier? Timed 10s gives you rating to upgrade to 272. The last 3 on heroic give 272. M+ only gets harder when you start talking about pushing super high rating, which is well past the point M+ stops giving increased gear rewards.

There, fixed that for you.

I always pvp’d for gear then they made all the rewards RNG based and a whole lot of premade carries got involved, as far back as vanilla.

playing against a team of Romanian boost carriers was not so much fun…

Gate keeping. This game is all about keeping others from getting the same things you have. This is why boosters got their way and they got rid of titan forging. It didn’t hurt them at all but what it did do was create other players with equal gear levels and they did not like that for their boosting market.


It is not the only option. You can do Mythic + and get Mythic raid level gear. And if you are not doing content that needs better gear why do you need better gear?

why should the gear you get in raids be the best everywhere else? you dont need that ilvl when out in open world. you dont need it in BGs. you actually dont need all BIS in raids. If they put that BIS trinket on a world boss, stop complaining and do the grind if you want that reward. You dont have to have that trinket, you just feel entitled to it. The bosses will fall even if everyone in the raid isnt topped out. You want to stay in your raid and never have to touch the rest of the game. the game shouldnt be designed to give you everything you want.

I agree, thanks for seeing it my way. Do content or stop complaining.

Another person who refuses to understand value. Is it Sunday already?

the negative responses are from people who exploit the P2W aspects of WoW for personal gain, including RMT.

None of the choices, raiders (for the most part) don’t care what loot you have.

I used to do mythic raiding and always hated how big the ilvl gap would be between players. Always took way too much commitment to be competitive again after a hiatus, especially for pure dps classes.

This is actually one of the main reasons I went full casual on this game.

I will once they take away raider god mode in the open world and bgs.

yet there are a bunch of raiders in this thread that obviously do care.

Even the biggest proponent of world gear getting buffs (classic level 40 NE priest) admitted that “Rewards should be commensurate with the effort, skill, involved”.

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Nope. We don’t care what gear you have. We just want you to play the same content for the same rewards that you want.

World content should never reward bis gear because there is zero difficulty to it.


Gatekeeping doesn’t exist. Atleast not in the way you think it does. The only gatekeeping that exists is personal gatekeeping by people refusing to do xyz content.

They got rid of titanforging because it was a terrible system not because of boosters.

You’re clueless.

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A better question is why do the devs care.