Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

World/solo players are outside the realm of awareness of raiders.

To them they’re just aotc/key buyers.


Perhaps that they won’t, that if gear obtained through open world content isn’t painfully underpowered, it won’t force casuals into raiding. We hear this from players who would never accept a casual into their guild who needs help, and never helps strangers because they might be casuals, solo players, or casual, solo, open world players.

The reason world quest rewards suck in SL is because of complaints of raiders who felt “forced” to do quests that had decent rewards. Not even gear rewards, either, but gold or other currency should feel miserly enough that raiders would never feel compelled to do them.

Well, yeah. That’s kind of a given, and not totally a bad thing.


If open world content gave close to the top ilvl it would probably kill raiding altogether. I’d be willing to bet half or slightly over half of the people that raid do it for the gear.


Should the question be why do world content solo players care what item level raiders get?


You do realize ZM gives normal raid level loot right?


We don’t.

We care that open world content does not become a mandatory power grind that we still have to care about once we are heroic geared+.

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My question has always been, what do “open world” players consider to be an acceptable gear ceiling? and why does every other part of the player base accept that if you want better gear you have to do harder content… except them?


If raiders have the power over world content solo players to keep their gearing unrewarding and underpowered, that’s a problem for the game.

This is a videogame that is supposed to be selling itself as entertainment. If one demographic is able to deny the tools needed to have fun to another demographic, that’s actually a problem, even if it is only intended to pamper those who don’t feel right as long as johnny gets any gear at all. And we have been told in the forums by raiders that casuals deserve no gear upgrades ever, not even the tiniest, if they won’t mythic raid.

Is the purpose of the game for people to have fun, or is the only fun allowed knowing you kept others from having fun?


Reading this thread it seems like this is an imaginary argument of raiders trying to hold people down considering almost every post is the opposite.

The main topic that keeps repeating is how should reward vs difficulty be done or maintained?

“Deny the tools to have fun” like what are you even talking about?


How are raiders denying world players power? how are we stopping them from making key groups or raids entirely within their own population, and doing the raid or running keys for gear?


Oh boy, another Humanbeak bait thread. Notice how they posted an antagonizing idea to rile people up, and then literally never interacted with the thread again?

Basic troll gonna troll, I guess.

Raiders don’t care. Gold sellers do. The “HARDCORE RAIDER” on WoW forums is SusanExpress personified. They are afraid of Blizz fixing the systems because the systems are carefully designed to increase the size of the gold to cash and cash to gold markets.

The hard segregated item level brackets harm actual human good faith raiders more than non-raiders.

It makes the competitive aspect of raiding pointless, there’s more jokes about RWF guild paid funnels than vod views these days. The entire concept of WoW raiding has become something to mock.

It puts too much of the focus of raiding on personal BoP gains, so too many of the people in the active raider pool are just there for personal BoP gains, and they quit immediately when they get their personal BoP goals.

It draws too much of the active raider pool into cash carry market. The raider pool is way too top heavy in paid carriers. On A52 at any one time there is about 20:1 groups spamming to carry for cash versus groups listed for natural play.

The stat inflation completely hamstrings Blizz on what they can design for raids. Since the end game economics of raids are focused around paid carrying, the raids have to be designed to be carry-able. Once a carry group has near peak ilvl, the mythic raid is completely trivial, easier and faster than normal or LFR for ungeared people. The game effectively has no high difficulty mode, it just has a paid funnel mode that is locked behind 2-3 weeks grind for a carry group.

ilvl churn is a scam :stuck_out_tongue:


I think the root of this issue is the absolute out of control power gap that exists between the “casual” ilvl cap and the “raiding” ilvl cap. It’s never, in the history of all of wow, ever been as large as it is now. Lessen that gap and you won’t have as many complaints. Note, I said not as many and not “none”.

Edit - all the comments that I’ve seen about soloing old raids. “It’s fine at 272 ilvl” which is way out of this world for the casual players.

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Most of the “buff solo ilvl” threads I feel are just “give me rewards without making me do content” threads.

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The world content solo player gear cap is mainly quest blues in TBC classic right now while raiders are in Sunwell gear…

World content solo players getting within 26 item levels of the top end players is actually good since 4 raid difficulties came about in 5.4 of MoP with flex. Fully upgraded burden of eternity gear (535) off Timeless Isle was actually worse than flex (540 now normal). And the base TI gear for catchup was 32 item levels below LFR gear (496 to 528).

So I completely disagree with your statement because it’s based on feelings and not item level math.

That, is some grade A BS. ICC, wrath solo players were effectively capped at232, with 25H ICC dropping 277. Yes, you could get 251s from a vendor, but if you did your random heroic every day, and no raids, it would take a month to get 1 piece, and 5 months to get 4set.

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It’s not about the ilvl itself, it’s about the power gap. Two totally different things.

Got math to back that statement up?

That also wouldn’t make them a solo world content player either if you’re doing dungeons.

That type of gear would be even lower, limited to some Argent Tournament items.

Again, it’s not about the ilvl, it’s about the power gap. It’s like you don’t even pay attention.

what source of power that’s not gear is locked behind raids/M+/PvP?